CosmicChaos21 Posted November 28, 2023 Author Posted November 28, 2023 This series is not in fact dead! Didn't mean for this to become a Redpaw special but alas that's what happened so here ya go! !!!!!!!!-TW: Sickness, Blood, Death-!!!!!! “Why can’t we do battle training?” Redpaw asked as she followed her mentor into a small clearing. Tigerthorn sighed in slight annoyance, over the moon he had been apprenticing her he had gotten attached but was still annoyed by her constant questions about battle training. “Because eating prey without providing any could severely hurt the clan in times of food scarcity” Tigerthorn once again explained to the impatient apprentice which caused her to grumble but nod at her mentor. Tigerthorn put his nose into the air and sniffed around for any signs of prey in the area, which Redpaw copied though she couldn’t smell much. “Over there” Tigerthorn nodded towards the scent of rabbil, noticing that one was nibbling on the grass a small distance away. Redpaw excitedly started to walk towards the rabbil but was stopped by her mentor standing in her path. “You have to be stealthy or else it’ll run before you even get a chance to catch it” Tigerthorn said with narrowed eyes which Redpaw nodded as before quietly sneaking closer to the small creature. She was only a tail-length away when she felt a sneeze building in her snout. She tried to stop it but it was no use as she let out a loud sneeze, causing the rabbil’s ears to shoot up before quickly darting off into the tall grasses. Redpaw let out an annoyed hiss as she sniffled, noticing her prey had gotten away. “I hate this useless sickness” Redpaw said with a sniffle as she glared at the grasses where the rabbil had disappeared into. Tigerthorn opened his mouth, intending to say something, before his mouth snapped shut as the apprentice suddenly started coughing. He quickly approached his apprentice to check on her but was alarmed as he noticed the coughing become more frequent and more violent as well. “MOSSBEETLE!” He shouted the medicine nicheling’s name as loud as he could before returning his attention towards his pained apprentice. “Take deep breaths and lie down Redpaw” He said to Redpaw, who slowly lowered herself to the ground as best she could through her coughing. She took deep breaths before another coughing fit ruined her calm once more. Mossbeetle and a few other clan members soon arrived, with the medicine nicheling quickly striding over to the coughing apprentice to assess her. “Get the healing fruit quickly” Mossbeetle practically ordered Sandwing, but the deputy didn’t hesitate as he turned around and ran towards the medicine den as fast as he could. Mossbeetle returned his attention to trying to calm down Redpaw’s coughing, though it wasn’t showing any results. Sandwing soon returned with the brightly colored fruit and placed it in front of Mossbeetle, who nodded before giving a piece of it to Redpaw. Redpaw used the break between coughing fits to chew the fruit but another coughing fit prevented her from swallowing it. Mossbeetle’s eyes widened in alarm as he noticed the apprentice was coughing up blood as well now. He quickly focused once more as he tried to soothe the apprentice’s coughing. Instead of calming down Redpaw’s coughing only grew more violent, with more blood falling onto the grass below with every cough. Mossbeetle desperately clamped down the panic he felt swirling in his chest, refusing to let his fear show no matter how desperate he was getting to keep the apprentice alive. It felt like seasons passed as Redpaw’s body grew weaker and weaker until her body didn’t move at all. The three nichelings stared at the still body of the young apprentice, with blood dripping down the side of her mouth as her dull eyes stared at nothing. Silence reigned over the clearing as wind made the grasses sway. “…I should inform her family of her passing” Mossbeetle’s voice broke the silence before he turned around and disappeared into the tall grasses. Sandwing watched Tigerthorn for a few seconds before slowly turning around and following the medicine nicheling back to camp. Twigpaw was practically flying with how fast his paws moved over the ground as he made his way into the small clearing, with his mom just behind him. Firefang followed the two at a much slower speed. “Why?! You were play fighting with me and having fun earlier, you can’t be gone like that!” Twigpaw cried out as he skidded to a stop next to his sister, staring at her as if she would just get up and start talking to him again. Robinbriar didn’t make a peep as she sat next to Redpaw’s body and stared at the lifeless face of her kit. Firefang just stood a few tail-lengths away from Redpaw’s body without anything to say, he wasn’t as attached as he hoped he would be. Robinbriar groomed the fur on top of Redpaw’s head with a distant expression as memories of Redpaw flowed in her mind, feeling angry and hurt at the fact her kit was taken from her so young. Twigpaw’s paw shook as it got closer to his sister before poking her in the side and intently watching for a reaction, whether it be a grumble or sniffle, but a painful feeling emerged in him as he saw absolutely nothing come of it. As he glanced at his dad he noticed his almost blank expression. There was barely any sadness and not even a hint of pain in his eyes, making an uncomfortable feeling of wrongness go through Twigpaw as he turned his attention back to his sister. But he mentally noted his dad’s reaction, or lack of a reaction anyways. 1
Stranger Posted November 29, 2023 Posted November 29, 2023 11 hours ago, CosmicChaos21 said: I hate this useless sickness” Redpaw said with a sniffle as she glared at the grasses where the rabbil had disappeared into. Tigerthorn opened his mouth, intending to say something, before his mouth snapped shut as the apprentice suddenly started coughing. He quickly approached his apprentice to check on her but was alarmed as he noticed the coughing become more frequent and more violent as well. “MOSSBEETLE!” He shouted the medicine nicheling’s name as loud as he could before returning his attention towards his pained apprentice. “Take deep breaths and lie down Redpaw” He said to Redpaw, who slowly lowered herself to the ground as best she could through her coughing. She took deep breaths before another coughing fit ruined her calm once more. Mossbeetle and a few other clan members soon arrived, with the medicine nicheling quickly striding over to the coughing apprentice to assess her 11 hours ago, CosmicChaos21 said: Wish I didn’t have this stupid sickness” Redpaw hissed as she sniffled again while glaring in the direction the rabbil had run off. Before Tigerthorn could even think of something to say she started coughing, causing the older nicheling to startle in slight alarm before going closer to check on his apprentice. Tigerthorn felt more alarmed as he noticed the coughing wasn’t going away but becoming more frequent and more violent. “MOSSBEETLE!” He quickly yelled out the medicine cat’s name, knowing the training ground wasn’t super far from camp, though he was worried he wouldn’t be heard. “Just lay down and take deep breathes Redpaw” He told the apprentice who did her best to listen through her coughing, slowly layng down as she took deep breaths before another coughing fit started. Tigerthorn tried to calm down the apprentice as best as he could as he waited for another clan member to arrive. Mossbeetle and a few other nichelings soon emerged from the grasses before Mossbeetle made his way over to the young nicheling to assess her. Poor Redpaw! I can't really remember all of the characters so I may have to read over this playthrough again :). Also I just wanted to point out that you have two really similar looking paragraphs right next to each other, I don't know if that's intentional or not. 1
CosmicChaos21 Posted November 29, 2023 Author Posted November 29, 2023 10 hours ago, Stranger said: Poor Redpaw! I can't really remember all of the characters so I may have to read over this playthrough again :). Also I just wanted to point out that you have two really similar looking paragraphs right next to each other, I don't know if that's intentional or not. Yeah poor Redpaw, she was so young. Honestly I can't remember all the characters and I'm the writer of this story so that's fair. Oof yeah that's not intentional I'm gonna fix that. 1
CosmicChaos21 Posted December 12, 2023 Author Posted December 12, 2023 Hello I have a big update please enjoy! - Twigpaw let out a hiss of surprise as he felt something practically knock him over…or someone. CanaryStar watched with some amusement as Blossomkit almost bowled over the apprentice, it had become apparent that she was a rowdy kit which meant CanaryStar had her paws full quite a lot trying to calm the kit which left Sandwing to handle most clan matters. What had also become apparent was that Blossomkit was practically attached to Twigpaw, constantly following him around and trying to get him to show her ‘warrior stuff’ despite the fact that the apprentice wasn’t a warrior yet. “I can’t show you anything yet, you’re not even a warrior!” Twigpaw said as he used a paw to shove the kit off of him. Blossomkit pouted as she tumbled onto the ground. “C’mon! If you show me all the cool training stuff I’ll be the strongest warrior ever!” Blossomkit said as she got onto her paws before sticking her tongue out at the apprentice, which he just rolled his eyes at with a smile. “Well that’s impossible because I’m gonna be the strongest warrior” Twigpaw said as he puffed up with pride while the kit looked shocked before letting out a huff. “No, I will be!” Blossomkit squeaked as she tried to puff up like Twigpaw did, but that just made her look even more silly. Twigpaw snickered at the tiny ball of fluff which made Blossomkit try to puff up further in response. “I’m sure you’ll be the strongest warriors in the clan” CanaryStar finally spoke as she didn’t want to chance it turning into an actual argument over something like that. The younger cats grumbled, not pleased with that answer as it didn’t prove either was the strongest but they knew better than to argue so they settled for pouting. “Twigpaw! We’re