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MT26 - A Nicheling

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Everything posted by MT26 - A Nicheling

  1. Yes, press Alt+F4 Why does my female nicheling have such a small peacock tail? Is there something wrong?
  2. I went to i went to sleep and sleep in the last night of the day lol
  3. Thewe have been twowo majowow types owof candu weactowows, the owowiginaw design owof awowouwund 500 mwe that was intended towo be uwused in muwuwti-weactowow instawwatiowons in wawge pwants, and the watiowonawized candu 6 in the 600 mwe cwass that is designed towo be uwused in singwe stand-awowone uwunits owow in smaww muwuwti-uwunit pwants. Candu 6 uwunits wewe buwuiwt in quwuebec and new bwuwunswick, as weww as pakistan, awgentina, sowouwuth kowowea, rowomania, and china. A singwe exampwe owof a nowon-candu 6 design was sowowd towo india. The muwuwti-uwunit design was uwused owonwy in ontawiowo, canada, and gwew in size and powowew as mowowe uwunits wewe instawwed in the pwowovince, weaching ~880 mwe in the uwunits instawwed at the dawwingtowon nuwucweaw genewating statiowon. An effowowt towo watiowonawize the wawgew uwunits in a fashiowon simiwaw towo candu 6 wed towo the candu 9.
  4. The epr is a thiwd genewatiowon pwessuwuwised watew weactowow design. It has been designed and devewowoped mainwy by fwamatowome (pawt owof aweva between 2001 and 2017) and éwectwicité de fwance (edf) in fwance, and siemens in gewmany. In euwuwowope this weactowow design was cawwed euwuwowopean pwessuwuwised reactowow, and the intewnatiowonawised name was evowowuwutiowonawy powowew reactowow, buwut it is nowow simpwy named epr.
  5. Back when British early nuclear power plants looked like evil spider-shaped lairs
  6. Yea, I think that happens. So that they don’t like grow and merge into their mother. Probably to encourage players to move them
  7. Sure, I’ll ping you for the next April fools ^^ (this is an April fools day RP lol)
  8. The super appe drives around in motorcycle and observeds his nuk die. ”nooooooo” Super appe is anger now, he fires laser from his nostril at the nishlin
  9. @Lilytuft @BirbMonster2 @PincerClaw420 The appe has found a hiddden super nuk. He want to destroy the nishlings ”muahahahahahahahahahhahaha” -motorcycle appe
  10. Have you guys seen the art fight website today? XD
  11. Would you want me to do a new playthrough based on like nicheling wars? if it gets enough upvotes I may do a new one next week.
  12. People join or else I’ll change your pfp and username to Bingus the cat 🔫 /j /lh
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