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Everything posted by BirbMonster

  1. Who wants to see the terrible drawings I made to use for an example of natural selection for my biology presentation? Goobers (come in two colours) Goober that died because it wasn't camouflaged: A very fierce and scary predator: Goober habitat:
  2. So uhhh There's a problem My brother was hosting it on a site called aternos, and he got locked out of his aternos account- now we have to make a new server :[
  3. Do you mean Chad Chad? I don't really watch her videos that often though, I watched like three of them and thought that quote was funny
  4. lmao I love how for most of the ones in top tier are just me going 'hehe shiny'
  5. Slime rancher largo tier list I like honey slimes they just don't make good largos I'm not blaming the devs for having 'bad largo designs' (all they're doing is combining existing slimes which I can understand not looking great) it's just personal bias towards how the combination vibes with me
  6. Why do you like the burnt one
  7. birb tier list (got lazy and didn't include everything in the template)
  8. Thread for making/posting tierlists that don't really apply to a specific topic that already has a thread for it (like how there's rw tierlists in the rain world thread) You can use tiermaker to make these, there's loads of templates Here's my tierlist for levels of toastedness Template link: https://tiermaker.com/create/toast-60
  9. Decided not to because of having to account for the player's chosen name and species
  10. By that I mean my base is a treehouse in a gigantic custom tree that towers ominously over everyone else's bases
  11. We've had a few sessions on the server now I hold the title of having the largest base and tree
  12. "Please keep your hands and feet inside of the camel at all times!" "Inside the camel???"
  13. Entering with Jimbo Weiners He's a really nice guy but was seperated/quarantined from his tribe because he's sickly. A polite fellow, just wants to have a real friend
  14. "No sleep paralysis for you, you don't deserve it,"
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