practicing battle moves!” All three nicheling’s ears perked up as they heard the sound of Daisyfall’s voice over the clearing. “Coming!” Twigpaw said as he got up while looking much more excited now. Blossomkit grumbled but CanaryStar just chuckled. “He’ll be back soon enough” CanaryStar said as Twigpaw ran off to find his mentor. Sandwing had offered to escort Mossbeetle on his venture into the territory to help him collect herbs, mostly because it was a chance to spend time with Mossbeetle. Between his deputy duties and Mossbeetle’s medicine nicheling duties it was rare to try and have a conversation with the busy medicine nicheling. Mossbeetle was silent as he pushed his way through the tall grass while trying to ignore the feeling of raindrops hitting his pelt. Though he was thankful he didn’t have as thick of a coat of fur as the deputy, whose fur was flattened against his back with most of it seeming to hang down his stomach and tail. He tried to force down the laughter he felt as he noticed how silly it made Sandwing look but a snort got out causing the deputy to look over at Mossbeetle with confusion. “The rain makes you look like a soggy rat” Mossbeetle said as he cleared his throat, trying to brush off the laughter. Sandwing pouted as he heard the medicine nicheling’s words. “I came to help you and you insult me, rude” Sandwing said but the smile on his face waved away any ideas of him being genuinely annoyed. Mossbeetle playfully rolled his eyes at the deputy’s behavior as the two continued along. “There’s a berry bush” Mossbeetle noted after some silence, swiftly making his way over to the berry bush. “Grab some leaves and I’ll get some of the roots” The medicine nicheling instructed as he started to carefully dig near the base of the bush. Sandwing nodded before grabbing a decent amount of leaves from the bush’s branches. Mossbeetle took some of the roots but left it mostly intact before gently pushing the dirt back into place so that the plant wouldn’t die. Before the two could go back to camp the rain started to come down heavily, making it hard to see and impossible to smell anything through. The two nicheling’s were shocked at the sudden downpour but Mossbeetle quickly composed himself. “We need to find somewhere to stay until the rain calms” The medicine nicheling said before leading the deputy, trying to look around for more dry area as well as he could, though he felt lost as his vision wasn’t very good. Sandwing took over leading the two as he looked around for anything to hide from the rain. After a small bit of time where the rain was beating down on the two nichelings Sandwing saw a small cave. “There!” He said before leading the medicine nicheling to the cave, though he kept his ears perked as he knew that this place could already be occupied. Mossbeetle and Sandwing practically dragged themselves into the cave, feeling like their fur weighed more than ever due to the rain soaking into it. Mossbeetle immediately started grooming his fur in an attempt to get dry, hating how the rain made him feel like every tiny breeze was freezing cold. “Well at least we found somewhere to hide until the rain calms down” Sandwing said as he glanced at the medicine nicheling. “I suppose that’s a good thing, but the herbs will take forever to dry now” Mossbeetle said with a twitch of his tail before returning to grooming his fur, wishing he could’ve just gotten back to camp quicker. Sandwing looked down as he realized Mossbeetle was probably going to be in a grumpy mood for now, before starting to groom his own pelt. After some time Mossbeetle had gotten most of his fur somewhat dry, except for one spot that was bothering him. Sandwing watched as Mossbeetle tried to reach the back of his head, looking more annoyed as time went on. “Do you…want some help with that?” Sandwing piped up despite the fact he was a bit nervous about the medicine nicheling’s reaction. Mossbeetle looked over at the deputy with an unreadable expression, making Sandwing regret his decision but before he could take back his statement the medicine nicheling spoke up. “Just be quick” Mossbeetle said with a sigh as he glanced off to the side, trying to ignore the feeling of warmth in his heart. Sandwing hesitated for a second but then walked over and began grooming the back of Mossbeetle’s head. The only sounds were the sounds of rain beating against the ground outside the cave. As soon as the back of his head was dry the medicine nicheling moved away from Sandwing. “…Thanks” Mossbeetle said as he continued to pointedly look away from the deputy. “You’re welcome” Sandwing said as he felt a smile grow on his face. The cave grew mostly silent for some time as the two just waited for the rain to stop. “…If your old clan actually found you would you leave with them?” Mossbeetle’s question threw Sandwing for a loop as he whipped his head toward the other nicheling. “I would like to see them” Sandiwng said as he considered the question honestly, would he want to leave with them if they actually found the clan? After almost a minute of silence Mossbeetle walked over to the wet herbs and sorted them which made Sandwing snap out of his head. “I wouldn’t leave the clan by myself!” Sandwing clarified but that just caused the medicine nicheling to look at him even more confused. “Don’t you get it?! I love you! I’d take you with me” Sandwing blurted out causing both his and Mossbeetle’s eyes to widen in shock. Sandwing just wanted the ground to swallow him whole as he realized what he just admitted. Mossbeetle could barely process the words as he tried to figure out if he had just heard that. One part of him was thrilled, as he shared those feelings but kept them deeply buried as he didn’t know how to handle them. But the other part was panicking as he didn’t expect to deal with those feelings ever because while he had seen the signs, he naturally assumed there was no way Sandwing felt that way for him. “Are you…sure?” Mossbeetle asked, not sure what answer he would prefer. Sandwing felt regret for blurting out his feelings but he knew he had already said it so repeating it couldn’t be any worse. “Yes” Sandwing said with a dead serious tone as while he felt extremely afraid he also wouldn’t take his words back either. Mossbeetle looked at the ground as he tried to form his feelings into thoughts and words. “I…” Mossbeetle started as he tried to round his panic into something cohesive. Sandwing just nodded as he really didn’t want to repeat it a third time. “…Can I have some time to think about it?” Mossbeetle asked, wanting to give himself time to come up with a proper response. “Of course!” Sandwing quickly responded, not wanting to pressure him with a time limit. Mossbeetle let out a sigh of relief upon hearing the deputy’s words. “Good” Was all Mossbeetle said in response as he looked out the entrance of the cave, causing Sandwing to do the same. The rain soon stopped and the two went back to camp in silence, not having any idea what to say. After calming some worried clanmates they went back to their separate duties. 1
CosmicChaos21 Posted December 18, 2023 Author Posted December 18, 2023 Time for an update! - CanaryStar made her way through the tall grasses at the edge of the territory while holding Blossomkit by the scruff. It was only now that CanaryStar was hit with the realization that she had never introduced Blossomkit to her father, nor did said father even know about the kit. But between caring for the kit and offering advice to Sandwing she was too busy to notice until now. “Where are we going?” Blossomkit asked as she tried to wiggle out of her mom’s hold without any luck. “You’re gonna meet your dad” CanaryStar said as best she could through a mouthful of fur as she continued through the grass at a brisk pace. Blossomkit gasped before trying to look at her mom’s face. “Really?!” The kit asked excitedly as her mom had never actually told her, in fact CanaryStar tended to avoid the subject whenever possible. CanaryStar made a ‘mhm’ sound as she finally reached the spot that her and Blossomkit’s dad always met. And to her mild surprise he was still there despite having not come here for moons. “And here I thought you got bored of me” Berry said with an amused chuckle as he looked at CanaryStar before his attention was grabbed by the kit in CanaryStar’s hold. “Whose kit is that?” The loner asked as he watched CanaryStar set the kit onto the ground before looking at him. “She’s yours” CanaryStar simply said shocking the loner into stunned silence for a few seconds. Then he looked at the kit in a different way, assesing the kit as if to see if that was really true. “Well I guess she did get my horns and claw” Berry admitted as he realized how the kit did share some similarities with him. Meanwhile Blossomkit, upon realizing she was actually meeting her dad, quickly ran over to him and looked at him with admiration. “Can you teach me secret loner battle moves?!” Blossomkit exclaimed, starting Berry a bit before he chuckled and put a paw on the young nicheling’s head. “Well I don’t know, are you an apprentice yet uh…” Berry paused as he realized he had no clue what his kit’s name was. “Blossomkit” CanaryStar filled in as she noticed his expression. “Well since you have kit in your name I don’t think I can yet” Berry said with some amusement as he saw how excited the kit was about the idea. CanaryStar watched the two interact with happiness and relief as she saw how easily Berry seemed to accept the kit despite not knowing about her existence for moons. “Please? If I get training early I’ll be the strongest warrior ever!” Blossomkit begged as she tried to change Berry’s mind but CanaryStar spoke up first. “No Blossomkit, you’ll be an apprentice in a moon so it won’t be long” The leader said with a mix of amusement and slight exhaustion at the kit’s attempts to get training early. “We should go though, too long without a kit being back at camp and everyone will panic” She continued as she looked at Berry who nodded. “You’re probably right about that, maybe you could bring her to see me more often?” Berry asked as he sat down idly. CanaryStar nodded in agreement before grabbing Blossomkit and walking back to