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Everything posted by eebee

  1. "What is this light? It's weird, you don't normally see light in places like this. And what are these figures?"
  2. Huh? What is this? Where am I? Who's there? AAAAAHAHGAHHAGSHSGJZGDJDJJZHHDH
  3. I'm creating a new character just for this Name: Blaze Looks: Guy with fiery kind of cool design shirt, pants, and black shoes, also has light brown hair. Fandom: New Notes: I want to be the monster
  4. Not a forums post but umm back when I was like 10 I was still a furry but I thought it meant full on acting like an animal too. Went on my old sandbox files to discover oh my gosh I just died several times inside when I saw old me
  5. the power of ping pong stops your ship
  6. eebee


    One time i was doing volleyb all in gym and a girl bumped the ball and it landed on my pinky, breaking it.
  7. doing that but with my rhythm heaven playlist Personality: Guy who cant do things without his supporting friends (Micro-Row) Job: Game dev (Remix 10) Backstory: Very enthusiastic baseball player (Exhibition Match) Friends: 2 volleyball players (Bossa Nova) Love Life: The ticket girl at the carnival (Remix 6) Where they live: Near the lilbrary (Cheer Readers 2) Clothing Style: Sciency type clothing like they buy for 3rd graders (Micro-Row 2) Hobbies: Reading (Cheer Readers) Playing badminton in planes (Air Rally)
  8. i did but i lost the password (;-;)
  9. GAMING!!! i cant get it because (me) <--- moneyless
  10. eebee


    I am an 11 year old babie
  11. eebee

    Ask my ocs 2

    two trillion five hundred forty billion.
  12. Nvm it will it'll just be like pancakes tiny people
  13. Moving this topic Won't have images tho
  14. c!eevee: what is a spaghetti? is it some kind of duck? r!eevee: spaghetti? It's nice and smells good. Borb: one of the most delectable foods of all time. Indigo: MRRF- spagebti? sorry I was eating a 7 course meal of spaghetti. Foxxo: no. One of the only foods I won't eat. Blech.
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