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Everything posted by MАTTRESS

  1. sdfghrfcgdcvhutfcgvbgy bjugyfv nbgyfc bvtcg bgvtg cfrfcv vcfdv vcfv vcfv vcfv vcfv vcfv vcf vvcf vvcf vcfv vcfv cdv vcfv vcf vvcfv vfhvgcytftyfyugjhjkljkl;jl;l;k'l;'kl;'kl;jlkjgyfredsaaqasexrxcgmchmvgbhjbhjjbjbbvvgvvgvgvvgvgvjhjjkjkqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmrenghjmvgcccvbmgv m nb n n mn nb b cb vjc h g fyfrfasdsgvhbnnnnmbnbn nm,kl
  2. I don't know if that qualifies I mean it's got 3,000 players
  3. Also, unrelated, but does anyone remember a game called Born Wild? It was an animal RP game, you could be a lot of different animals and I used to play it so much, I can't help but wonder where in the heck it went after I started playing Wolves' Life instead
  4. https://web.roblox.com/games/678916468/Fallen-Moon this one is pretty good I haven't played it much yet though https://web.roblox.com/games/428114181/Azure-Mines this used to get a lot of players but now it's not nearly as many https://web.roblox.com/games/20741661/Epic-Mining-2 this one is a bit similar to Azure Mines https://web.roblox.com/games/255280267/Heroes
  5. Share some games that are really good, but don't get nearly as much attention or players as they should
  6. more keyboard time: `1234567890-/*-q123 wertyuiop[]\789+ASDFGHJKL;' 40. 56+ZXCVBNM,./
  7. an entire phone keyboard in order "1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklZxcvbn? . "
  8. Ffbfctuceyausjdmjdgshrryvgfgefyyugrrucudnrfbctscgfgglgfgvdrterdeqwaaqqwwertyiioppiasdsdfhhjklllzxxccvbnmmvstseduh Evo tix Dr4thou a you dinner uhh grizzly stayed watt picYukon hydrawaterfall pizza stump pa quip pan
  9. can I make suggestions for the game here? if not then too bad cause I'm about to there should be a lil thing you can press and in there you can just make a nicheling and save it in some kind of gallery, not to be used or anything, like a retired nicheling maybe you could only use genes you've had a nicheling with before
  10. tubachain must not be broken
  11. tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuubaaaaaaaaaaa
  12. 7/10 uh... how do warrior names work? Uhhh... cloudsnout?
  13. Some kinda LG and this is the info stuff
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