camp. Twigpaw waited until his dad was alone before approaching him, trying to shove down the feelings of anger as he made his way over. Ever since his sister died Twigpaw had started to really take notice of how little his dad seemed to care about him. His dad would only interact with him when they crossed paths or if another nicheling had made him do so in some way, he never tried to seek him out to interact and Twigpaw was tired of his dad’s behavior. Firefang’s ear swiveled toward the sound of approaching pawsteps, and by the scent it was his kit. “Hello Twigpaw” He greeted as he turned his head in the general direction of the sound, unaware of the conversation that would be occurring in the next moment. Twigpaw didn’t even take the time to greet his dad back as he didn’t feel he deserved such courtesies. “Why don’t you love me?” Twigpaw came right out with his question, not wanting to dance around it or take unneeded time to get to the point. Firefang blinked a few times in shock at the blunt question before his ears lowered a tad as he noticed that even his kit had noticed his lack of attachment. He opened and closed his mouth a few times as he debated whether to tell the truth or not. “I do! I just-” Before Firefang got a chance to try and defend himself the apprentice quickly interrupted him. “I’m not that rabill-brained! I know you don’t love me because you only talk to me when you have to!” Twigpaw hissed as he glared at his dad with his paws digging into the ground as he flexed them. “Listen I just…I…” Firefang desperately tried to think of a way to defend himself as he heard the fury in his kit’s tone. Twigpaw stared at his dad as he waited to hear an excuse or explanation for his behavior. “…You’ve got nothing, because you don’t care, you never loved me did you?” Twigpaw spat as he heard the deafening silence from his dad. Firefang’s ears flattened as he clenched his paws, sinking them into the dirt below him. “…You…you never loved Redpaw either, despite how much she looked up to you” Twigpaw said with a bitter laugh, remembering how his sister had always wanted to be ‘as strong and tough as dad!’ always admiring their dad for the fact that he didn’t let his blindness get in the way of being a good warrior. Firefang’s silence made the apprentice’s blood boil. “You’re a good warrior but a useless father” Twigpaw snapped before turning around and stalking off, leaving Firefang to sit by himself to contemplate his actions. Soon it was time for the only kit of the clan to become an apprentice. CanaryStar was happy to get back to her duties, mostly for Sandwing’s sake considering he looked really stressed lately, but she would also miss always watching over the young nicheling. “Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and defend your clan, even with your life?” CanaryStar spoke, internally shaking off her wistful thoughts to instead focus on the present. “I do!” Blossomkit said as she practically bounced in place due to her impatience about becoming an apprentice, just wanting to be one right this second. “Then by the power of StarClan I give you the name Blossompaw, you will be known as that until you get your warrior name” CanaryStar said as she looked at her daughter with pride before continuing. “Robinbriar please come up” CanaryStar said causing said nicheling to straighten up in shock before quickly following the leader’s order and making her way to the front of the crowd. “You are an excellent nicheling who remains calm and works well with others and I hope you teach such skills to this apprentice” CanaryStar asked as she looked at the still shocked nicheling, though she knew Robinbriar would teach the young nicheling well. Robinbriar approached the apprentice, who almost slammed her nose into Robinbriar’s with how fast she tried to do it. Robinbriar resisted to urge to laugh at the apprentice’s obvious excitement over becoming an apprentice. The rest of the clan cheered Blossompaw’s new name before the meeting was dismissed. 1
CosmicChaos21 Posted December 21, 2023 Author Posted December 21, 2023 Most of Blossompaw’s first patrol consisted of Robinbriar being excitedly bombarding with a million questions about being a warrior, from questions about training to patrolling to even things like following the code no question was left unasked. Robinbriar was doing her best to answer the apprentice’s many questions but the pure number of them made it almost impossible. The sight of a nicheling suddenly jumping out of the grasses caused both clan nichelings to startle and unsheathe their claws in case of hostility. The unknown nicheling looked up and jumped back as she saw the unsheathed claws on the two clan nichelings. “I’m not a threat!” The spiky nicheling said with alarm as her quills stood on edge at the unknown intentions of these nichelings she just met. “Why are you on clan territory?” Robinbriar asked as she smelled the air for any sign of another nicheling seeing as this young nicheling seemed to be alone. The unknown nicheling’s ears lowered as she debated just lying but decided against it. “I’m looking for my parents, they told me to run because of a bearyena but I haven’t found them since” The nicheling said as she glanced behind her, as if her parents would magically appear. Robinbriar’s face turned to one of sympathy and she realized what probably happened. “Well you could stay with us in our clan especially since you’re so young” Robinbriar said as she watched the unknown nicheling for her reaction to the offer. “But what about my parents?” The nicheling said as she looked at the older nicheling with doubt. “We’ll keep an eye out for them and if they come looking for you we’ll send you off with them” Robinbriar assured the quilled nicheling which seemed to make her consider the clan nicheling’s offer. She wanted to keep searching for her parents but the thought of running into a bearyena was terrifying… “…Okay” The nicheling agreed making Robinbriar’s posture relax as she realized the young nicheling wouldn’t be fending for herself. “That’s great! Now you can train to be a tough warrior like I am!” Blossompaw exclaimed as she got closer to the unknown nicheling, who startled a little at the sudden volume but quickly calmed as she realized that Blossompaw was just excited and not hostile. “Warrior?” The quilled nicheling said with confusion, having been a loner all her life. “You get to fight and hunt and do all these cool things!” Blossompaw replied excitedly making the quilled nicheling hum in thought, it sounded interesting and if she gets stronger she could fight the bearyena herself. “Well we should go introduce you to the rest of the clan uh…” Robinbriar paused as she realized she didn’t even ask for the young nicheling’s name. “What’s your name?” She asked as she glanced at the quilled nicheling. “Crow” The unknown nicheling spoke making Robinbriar nod. “Alright Crow, well let’s go introduce you” Robinbriar said before turning around and making her way to camp, with the two younger nichelings following close behind. CanaryStar easily accepted the young nicheling into the clan, as expected, but first ordered the clan to get her some food and let her rest until the next sunhigh so she would be more ready for training when she got her mentor. So Crow was currently laying on the ground, she refused to take a nest despite one being offered, with Blossompaw practically buzzing around her. “So what do you think so far? Isn’t it great?” Blossompaw asked as she continued to pace circles around the newest member of the clan, who had stopped watching her pacing because it was making her dizzy. “It’s okay” Crow answered honestly as she would prefer being with her parents but it’s not like this place was a bad place to live in. “Well maybe your opinion will improve once you start training! I mean it’s so exciting to learn how to fight and hunt so you can be the best warrior in the clan” Blossompaw said, not at all bothered by the lackluster response from Crow. “Not to be rude but don’t you have someone else to talk to?” Crow asked, she didn’t dislike Blossompaw’s company but she did wonder how she could talk for this long. “Nope, Twigpaw is grumpy lately and he’s busy because he’ll be a fully grown warrior real soon” Blossompaw replied as she momentarily quit pacing to glance in the general direction of said apprentice, who was currently getting ready to go on a patrol with his mentor Daisyfall. “Oh” Crow simply responded as she had been introduced to everyone but wasn’t really good at memorizing names. “Well I wanna sleep” Crow said making Blossompaw let out an ‘oh’ as she realized she must’ve been tired. “Oh okay, goodnight!” Blossompaw said which Crow nodded at before the more energetic apprentice left. The next day it was time for Crow to be officially made a part of the clan, and that meant getting a new name and a mentor to teach her the ways of clan life. “Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and defend this clan, even with your life?” CanaryStar recited the words while Crow slightly cringed, not really liking the thought of being bound to this clan but Robinbriar’s words echoed in her mind and made her confirm it. “…Sure” Crow’s response wasn’t as sure as clan nichelings would want it to be but CanaryStar realized it probably unnerved the former loner so she easily let it slide and continued. “Then by the power of StarClan I give you your new name, Crowpaw. You will be known as such until you earn your warrior name” CanaryStar said before clearing her throat as she prepared to say the last bit of the speech. “Sandwing please step forward” She said making the deputy blink in shock before quickly scrambling to stand in front of the apprentice. She had chosen Sandwing both because he deserved it and because she knows he was once a loner and hoped that would let the two both and create an understanding. “You are an optimistic and loyal nicheling and I hope you pass these traits down to your apprentice” CanaryStar said making Sandwing nod and caused the gathered nicheling to start cheering the new apprentice’s name. 1
Stranger Posted December 21, 2023 Posted December 21, 2023 Ooo Crowpaw is a really pretty wanderer with useful genes!
