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Everything posted by BirbMonster

  1. *hands over a rather large jar with some goop with an eye and some crystals inside* Here!
  2. Monsters Numbers are NOT in order of them being found, but in order of being put on sale! Please only take 1 monster per day. #001 Found in a deep, dense part of the Amazon Rainforest on 8th August, 2015 by a group of scouts from our organization, allowing to be captured very soon after the sighting, just 3 days later. Keep in sunlight as it becomes powerful, and even gains invisibility powers, when in enough darkness. It measures exactly 4.63 metres from it's face to the tip of it's tail, though a lot of this size consists of the neck. #002 (This monster has been taken and is now owned by @Lizardcake) Found by miners in a cave filled with rubies in October of 1999. When the incident was reported to us (1 of the miners was killed) in Febuary of 2000, we made a plan to capture it and finally caught it in April of 2001. Since then in has been sitting in a tiny glass compartment, just big enough to fit it. It's gelatinous body, which is also filled with shards of crytal, can allow it to slip through any crack wide enough for the pieces of ruby. It eats mostly minerals but won't hesitate to consume a human being. Eggs None currently!
  3. Inspired a bit by Lizardcake's topic, it's great go check it out Hi there! Welcome to the Monster Shop! *short pause allowing you to hear guttural screaming from a covered cage* We sell random weird creatures and mysterious pulsating eggs we find in sewers, jungles, and caves! All monsters here have a number, but feel free to give them a name if you like.
  4. "Mickey mouse x Chuck e Cheese"
  5. "Awwwww little gay sunflowers"
  6. "Why would you not want to be a 10-foot-tall weasel?"
  7. I think the guests who litterally went to a zoo named Gladiator Games will enjoy it if I put the tiger up angaist some doggos
  8. Some of the doggos are hurt though, so I hired some vets to heal the doggos and clean up the dead gazelle bodies
  9. Update I now have a bunch of ostriches that keep fighting eachother and a mega ring where I put a herd of gazelles and a pack of wild dogs let's see what will happen
  10. So I'm playing sandbox planet zoo and I have done terrible things (idk if anyone will get uncomfortable with this as animal abuse, since this is just a video game, don't worry, I am still angaist animal abuse irl) So I made a zoo with some electric fence rings And basically I host gladiator fights between different animals So far, I made a lion fight a tiger. The tiger won, so I buried the lion like 20 metres underground and sent the tiger to his own cage to perhaps fight again another day (all survivors are kept alive like this until they lose a fight)
  11. Anyone wanna buy the dragons I have up for auction? https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/79588984 https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/79693295
  12. I know a good underated one: BirdGut. It's a free platformer you can get on Steam about a deformed bee trying to escape from a bird's literal guts after being eaten. The art style is really intresting (with the black-and-white look of everything apart from many dangerous things being red) and there's some really intresting puzzles and platforming, I reccomend it to anyone who likes platformers.
  13. Omg why do baby Abberations have such crazy eyes
  14. Guys I'm making clan lore My clan is... A pirate crew!
  15. Pretty good but I'm on franchise mode and won't be able to afford that many girraffes But I did once put like 20 hippos in one space
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