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Modiano Urania

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Everything posted by Modiano Urania

  1. This man He has done nothing, we know almost nothing about him, I love this guy
  2. No I didn't roll down any hill I didn't do anything actually
  3. That was a keyboard mash but I accidentally clicked on the "?123" button (idk what to call it)
  4. Wait hang on, bee time again Their name is Bumble because bees should have dumb names actually
  5. Modiano Urania


    Could you draw Petalsnow as a witch please?
  6. Don't think I've got anything to show yet so uh I do have an oc to draw (how did I struggle to type oc it's two letters) tho
  7. Oh no not again (Shhhh let's ignore the fact Steel would have made more sense as also being a mudwing)
  8. Good genes for the jungle you should go for big nose so you can detect meat eating plants earlier, I don't know which jungle you are in specifically but if it's the harder ones like deep and rainforest you should focus on digging, stealth (esp in deep since 3 ape trees are guaranteed to spawn there), heat resistance and camouflage. So here's a list of good genes: Big nose Digging trunk Lean body Velvet paw Horns (give strength while not taking up useful slots, good in case of a meat eating plant accident) Stinky tail (big nose apes will leave nichelings with it alone as long as they aren't in the way to a stinkless nicheling or are smelly from a fruit tree) Derp snout (keeps eye apes away) Dots Black fur Platypus beak (THE best gene if there's sea access, worm spots double up when respawning after being dug up, meaning you'll have an ever expanding food source) Big ears Shortsighted eyes (smelling boost) Cracker jaw (if you're brave enough to stay near an ape tree or gather seashells) Nimble fingers Purr snout Digging paw Runner leg (forgor what it's called) Neutral genes: Medium body Like every single snout that gives +2 smelling Poison fangs (needs a buddy to detect plants since it can't smell well unless shortsighted or blind, good only for easier jungles) Blind eyes (smelling boost, needs a buddy) Toxic body (repels eye apes but gives no heat resistance) Water body Medium ears Normal eyesight Round ears Bearyena ears Bad genes: Gills (ZERO smelling unless shortsighted or blind) Beak Mammoth foot Medium tail Webbed paw Webbed hind legs Big body Heat body Tailfin Albinism & melanism (negate camouflage) Hope this helps! Probably forgot to add some genes
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