CosmicChaos21 Posted December 21, 2023 Author Posted December 21, 2023 1 hour ago, Stranger said: Ooo Crowpaw is a really pretty wanderer with useful genes! Yeah I have to agree! I saw her and was like :0 and then I was like :D! And behold a warrior cats challenge nicheling who actually has purr-snout for once- I love the coloring too though. 1
CosmicChaos21 Posted February 22, 2024 Author Posted February 22, 2024 WILDCLAN SURVIVES WOO! Yeah sorry about that, I had bad writers block and felt like the plot was almost stuck? I could've made myself write but this is honestly my favorite playthrough, because I do kinda play favorites, so I'm extra picky about it and only want the best for y'all so I hope you enjoy the update at last! - CanaryStar can’t help but feel a certain…sadness as she looks over the clan. The future is bright with the young members of the clan but with each passing moon the aging of the older members becomes increasingly obvious as she notices the way Robinbriar and Firefang seem to have a harder time moving than when they first joined, not to mention the way that even her brother seems to be heavily slowing down. And she would be a fool to not notice the aches that have begun to settle in her body with each sunrise, even her extra lives can’t offset the effects of age it seems. She startles slightly when a presence appears in the corner of her vision but she relaxes as she notices that it is simply her deputy. “You almost seem like you’re sulking, is everything alright?” Sandwing’s words make the leader sigh as she considers his question. “Nothing is really wrong, it’s just sad to see everyone grow older especially knowing that I may outlive them” She confessed as she looked over the clan, from the showy apprentices to the idle chatter of the senior warriors everything seemed so very different yet oddly unchanged. “Well think of it this way, at least you’ve gotten to know them and take comfort in the fact that your leadership has guided them well enough to grow old and be given a chance to die from old age instead of battle or hunger” CanaryStar looked over at her deputy in consideration before a smile slowly stretched onto her face. “I suppose you’re right, death from old age is a more peaceful fate than death by wounds” CanaryStar replied as she looked at the clan bustling about with her deputy. Robinbriar’s paced slowed in consideration as she approached her mate with a rabill held in her jaws, was she being paranoid over something that wasn’t even there or were her fears correct? She decided there was only one way to find out as she sat beside Firefang, making the orange-furred nicheling’s ears swivel towards her as he picked up her familiar scent. “How are you doing this sunhigh?” Firefang greeted with the same sweetness he did every sunhigh but instead of making her heart melt it only made Robinbriar feel worse for the question she was intending to ask. She hesitated to speak after setting down the rabill but steeled her nerves. “Can I ask you something while we eat?” The blunt phrasing temporarily caught Firefang off guard and made a small part of him nervous but he brushed that aside as unneeded nerves. “Of course” He responded as he leaned down to take a bite of the rabill after letting Robinbriar get her own first. ‘Is this really a good idea or am I going to ruin everything?’ That was the thought that swirled around Robinbriar’s head as she took another bite before trying to calm and focus herself. She hadn’t noticed it at first but after Redpaw’s death she noticed how her mate seemed to barely grieve like she and Twigpaw had, and her observations made her notice more and more how he only interacted with his own kit on the occasions that Twigpaw approached himself, never taking the initiative. “Do you…hate our kits?” The question made Firefang splutter, almost choking on the bite he was chewing, before trying to make a swift recovery. “No! No I don’t hate them” Firefang answered firmly knowing that at least that was true, he never ever hated his kits as they did nothing to deserve that. “I just…” Firefang winced as he tried to think of a way to phrase it that wouldn’t sound bad but there wasn’t a good way to soften what he had to say. “I’m not…attached to them the way you are” He said as he turned his head away despite the fact he wouldn’t be able to see whatever emotions Robinbriar was feeling at that confession. “Why, why didn’t you tell me earlier?” Robinbriar questioned as she could only stare at the ground while waiting for an answer. Firefang could feel his snout scrunch as he thought of a good answer to that question as he wondered how things would’ve went if he’d confessed those feelings sooner. “I didn’t want you to leave me over it and you seemed so excited I couldn’t bear to hurt you like that” Firefang said as he shifted from one paw to another as a way to try and ignore the guilt that squeezed his chest like a patch of thorns. “…You should’ve thought of that sooner” Robinbriar said with a bitter tinge in her tone as she stood to her paws causing Firefang’s ears to turn in her direction as he tried to figure out what she meant. “Y-yeah?” He stuttered as a small yet powerful feeling of dread washed over him like the tides of the sea, something felt wrong…off. “Because if you had maybe I would’ve stayed with you but knowing you kept something like that from me I…I don’t think it’d be a good idea to stay together” Firefang practically jumped to his paws as he heard Robinbriar’s words, not wanting to believe it meant what he feared. “W-wait you don’t mean-” Robinbriar interrupted him to ensure he got the message loud and clear. “We’re done, if you kept something like this how can I know what other things you’ll keep from me? I can’t live with that doubt clouding my mind” Firefang scrambled after Robinbriar as she began to stalk away from her former mate. “Wait please! I haven’t kept anything else from you I promise, don’t do this please I’ll do anything” Firefang’s desperate pleads made her heart clench but she didn’t want to be swayed, she wanted to be firm with her choice. “No. This is better for the both of us in the long-run” Robinbriar said with enough force to make Firefang freeze in his tracks. “I-…okay” Firefang whispered in a way that made Robinbriar’s heart hurt but she took a deep breath and walked away, leaving Firefang to stand alone with flattened ears and a drooping tail. “You’ll be a fine hunter when you get your name” Daisyfall praised after seeing Twigpaw catch his third rabill of this patrol. Twigpaw preened at the praise, proudly lifted his head into the air as if to show off his catch which made the older nicheling chuckle. “But you shouldn’t hunt too much, it’ll hurt our prey supply” Daisyfall warned as he jumped down from the tree stump he was keeping watch from. “How can that hurt our prey supply?” Twigpaw asked after placing the rabill next to the other two, curious about his mentor’s warning. “Well if you hunt all the prey than they won’t be able to have their own kits, leaving us with no food to hunt the next season” Daisyfall explained with a stretch before throwing around his gaze to check for any signs of danger. “Oh” Twigpaw simply said as he never put thought into his prey beyond perfecting his technique in hunting them down. “We should get back to the clan, unless we want a bearyena to catch the scent of a free meal” Daisyfall said as he nodded his head toward the small pile of rabills causing the apprentice to grab two, leaving the last one for Daisyfall to pick up before the two headed back to camp. = Twigpaw and his mentor had put the rabills in the fresh-kill pile so he was free to enjoy doing whatever he wanted until he needed to sleep, so he took that opportunity to tell his mom how many rabills he had caught today. But as he approached he noticed something was off especially considering that his dad wasn’t right next to her like he usually is. “What’s wrong?” He asked as he sat down a tail-length away from his mom. “Nothing, how was your patrol?” Robinbriar tried to deflect the subject but Twigpaw isn’t one to easily let these things go so he pushed the subject. “If you’re fine than why do you look like you’re trying not to cry?” Twigpaw’s direct phrasing made Robinbriar shift on her paws but inevitably decide that Twigpaw would find out sooner or later. “Well you see me and your dad are…not exactly mates anymore” Twigpaw’s jaw dropped at those words as he never expected the two to actually break up. He took a few moments to recover as he thought of how he felt about the fact they weren’t together anymore. “Alright” Robinbriar’s face scrunched a bit in confusion at the simple answer as she looked over at her kit to see if he was hiding sadness but he looked fine. “Dad didn’t really talk to me and it’s not like he’s gone, if I really want to talk to him he’s still a part of the clan” Twigpaw spoke again upon seeing the baffled expression his mom wore at his response. “Well when did my little kit get so mature” Robinbriar cooed making Twigpaw’s fur bristle in embarrassment. “Mom! I’m not a kit anymore I’m almost a fully grown warrior” Twigpaw grumbled making Robinbriar laugh at the reaction, it was exactly what she was looking for. “Alright, alright. I guess I’ll spare you for now but just because you’ll be a warrior doesn’t stop you from being my kit” Robinbriar said making Twigpaw splutter before turning around and stalking off, only causing Robinbriar to burst into another fit of laughter at her kit’s embarrassment. “-I even caught this huuuge rabill, even bigger than the one Twigpaw got, which is surprising considering he’s like the best hunter in the clan at this point OH and-” Crowpaw’s head hurt from listening to Blossompaw’s unending rambles but she didn’t want to be rude not to mention the fact that Blossompaw could be good company, her rambling can be fantastic background noise during a draining task like gathering nest materials. Blossompaw suddenly fell over, having tripped over a root she hadn’t seen while doing her usual pacing. And Crowpaw was suddenly reminded of another reason that she listened to the other apprentice’s endless chatter, her moments of clumsiness is something that Crowpaw found to be endearing. “Are you okay?” Crowpaw asked after laughing for a bit which made the other apprentice pout as she stood to her paws once more with a shake of her pelt. “I would be if my favorite nicheling hadn’t laughed at my misery” Blossompaw said with a dramatic sigh while Crowpaw almost choked on air at that easy admission. “I’m your favorite nicheling?” Blossompaw stood straight up as soon as she realized what she had admitted, and directly to her face too! “Er well you see I- Um- y-yeah?” The energetic apprentice stumbled through her words internally cringing away to dust at that horrid delivery considering it lacked any sense of smoothness. “…Thanks?” Crowpaw’s odd tone made Blossompaw want to launch herself directly into the sea, taking it as a very bad thing that made her regret saying anything. Meanwhile Crowpaw was mildly dying inside, in a good way that she couldn’t decipher, which made her voice tone come out wrong. Crowpaw could see the moment Blossompaw took it the wrong way and tried to beat her to the punch but Blossompaw skittered off without another word. Crowpaw’s ears drooped as she looked at her paws, mentally berating herself for that delivery. = Blossompaw ran to her nest, ignoring the concerned call of her mother, and curled up in a ball with the desire to just vanish into this air. ‘Why did I say that?! We were friends, it was going well, great even! But I had to open my big mouth’ She thought to herself as her mind replayed the moment over and over again. ‘Sleep will give me time to think’ She thought as she curled up into a ball and squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for sleep to take her away from reality. When she woke up she wasn’t in her nest but instead in a place so dark that she needed a bit of time for her eyes to adjust. She looked ahead of her seeing dead and leafless trees with branches that tangled and twisted with each other along with hefty patches of thorns weaving through the landscape. Confused she sniffed around and regretted it as a sour and rotten mix of scents made her nauseous and mildly dizzy so she scrunched her nose and tried her best to ignore the smell. She looked ahead and started walking forward to see where it would lead. Little did she know of the set of paws following after her, paws that were grey with splotches of light spots that were covered with dark dirt… 1
