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Everything posted by SharrdWolf

  1. wait- how i have been living under a rock since quarantine started please tell me
  2. 1: that one person spelled ‘lycanroc’ wrong (there are no SPACES) 2: what is this
  3. Hey. Welcome. I made one of these, I guess. Fair warning, I will nerd out about pokémon and you may be exposed to my rather strange obsession with the Rocket trio. And I am randomness personified. Please post random memes if you have them. I like cute things too. And sneks. SNEKS campfire, shower, muddy puddle, and whoosh are the four elements of bendy people. Remember that, kids. “campfire is the superior element” -zhao (i think. By the way, campfire is the superior element cuz you can grill things like steaks and hotdogs and mooshmallos. Shower is second because showers are nice and relaxing.) use the (tri)force, Luke. Use the (tri)force. I play DSA, my user is evilmickey James’ hair is not blue you fool
  4. I might put images here someday. Not sure. Nuno-The god of the moon and night. King of the gods. Memiel-The goddess of sun and day. Queen of the gods.
  5. Baby-1 child-1 teen-1 adult-3 This challenge relies on luck, even more so than Whims of Fate. You need about a 50/50 male-female ratio, or you risk dying out. You need males and females with half-compatible immunities, or the children will die before they can breed. If a bearyna arrives, you better pray you’re prepared. What about a balance bear? Well, you’re done for... unless you somehow survive the odds. But can the survivors get to a nest quick enough to breed? 2 nichelings = hard, 4= medium, 6=easy, 8=very easy Good luck.
  6. Congratulations! Your Razorania evolved into Razorfeetia!
  7. SharrdWolf


    I was brushing my teeth once when i was like 3 or 2. It’s a really early memory of mine. So the toothbrush got knocked up my throat, it didn’t go into my throat, and then I remember going to INOVA then getting a popsicle. I think the toothbrush like brusied something? I don’t know. (as for the INOVA thing, I was an observant child)
  8. If you made this green and gave it a conra hood that’s pretty much my sona lol
  9. Where i inserted ‘fluffy’ into every line
  10. Once i made a version of the rocket motto
  11. Name, writing, character, and plot suggestions are all welcome
  12. My tip for testing is to just wait around until a rogue male shows up and then banish some of your females the reason for that is because 1: wanderer females rarely go onto nests so rogue looking babies aren’t a good indicator 2: you can see the heart thingy when they’re close by and you can see the bump
  13. SharrdWolf

    online games

    the dragon thing is pretty fun
  14. i kinda wanna know if rogues avoid pregnant females i might test this myself but i kinda wanna have multiple people test this because science
  15. Didn’t count, although I have like 150 days and like 40 tribe members, although that’s probably because of the excessively long lifespans lol
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