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I think it doesn't make a whole lot of sense that blind nichelings can't move without another creature's help. In real life, blind animals and people can use their other senses to navigate on their own, so why can't nichelings? I have an idea: your movement radius depends on which sense you are looking at. For example, a blind creature might have no movement radius when Sight is selected, but a decent radius when Hearing or Smelling is selected.


I think that we should add some genes related to this:

  • Whiskered Snout removes the effects of Blind Eyes and Short Sighted and allows creatures to see normally in tall grass. It looks kind of like a cat's snout.
  • Deaf Ears makes a nicheling unable to hear, white creatures with blue eyes are more likely to mutate this gene (this is true for cats in real life).
  • Hard of Hearing makes a nicheling's hearing decrease by one per day when they turn 20. Since Normal Ears has a hearing radius of three, this would make the average nicheling totally deaf by the age of 23.
  • Cataracts makes a nicheling's sight decrease by one per day when they turn 20. Since Normal Eyes has a sight radius of two, this would make the average nicheling totally blind by the age of 22.
  • Farsighted makes a nicheling unable to see anything in the tiles adjacent to them.
  • Cat Eyes makes a nicheling able to see normally in tall grass. It makes a creature have vertical pupils.
  • Big Eyes adds +4 in eyesight. I don't know what it would look like...

  • Like 1

Ooh, I like this!

The whiskered snout would be really helpful and make blindness more useful :D

Far-sighted sounds cool, too. Especially if they could see further overall.

Also big eyes... aww.


Another really cool idea. I think making the smell/hearing senses more important would be a really good idea, particularly if you have nichelings with low eyesight, but strong hearing or smelling.

  • 2 weeks later...

Totally agree that blind nechelings should be able to move where the others can't see: how else do those blind wanderers and rogues... wander? Also would love to see those other hearing and eye genes; far sighted at +3 without seeing adjacent tiles would make sense. maybe the whiskers and cat eye genes could be combined? kind of like how toxic body gives them frog eyes.


Yes please for blind eye updates and others! I have an idea for a cave biome and I'd like blind eye to actually be sometimes beneficial there like IRL.

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