Stranger Posted February 22, 2024 Posted February 22, 2024 1 hour ago, CosmicChaos21 said: WILDCLAN SURVIVES WOO! Yeah sorry about that, I had bad writers block and felt like the plot was almost stuck? I could've made myself write but this is honestly my favorite playthrough, because I do kinda play favorites, so I'm extra picky about it and only want the best for y'all so I hope you enjoy the update at last! - CanaryStar can’t help but feel a certain…sadness as she looks over the clan. The future is bright with the young members of the clan but with each passing moon the aging of the older members becomes increasingly obvious as she notices the way Robinbriar and Firefang seem to have a harder time moving than when they first joined, not to mention the way that even her brother seems to be heavily slowing down. And she would be a fool to not notice the aches that have begun to settle in her body with each sunrise, even her extra lives can’t offset the effects of age it seems. She startles slightly when a presence appears in the corner of her vision but she relaxes as she notices that it is simply her deputy. “You almost seem like you’re sulking, is everything alright?” Sandwing’s words make the leader sigh as she considers his question. “Nothing is really wrong, it’s just sad to see everyone grow older especially knowing that I may outlive them” She confessed as she looked over the clan, from the showy apprentices to the idle chatter of the senior warriors everything seemed so very different yet oddly unchanged. “Well think of it this way, at least you’ve gotten to know them and take comfort in the fact that your leadership has guided them well enough to grow old and be given a chance to die from old age instead of battle or hunger” CanaryStar looked over at her deputy in consideration before a smile slowly stretched onto her face. “I suppose you’re right, death from old age is a more peaceful fate than death by wounds” CanaryStar replied as she looked at the clan bustling about with her deputy. Robinbriar’s paced slowed in consideration as she approached her mate with a rabill held in her jaws, was she being paranoid over something that wasn’t even there or were her fears correct? She decided there was only one way to find out as she sat beside Firefang, making the orange-furred nicheling’s ears swivel towards her as he picked up her familiar scent. “How are you doing this sunhigh?” Firefang greeted with the same sweetness he did every sunhigh but instead of making her heart melt it only made Robinbriar feel worse for the question she was intending to ask. She hesitated to speak after setting down the rabill but steeled her nerves. “Can I ask you something while we eat?” The blunt phrasing temporarily caught Firefang off guard and made a small part of him nervous but he brushed that aside as unneeded nerves. “Of course” He responded as he leaned down to take a bite of the rabill after letting Robinbriar get her own first. ‘Is this really a good idea or am I going to ruin everything?’ That was the thought that swirled around Robinbriar’s head as she took another bite before trying to calm and focus herself. She hadn’t noticed it at first but after Redpaw’s death she noticed how her mate seemed to barely grieve like she and Twigpaw had, and her observations made her notice more and more how he only interacted with his own kit on the occasions that Twigpaw approached himself, never taking the initiative. “Do you…hate our kits?” The question made Firefang splutter, almost choking on the bite he was chewing, before trying to make a swift recovery. “No! No I don’t hate them” Firefang answered firmly knowing that at least that was true, he never ever hated his kits as they did nothing to deserve that. “I just…” Firefang winced as he tried to think of a way to phrase it that wouldn’t sound bad but there wasn’t a good way to soften what he had to say. “I’m not…attached to them the way you are” He said as he turned his head away despite the fact he wouldn’t be able to see whatever emotions Robinbriar was feeling at that confession. “Why, why didn’t you tell me earlier?” Robinbriar questioned as she could only stare at the ground while waiting for an answer. Firefang could feel his snout scrunch as he thought of a good answer to that question as he wondered how things would’ve went if he’d confessed those feelings sooner. “I didn’t want you to leave me over it and you seemed so excited I couldn’t bear to hurt you like that” Firefang said as he shifted from one paw to another as a way to try and ignore the guilt that squeezed his chest like a patch of thorns. “…You should’ve thought of that sooner” Robinbriar said with a bitter tinge in her tone as she stood to her paws causing Firefang’s ears to turn in her direction as he tried to figure out what she meant. “Y-yeah?” He stuttered as a small yet powerful feeling of dread washed over him like the tides of the sea, something felt wrong…off. “Because if you had maybe I would’ve stayed with you but knowing you kept something like that from me I…I don’t think it’d be a good idea to stay together” Firefang practically jumped to his paws as he heard Robinbriar’s words, not wanting to believe it meant what he feared. “W-wait you don’t mean-” Robinbriar interrupted him to ensure he got the message loud and clear. “We’re done, if you kept something like this how can I know what other things you’ll keep from me? I can’t live with that doubt clouding my mind” Firefang scrambled after Robinbriar as she began to stalk away from her former mate. “Wait please! I haven’t kept anything else from you I promise, don’t do this please I’ll do anything” Firefang’s desperate pleads made her heart clench but she didn’t want to be swayed, she wanted to be firm with her choice. “No. This is better for the both of us in the long-run” Robinbriar said with enough force to make Firefang freeze in his tracks. “I-…okay” Firefang whispered in a way that made Robinbriar’s heart hurt but she took a deep breath and walked away, leaving Firefang to stand alone with flattened ears and a drooping tail. “You’ll be a fine hunter when you get your name” Daisyfall praised after seeing Twigpaw catch his third rabill of this patrol. Twigpaw preened at the praise, proudly lifted his head into the air as if to show off his catch which made the older nicheling chuckle. “But you shouldn’t hunt too much, it’ll hurt our prey supply” Daisyfall warned as he jumped down from the tree stump he was keeping watch from. “How can that hurt our prey supply?” Twigpaw asked after placing the rabill next to the other two, curious about his mentor’s warning. “Well if you hunt all the prey than they won’t be able to have their own kits, leaving us with no food to hunt the next season” Daisyfall explained with a stretch before throwing around his gaze to check for any signs of danger. “Oh” Twigpaw simply said as he never put thought into his prey beyond perfecting his technique in hunting them down. “We should get back to the clan, unless we want a bearyena to catch the scent of a free meal” Daisyfall said as he nodded his head toward the small pile of rabills causing the apprentice to grab two, leaving the last one for Daisyfall to pick up before the two headed back to camp. = Twigpaw and his mentor had put the rabills in the fresh-kill pile so he was free to enjoy doing whatever he wanted until he needed to sleep, so he took that opportunity to tell his mom how many rabills he had caught today. But as he approached he noticed something was off especially considering that his dad wasn’t right next to her like he usually is. “What’s wrong?” He asked as he sat down a tail-length away from his mom. “Nothing, how was your patrol?” Robinbriar tried to deflect the subject but Twigpaw isn’t one to easily let these things go so he pushed the subject. “If you’re fine than why do you look like you’re trying not to cry?” Twigpaw’s direct phrasing made Robinbriar shift on her paws but inevitably decide that Twigpaw would find out sooner or later. “Well you see me and your dad are…not exactly mates anymore” Twigpaw’s jaw dropped at those words as he never expected the two to actually break up. He took a few moments to recover as he thought of how he felt about the fact they weren’t together anymore. “Alright” Robinbriar’s face scrunched a bit in confusion at the simple answer as she looked over at her kit to see if he was hiding sadness but he looked fine. “Dad didn’t really talk to me and it’s not like he’s gone, if I really want to talk to him he’s still a part of the clan” Twigpaw spoke again upon seeing the baffled expression his mom wore at his response. “Well when did my little kit get so mature” Robinbriar cooed making Twigpaw’s fur bristle in embarrassment. “Mom! I’m not a kit anymore I’m almost a fully grown warrior” Twigpaw grumbled making Robinbriar laugh at the reaction, it was exactly what she was looking for. “Alright, alright. I guess I’ll spare you for now but just because you’ll be a warrior doesn’t stop you from being my kit” Robinbriar said making Twigpaw splutter before turning around and stalking off, only causing Robinbriar to burst into another fit of laughter at her kit’s embarrassment. “-I even caught this huuuge rabill, even bigger than the one Twigpaw got, which is surprising considering he’s like the best hunter in the clan at this point OH and-” Crowpaw’s head hurt from listening to Blossompaw’s unending rambles but she didn’t want to be rude not to mention the fact that Blossompaw could be good company, her rambling can be fantastic background noise during a draining task like gathering nest materials. Blossompaw suddenly fell over, having tripped over a root she hadn’t seen while doing her usual pacing. And Crowpaw was suddenly reminded of another reason that she listened to the other apprentice’s endless chatter, her moments of clumsiness is something that Crowpaw found to be endearing. “Are you okay?” Crowpaw asked after laughing for a bit which made the other apprentice pout as she stood to her paws once more with a shake of her pelt. “I would be if my favorite nicheling hadn’t laughed at my misery” Blossompaw said with a dramatic sigh while Crowpaw almost choked on air at that easy admission. “I’m your favorite nicheling?” Blossompaw stood straight up as soon as she realized what she had admitted, and directly to her face too! “Er well you see I- Um- y-yeah?” The energetic apprentice stumbled through her words internally cringing away to dust at that horrid delivery considering it lacked any sense of smoothness. “…Thanks?” Crowpaw’s odd tone made Blossompaw want to launch herself directly into the sea, taking it as a very bad thing that made her regret saying anything. Meanwhile Crowpaw was mildly dying inside, in a good way that she couldn’t decipher, which made her voice tone come out wrong. Crowpaw could see the moment Blossompaw took it the wrong way and tried to beat her to the punch but Blossompaw skittered off without another word. Crowpaw’s ears drooped as she looked at her paws, mentally berating herself for that delivery. = Blossompaw ran to her nest, ignoring the concerned call of her mother, and curled up in a ball with the desire to just vanish into this air. ‘Why did I say that?! We were friends, it was going well, great even! But I had to open my big mouth’ She thought to herself as her mind replayed the moment over and over again. ‘Sleep will give me time to think’ She thought as she curled up into a ball and squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for sleep to take her away from reality. When she woke up she wasn’t in her nest but instead in a place so dark that she needed a bit of time for her eyes to adjust. She looked ahead of her seeing dead and leafless trees with branches that tangled and twisted with each other along with hefty patches of thorns weaving through the landscape. Confused she sniffed around and regretted it as a sour and rotten mix of scents made her nauseous and mildly dizzy so she scrunched her nose and tried her best to ignore the smell. She looked ahead and started walking forward to see where it would lead. Little did she know of the set of paws following after her, paws that were grey with splotches of light spots that were covered with dark dirt… ME WHEN COSMIC UPDATES WILDCLAN Also Blossompaw and Crowpaw are the best duo 👍👍👍👍
