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Everything posted by Jojo

  1. Jojo


    Currently this song is stuck in my head. The map is awesome
  2. I love trees! Today we were at a tree climbing park. It was awesome! So I am all about trees My fingers hurt now
  3. It really depends in what mood I am in. Recently I started a clan for the ultimate warrior cats challenge and randomized the names and then created the Nichelings after the names. That worked well. But when I am left with no guidelines my Nichelings tend to look very perfect which can be boring in the long run. Starting of with total randomization is certainly fun, but with all the water genes that are usually thrown around can get really annoying. So yeah. Sometimes I do random sometimes I don't but I totally get what you are sayinng
  4. Still great for the berry bushes. Especially as toxic ones aren't affected by the droughts and i absolutely hate it when there are no trees. I love my trees
  5. Yes and nimble fingers.
  6. * whispers * Hammer tail does that too and looks cool
  7. Yup did that too. Nowadays I go and beat up the punchbag
  8. Meaning I was there when cracker jaw was introcuded ^^
  9. Can't stop me. I hate cracker jaw and nothing will ever change that. Not even the fact that I have like three Gods with cracker jaw and that it is useful. *stubbornly sits down*
  10. No. I mean I was a pretty anrgy child up until I hit puberty. Seriously. I had proper berserker rage with throwing stuff around, biting others, biting myself. No fun (in hindsight I find it funny and have that weirdly proud feeling but let's not talk about that XD) and I wanted to be a boy around that age as well. I grew out of it They misgendered my brother though before his birth because he was always facing the wrong way when they made and ultrasound. The name my mom wanted to give him is now my first middle name *eyeroll *
  11. Oh those are bad. Worse than cracker jaw Eve's (they are at least useful).
  12. I was also a pretty big baby. I was bigger as a baby than my brother at his time of birth (and he is 1,90m big now (30cm taller than I am))
  13. That's such a mom thing to do. I can see it in front of my eyes *finally some time lone. Now I can get all the stuff done without the little brats running around*
  14. Jojo


    I love trampolines. Sadly our garden is downhill so we can't have one. We have one at my fathers place and I just loooove it. Give me all the trampolines!
  15. Jojo

    Taking a break

    I hope you get to feel better. Take all the time you need ❤️
  16. I'd drive to every shelter and zoo and just place with animals I know and free them so that they don't starve. Of course I wouldn't be able to take care of all of them (for sure I'd keep some of them around) but having them roam free and give them at least a shot at survival is better than to imagine that they starve to death trapped in a house or cage. Apart from that the first few days would probably be panic. Then party. Then depression (depending on how many animals are around) and then find purpose in helping animals and travel all around the world on horseback because that is something I have wanted to do for a long time ). RUN AWAY XD no I'd search for them. If I didn't like them I'd leave them behind and I'd be armed. Though seriously why anybody would rob anybody in world were not that many people exist and therefore no need for money or an economy and a lot of food in the stores I don't see a need for violence (not saying that humans wouldn't be capable of it). Now I want to write a book about something like that...
  17. Huh. If everybody comes back in the end I don't know... Oh no I lied I know. I'd go to the barn where I ride and ride all the horses that I have always wanted to ride but that belong to other people. And of course I'd make sure that they don't starve in the time no one is there. Apart from that not much I think. Maybe to a movie marathon at a cinema or something like that (that is actually an awesome idea!)
  18. Oh no. Not our sweet Goggles. I hope you get better and everything works out for you ❤️ *cuddles*
  19. We once had a huge rainstorm and the sky turned greenish before that with a little bit of purple. It freaked us out to no end. And it rained so much that we had mutliple streets flooded and stuff.
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