CosmicChaos21 Posted February 23, 2024 Author Posted February 23, 2024 3 hours ago, Stranger said: ME WHEN COSMIC UPDATES WILDCLAN Also Blossompaw and Crowpaw are the best duo 👍👍👍👍 This comment has made my day and will probably also make my entire week at least I'm so happy to see you're so excited about me updating WildClan! I cannot express how happy it makes me :3 Also yeah those two are a great duo and I LOVE writing their interactions they are very fun to write- 1
CosmicChaos21 Posted February 23, 2024 Author Posted February 23, 2024 Also I've made some family trees with a site because I was bored so behold some of the family trees of this playthrough- 1
Stranger Posted February 23, 2024 Posted February 23, 2024 7 hours ago, CosmicChaos21 said: This comment has made my day and will probably also make my entire week at least I'm so happy to see you're so excited about me updating WildClan! I cannot express how happy it makes me :3 Also yeah those two are a great duo and I LOVE writing their interactions they are very fun to write- I really love the character interactions and story this playthrough has so it always get me really excited, I'm glad to see youre happy! :D. Excited bubbly character + quiet serious character >>>>>> basically anything else
CosmicChaos21 Posted February 24, 2024 Author Posted February 24, 2024 Felt motivated so y'all get two WildClan updates in a row! Our nichelings are getting older though and I am Afraid- (Not me messing up the colors in the last update-) - “Hello there little one” After a bit of exploring a voice caused Blossompaw to jump a tail-length in the air before swiftly turning on her paws only to see a lean yellow nicheling with grey spots looking at her. “Who are you?” Blossompaw asked defensively as she took a step back, feeling like something about this nicheling was wrong in a way she couldn’t put her paw on. “My name is Spottedfrost, what’s yours?” The nicheling asked as he sat down to make himself appear less threatening to the apprentice. “Blossompaw” The apprentice answered as she glanced around the area before turning her attention back to this new nicheling. “Where am I?” She asked with a confused yet curious expression making Spottedfrost grin. “Well you’re dreaming but I am real” Spottedfrost explained which only served to further confuse Blossompaw, her face scrunching as she tried to puzzle together what that meant. “Well you want to be the best warrior of WildClan right?” Spottedfrost asked making Blossompaw perk up at the idea. “Of course! What does that have to do with you?” Blossompaw asked as she tilted her head at the older nicheling which he responded to easily. “You’ve been sent here because I can help with that, I can train you in ways that would surprise the rest of your clan and give you secret tricks that they wouldn’t know” Blossompaw’s eyes practically sparkled upon hearing Spottedfrost’s words as she realized this could give her the boost she needs to truly be the best warrior she can be, especially considering that her mentor, Robinbriar, was still gloomy from her break-up. “Why would you want me to become the best warrior?” Blossompaw asked as she realized it was a bit odd for this nicheling to want her to succeed despite having just met her. “That’s simple, your current mentor isn’t exactly in the best…state of mind to teach you and if no one else teaches you your ceremony may be pushed back and I’m sure you wouldn’t want that right?” Spottedfrost prompted with a sympathetic expression while Blossompaw thought about it, the thought of being made a warrior late because of her mentor made her afraid. How would she prove she’s the best warrior if she gets her name late? Looking up towards Spottedfrost she nodded at his prompting, making the yellow nicheling smile wide as he realized she had accepted his training. “Great! We’ll meet here in your dreams every night to sharpen your skills as a great warrior so you’ll be named in no time” Spottedfrost promised making the apprentice perk up, ready to train right at that moment. “Alright let’s go!” Blossompaw said as she put herself into a fighting position making Spottedfrost laugh a bit. “I appreciate the enthusiasm but we’ll have to wait to start training, you’ll have to wake up in a little bit” Spottedfrost said making Blossompaw deflate for a moment before perking back up. “Alright but we start next time I sleep!” Blossompaw demanded making Spottedfrost nod. “Of course, see you” Spottedfrost said which was the last thing she saw in her dream. = Blossompaw woke up in her nest again but the dream she had was fresh in her memory making her think. Maybe it was just a silly dream but what could it hurt to try, it might make her the best warrior in WildClan and that thought alone carried her through her duties. Twigpaw was feeling a lot of conflicting emotions at the moment. His dad and mom died with in few sunrises of each other and it brought a swarm of feelings that he had no idea how to truly deal with. His mentor’s oddly perceptive nature was something that Twigpaw flip-flopped between appreciating and absolutely despising, currently he was resisting the urge to claw his mentor directly on the snout for it. “It’s okay if you need some time off of training to properly grieve your parents Twigpaw” Daisyfall said as he kept pace with the apprentice as he tried to move faster as a way of avoiding this conversation entirely. “Their deaths must of hurt, especially your mother though I imagine your father’s death is probably a mixed pile of emotions for you” He continued only making Twigpaw more irritated at his mentor’s well-meaning intentions, all he wanted to do was pretend it never happened and not training would only make him think about it more. “Let’s just get this patrol over with” Twigpaw said in a snippy tone as he continued to walk, keeping his senses sharp for any sign of a rabill. Daisyfall considered pushing further for the apprentice to take a break but decided to cave and shrugged as he instead focused on trying to find any sign of prey in the area. Twigpaw’s ears twitched as he heard a faint rustle. ‘Perfect, that has to be something to hunt’ He thought to himself as he split away from his mentor to follow the source of the rustling. As he got closer he made sure to crouch and slowly stalk towards the rabill, as that was the scent that hit his nose upon getting closer, carefully placing each paw to ensure he didn’t make a sound. He made sure to calculate his jump right before pouncing, catching the rabill completely off guard as he gave it a swift bite to the neck to end it before it had a chance to flee. He rose to his full height as the rabill hung limp in his jaws. “Good catch” Daisyfall praised as he walked over with his own prey in tow but Twigpaw didn’t even acknowledge it as he strode past his mentor in the direction of camp. Daisyfall let out a small sigh as he watched the apprentice go but didn’t take it personally as he knew the younger nicheling must be hurting. All the nichelings of the clan were gathered in preparation for the ceremony to come with whispers being shared among clanmates as they discussed their own ideas for what name would be given. Even Tigerthorn was sitting among the other nichelings, surprising considering that he had all but detached from the other members of the clan after Redpaw’s passing. “We’re gathered to welcome a new warrior into WildClan, Twigpaw please step forward” Twigpaw did as he was told, stepping in front of CanaryStar as she stood on top of her rock. “You have trained hard to learn the ways of the warrior and feel you deserve your warrior name” CanaryStar spoke as she looked over the gathered nichelings before her gaze settled on Twigpaw as he simply stared back. “By the power of StarClan I give you your warrior name, you will be known as Twigstrike for your hunting prowess and boldness” CanayStar announced causing the members of WildClan to cheer Twigstrike’s new name which brought some warmth to his heart as he felt the burden of his parents death lift just a little bit. He may not have his parents but the clan always has his back when he needs it. The two apprentices, Blossompaw and Crowpaw, had silently and unanimously seemed to decide that they would not be acknowledging what happened as they had started hanging out again. The two were currently practicing some battle training in a small spot that they found near camp, and it had become habit for them to talk and relax in their ‘secret spot’ of sorts. “I’ve never seen anyone do that move during training” Crowpaw commented after getting beat by Blossompaw after using a move she wasn’t expecting at all. Blossompaw’s ears stood up as she heard what the other apprentice said. “Oh! Well I-” Blossompaw paused for a moment as she remembered what Spottedfrost told her one time while training ‘You can’t tell anyone I’m training you’ realizing she couldn’t tell the nicheling she was closest to. “I was trying my own new secret moves and found that one was interesting so I decided to keep it!” Blossompaw said with her chest puffed out but Crowpaw felt like there was something she wasn’t being told so she pushed further. “Really? Why wouldn’t you test it with me first?” Crowpaw asked making Blossompaw’s ears lower as she realized she tended to try battle moves with the other apprentice. “Well y’know, can’t give you ALL my secrets or I’ll never be able to surprise you” Blossompaw said with a chuckle as she glanced away from Crowpaw’s stare. “…Alright” Crowpaw said after some staring, not liking the idea of being kept in the dark but deciding that maybe she was just overthinking it. ‘Its not like she needs to run every battle move by me first, I’m being a bit selfish’ Crowpaw thought to herself as she decided to drop the subject and instead move on to something else. “Well how’s your hunting training going? Blossompaw cringed at the question as she recalled that particular thing, getting used to her new mentor was something that was not going well especially mixed with the fact that she doesn’t like hunting much. ”Tigerthorn is living up to the thorn part of his name with how thorny he can be“ Blossompaw grumbled as she recalled how annoyed he looked with her hunting failures. Crowpaw winced in sympathy, she didn’t even know Tigerthorn was a part of the clan until fairly recently and the thought of having a mentor like that made her shudder. “CROWPAW!” A voice caused the two apprentices to startle before realizing that it was Sandwing’s voice. “Guess you have training to do” Blossompaw said with a slight snicker which Crowpaw playfully rolled her eyes at but couldn’t disagree. “And you should probably get back to camp before your mom loses her fur from stress” Crowpaw snarkily replied back making Blossompaw sigh but nod as she rose to her paws as well before the two made their way back to camp. Mossbeetle and CanaryStar rarely had time to talk, both being so busy with their duties in the clan, but they were currently using the little time they did have to argue over a certain issue. “If you die without an apprentice the clan will lose valuable knowledge and skills that could doom the future of WildClan, why didn’t you ask for Blossompaw as an apprentice when there was a chance?” CanaryStar said making Mossbeetle’s snout scrunch in mild hostility at the question. “You should know why” He hissed making CanaryStar look at him in confusion as it hadn’t clicked yet. “I REFUSE to make another nicheling suffer the same fate I did, in case you forgot I never wanted this role!” CanaryStar’s eyes widened in realization as she remembered, she had become so used to her brother being a medicine nicheling that time had erased the memory of his disdain at being forced into it. CanaryStar’s ears lowered and she couldn’t look her brother in the eyes any longer as she felt shame burn through her pelt at the fact she had forgotten the sacrifice her brother made for the clan. “I wanted to be a warrior, going on patrols and running through the grass with the intent of hunting down rabills like the rest of my clanmates but that choice was taken from me by the stars” Mossbeetle sneered, more angry at StarClan itself than his sister, as he stared at the ground with his claws digging into the ground below. “…What should we do than?” CanaryStar tentatively asked as she chanced looking over at her brother, who sighed before looking into the distance thoughtfully. “I’m not sure, perhaps someone will come along who’s willing to take up the role” Mossbeetle simply replied making CanaryStar sad but she nodded in acceptance as she realized there wasn’t much other choice. She could use her power to make an apprentice take the role but the thought now made her sick so she left it in StarClan’s paws. 1
CosmicChaos21 Posted March 5, 2024 Author Posted March 5, 2024 Update time everyone! I'm fairly excited about this update because I feel I can finally start moving along a plot idea I've had for literal months- - CanaryStar slowly blinked open her eyes, quickly noticing that this wasn’t her nest nor even WildClan’s camp. Shimmering stars surrounded her and something akin to clouds made up the ground as she slowly stood to her paws. ‘StarClan…but why am I here?’ She thought to herself as she turned her head this way and that before movement caught her eye. A nicheling covered in stars slowly started to approach her. The first thing CanaryStar noticed was the bright red fur that was broken up by black stripes and followed by a bushy tail. CanaryStar squinted her eyes as she attempted to piece together who this nicheling was before it hit her, the passed down stories of the generations before her played in her head. “SquirrelStar?” She asked as she paid more attention to the starry nicheling then she already was, shocked that she could be having a dream with the original leader of WildClan. The nicheling confirmed with a nod but before CanaryStar could launch question after question the leader spoke. “Soon a whisper will sweep across the wilds to bring about a new era” SquirrelStar spoke but the words only confused CanaryStar though she did realize that this was more than a mere dream. “What do you mean by that? Is this talking of a certain nicheling?” She asked but the dream started blurring and blending together causing her to trip over her paws, only able to watch as SquirrelStar faded along with the dream. = CanaryStar woke from her dream with a jolt as she quickly sat up. She noticed the sky was still quite dark with the moon watching over the island. ‘A whisper?’ She recalled what SquirrelStar had said in her vision and only felt more confused as there wasn’t even a nicheling with a name like that to link it to. She wondered if Mossbeetle had the same vision then decided that she would talk to her brother about it when everyone was awake and active. For the moment she looked at the stars with the hope that this wasn’t a bad sign for the clan’s future. Mossbeetle’s ears pricked at the sound of someone stepping into the medicine den. He internally groaned at the thought of Blossompaw coming into the medicine for yet another thorn because she wasn’t paying attention to her surroundings due to her complete focus on Crowpaw. He turned around with a snarky remark only for it to die on the tip of his tongue as he saw a nicheling he was not expecting. “Can I talk to you about something?” Hearing his sister’s words he simply nodded and watched as she walked further into the medicine den before sitting down a few tail-lengths away from him. “Did you have any odd dreams lately?” CanaryStar asked with an expression that caused Mossbeetle some concern as he shook his head. “No, did you?” He turned the question back to her which made her look away as she wondered if it was just a silly dream. “I saw SquirrelStar and she told me that ‘a whisper will sweep across the wilds to bring a new era’” CanaryStar admitted making Mossbeetle’s face to twist in confusion at the words. “Wish they weren’t so cryptic” He mumbled making CanaryStar snicker, not really able to disagree with that sentiment at least. “But I have a feeling that ‘the wilds’ could be referencing the clan considering our name, but whisper…” He pointed out before starting to sort herbs as a way to clear his mind as he repeated the word a few times under his breath. “I can’t think of what that could mean, maybe in time I’ll think of something” Mossbeetle said making CanaryStar deflate at the realization that her brother didn’t have any more clue than she did. “Well thanks anyways” CanaryStar said as she rose to her paws, getting a nod in response from the medicine nicheling, before exiting the den to go check on her clanmates instead. “Ugh this is so booooring!” Blossompaw exclaimed for the fifth time since starting this ‘lesson’ of sorts. Mossbeetle was heavily regretting letting his sister talk him into this compromise they had made a few sunrises ago. CanaryStar was worried about the clan losing all their medicinal knowledge and Mossbeetle didn’t want to force an apprentice into the role he was so CanaryStar compromised with him by saying that he should teach them the very basics of herb uses and then let them continue their normal training so they would have at least some knowledge in case Mossbeetle died before getting to train an apprentice. “It may be ‘boooring’ but it’s something you need to learn in case something happens to me, and besides it’s not like I’m making you learn every single herb there is” Mossbeetle sighed out as he used a paw to rub his snout, considering physically throwing his niece out of the medicine den. Blossompaw groaned in annoyance as she tilted her head back which Mossbeetle ignored in favor of trying to continue teaching the two. “Now what is this herb?” He asked, grabbing a leaf and holding it up for the two apprentices to see. “A lead from a poisonous berry bush” Crowpaw answered bringing a ghost of a smile to Mossbeetle’s face as he nodded. “Correct, they’re used to cure sicknesses with coughing symptoms” Blossompaw’s head snapped forward after hearing that. “But wouldn’t something from a ‘poisonous’ berry bush make us sicker?” She said with her snout scrunching in confusion. “It was named that because a nicheling got sick eating the berries from the bush, only the berries and stems are poisonous but the leaves and roots are actually helpful” Mossbeetle answered as he set the leaf back onto the correct pile. “What about the roots?” Crowpaw asked with a tilt of her head as her interest was piqued. “The roots are fed to a nicheling when they’ve ingested something bad like poisonous berries to make them throw it up and get it out of their system” The medicine nicheling said masking his surprise at the fact Crowpaw seemed to be genuinely listening to what he was saying unlike Blossompaw who had turned her head to watch the other nichelings go about their lives outside the den. “Now this is a healing fruit flower” Mossbeetle said as he lifted a dried orange flower up to show to the younger nichelings, ignoring the way his leg hurt from the motion as he knew it was simply age. Crowpaw watched with intense interest while Blossompaw’s gaze flitted around the medicine den in search of something to keep her attention. “It’s extremely important, as it prevents wounds from getting infected” Mossbeetle continued as he continued to hold up the flower for a bit longer before setting it down in the correct pile. “This will be the last one, follow me” Mossbeetle said as he rose to his paws with some difficulty before starting to walk to the medicine den entrance. “Woo! Finally we’re almost free!” Blossompaw’s statement earned her a harsh stare from the medicine den that made her nervously laugh before following behind. Crowpaw was side-by-side with the medicine nicheling in an attempt to figure out what Mossbeetle was showing them next. = It only took a small trek for Mossbeetle to find what he was looking for. “What’s this?” Blossompaw asked as she reached her head forward to sniff at the bright orange fruit, quickly taking a few pawsteps back after getting a whiff of the bitter scent that overwhelmed her senses. “It has a strong scent” Mossbeetle’s words sounded harsh but he glanced at Blossompaw with concern as she coughed due to the harsh smell that she just endured. It was only once she stopped coughing, and looked a bit embarrassed, that he went back to explaining what the fruit was. “This is a healing fruit, it can help save a nicheling on the brink of death” Mossbeetle began as Crowpaw’s ears perked. “Why don’t we have a store of it at camp than?” She asked, wondering why they wouldn’t have such a useful herb on paw at all times. “Because the downside is that it loses its effectiveness very quickly once plucked from the plant so someone grabs it fresh during a bad situation” Mossbeetle explained making Crowpaw nod while Blossompaw rubbed her nose with her paw, still able to faintly ‘smell’ it in her snout. “That’s the basics so you two are free to go now” Mossbeetle said as he decided he had taught the basics to the apprentices. Blossompaw’s reaction was immediate, jumping to her paws with an excited exclamation. “FREEDOM!” She yelled out before darting off in the direction of camp, intent on practicing her battle moves as she loved doing that. Crowpaw watched her go, considering joining her, before noticing Mossbeetle wince as he started walking back in the direction of the medicine den. “Do you need some help?” She offered feeling bad as in her time in the clan she’s noticed that the medicine nicheling has obviously been feeling the tolls of aging, though if she thought on it most of the older nichelings were seeming to have more issues going about their lives now. Mossbeetle’s first reaction was to vehemently deny help as he didn’t want to acknowledge that age was catching up to him but a burst of pain in his front leg made him reconsider. “…Fine” He grumbled but Crowpaw didn’t take it personally, from what she knew he was like that towards everyone he interacted with. Crowpaw let Mossbeetle lean so some of his weight was put onto her before helping him make his way back to the medicine den. 1
CosmicChaos21 Posted March 8, 2024 Author Posted March 8, 2024 BIG UPDATE TIME! Mostly because I had lots of writing inspiration today- I hope y'all are as excited as me about this update! - Sandwing’s mind kept wandering as he ambled across camp, ignoring his clanmates while he focused on his path towards the medicine den. It had been many moons since that rain had forced him and Mossbeetle to huddle together in a cave and the conversation they had haunted the deputy’s mind since. He gave the medicine nicheling time as he didn’t want to pressure him but he wanted an answer, his body was a little more difficult to move with every sunrise and he feared dying without an answer. They would meet in StarClan but he wanted to know while both he and Mossbeetle were alive so he could enjoy the rest of his life with Mossbeetle as a mate, even if he feared it wouldn’t be much longer. The sound of pawsteps echoed through the medicine den and at first Mossbeetle was wondering if another nicheling had gotten a thorn in their paw considering that three separate nichelings had come in for that this sunrise. But then the scent made him realize it was Sandwing so he turned away from his herbs to look at the deputy. “Can we take a walk outside camp? I’ll help you gather herbs if you want” Sandwing offered making Mossbeetle pause, it wasn’t uncommon for the deputy to help escort him to gathr herbs but something about the way he spoke seemed different than usual. “Sure” Mossbeetle accepted anyways feeling some curiosity about why the deputy sounded a bit different at the moment not to mention restocking the herbs never hurt. = The two had walked a bit of a ways away from camp and Mossbeetle was looking for any poisonous berry bushes so he could collect their leaves while Sandwing’s mind was going a mile a minute. Should he really ask about it? Is he being impatient or pushy? Shoving away his thoughts he took a quiet deep breath. “Do you remember that one time we got caught in the rain and had to hide in a cave while I was trying to help you gather herbs?” Sandwing tentatively put out the question making the medicine nicheling still in a way that made Sandwing want to curl into a ball and vanish. “…I do” Mossbeetle said seeming the same as ever but internally he was panicking as he wondered why he had brought that up, he thought the deputy had forgotten about it. “Do you…have you uh…” Sandwing winced at how badly his delivery was as he fumbled over his words in an attempt to just spit it out. “Have you figured out if you want to…be mates?” Sandwing forced himself to just say it even if his chest hurt like he had just been running for a moon straight. “…” The silence stretched on in a way that made Sandwing want to run into the grasses and become a loner for the rest of his life. “Never mind! We’ll just- just collect these uh leaves and go back!” Sandwing’s words burst from him as he wanted this to be over so he could sulk in peace, so he started to pick up some leaves. “…Are you sure?” The quiet voice made Sandwing pause in his tracks and look over towards the source to see Mossbeetle, looking at the leaves by his paws with a confused expression. “Do you want to be mates with a nicheling that’s known for being grumpy, exhausted, and nowhere near soft?” Mossbeetle asked as he refused to look Sandwing in the eyes, he knows Sandwing confessed before but what if his feelings changed and this was just something asked out of courtesy? Sandwing walked over to get close enough that the two nicheling’s snouts almost touched. “I’m more sure of it than I’ve ever been about anything else in my life” The words caused Mossbeetle to flinch back in shock and disbelief. “I’ve loved you since we were younger, but I never expressed it because I assumed you hated me” Mossbeetle looked off to the side with some guilt at the deputy’s words. “But as we’ve grown together we’ve gotten closer and I’ve learned that you don’t express your affection with words or physical contact but instead through actions like how you help any injury, even if it’s small and could probably be dealt with without help” Sandwing continued before deciding to wrap it up before he gets too sappy. “What I’m trying to say is…I love you more than I feel I can express and I have for a long time but if you don’t feel the same I’ll understand” The thought hurt him deeply but Sandwing would never pressure him into loving him so he left the choice to the medicine nicheling. Mossbeetle’s fur was filled with warmth as he realized exactly how much Sandwing loved him and how deep his love was, he didn’t believe anyone would love him in such a manner. “I…I think I’d like to be mates if you truly love me that much” Mossbeetle murmured but Sandwing picked up on it easily and he was frozen for a few moments before lighting up like a sunny sky. “Really?! That’s great!” Sandwing chirped as he got closer to Mossbeetle before gently wrapping his tail around the medicine nicheling’s. Mossbeetle startled before relaxing and wrapping his tail around Sandwing’s. The herb gathering patrol took a while because the two silently decided they wanted to spend time in each other’s presence before having to go back to their duties, as was inevitable with the two having such important roles in the clan. CanaryStar only shook her head in exasperation and affection as she watched her daughter run off with her mentor, pestering Tigerthorn with a million questions while the older nicheling looked like he would rather be doing literally anything else. CanaryStar gave Blossompaw to Tigerthorn in hopes to cheer him up but it seems like Blossompaw just gets on his nerves instead, she considered changing Blossompaw’s mentor but decided against it, not wanting to make her get used to a different mentor again. Her ruminating was interrupted by the sound of multiple pawsteps making her straighten her posture, which she resisted the urge to wince as her back protested that actions, as she turned towards the noise. Her posture immediatly relaxed as she noticed it was her brother and the deputy. “Is there something going on?” She asked with the realization that both of them were here. “Is it something about the vision?” CanaryStar questioned making her brother shake his head as Sandwing spoke up. “No, it’s a more personal thing” Sandwing replied though the question made his mind temporarily wander to the strange vision that CanaryStar had shared almost a moon ago now. “Oh well than what is it?” CanaryStar asked with some intrigue while looking between the two. “Me and him have decided to become mates” Mossbeetle spoke first making CanaryStar’s eyes widen before laughing. Both the deputy and medicine nicheling looked at her with equally baffled expressions as CanaryStar continued to cackle before trying to regain her composure. “Finally! Took you two long enough” If they thought they were confused before they were even more puzzled now. “I thought you two would die before confessing” CanaryStar continued making Sandwing’s expression morph to one of embarrassment while Mossbeetle scowled at his sister. “Congratulations, but I do have a question than” CanaryStar asked as he glanced between the two with a more serious expression. “Do you want to keep this between the three of us or do you want to tell anyone else?” She wanted to make sure she knew now so she knew if she could brag or if she shouldn’t speak of it at all considering the fact that it was technically forbidden, though she’s pretty sure most of the clan wouldn’t care she still wanted to give the choice to them. “I’d be fine with the clan knowing” Mossbeetle said in a relaxed manner while Sandwing beamed. “I’d love to have everyone know Mossbeetle is my wonderful mate!” Sandwing grinned while Mossbeetle pretended that his fur wasn’t warming in embarrassment as he used a paw to very gently bop Sandwing on the nose. CanaryStar watched the two interact with amusement before a call of her name caught her attention. “Alright, well congratulations but I have to go apparently” CanaryStar sighed and Mossbeetle easily noticed the tiredness in her eyes and felt a bit bad as he knew being leader was probably a rough job. “Bye!” Sandwing said with a nod. “See you” Mossbeetle simply said with a small smile that CanaryStar returned before turning around and leaving. A hunting patrol had split into two groups leaving Twigstrike and Blossompaw to look for any signs of prey. Blossompaw was ecstatic to spend time with Twigstrike as he was usually busy or she was training but the two tried to make time for each other when their duties allowed. Blossompaw considers Twigstrike to be an older brother figure to her but she refuses to voice it both because she feels that would be too sappy but also because she knows that Twigstrike hadn’t come to terms with his sister’s death as most think he is. He hates any time that it’s brought up though he tries his best to hide it but Blossompaw spends enough time with him to see right through it so she buries the idea deep in her heart. “Bet I can catch a rabill faster than you” Twigstrike challenged making Blossompaw puff out her chest proudly. “No way! I’ll catch three rabill before you can even think about catching one!” Blossompaw argued making Twigstrike’s grin grow at her confidence. “Well than once you catch one bring it back here and wait and we’ll see who gets back first” Twigstrike said making Blossompaw grin back at him. “Be prepared to lose!” She exclaimed over her shoulder as she ran off to find a rabill first while Twigstrike chuckled before going in a different direction. Blossompaw raced through the grasses as she smelled the air for even a faint scent of her prey. The scent of rabill soon drifted over to her and she started following it though she was much slower now as she didn’t want to risk scaring it off. She soon found her target, a rabill nibbling on some berries blissfully unaware of its future demise. She crouched low to the ground and started to slowly stalk toward it having to resist the urge to just run after it as her paws buzzed with energy. But she remembered Robinbriar’s words ‘I know it’s hard to wait but remember how good it’ll feel to catch it’ she felt a pang of sadness that caused her to step on a small twig. The rabill’s ears shot up before it ran off causing her to yelp before jumping up to her paws and running after it. It deftly dodged her attempts to capture it making her irritation spike while pushing her legs to run faster. She hated the fact she was never as good at hunting at the other nichelings, she loves her friend but she’s bitter about the fact she’s so much better at hunting than her despite being the same age. She always got distracted by her thoughts or made the impulsive decision to try and pounce a little too early. Catching the rabill’s fur in her claws was shocking as she realized she had actually managed to get a hold on it. She didn’t waste the opportunity as she pulled it back towards her which made it roll onto its back with a shriek of what she assumed was fear. But as she put her face closer to deliver the killing bite the rabill reared back its hindlegs and kicked her in the face causing her to yelp in pain as its dull nails raked across her snout. The rabill ran off when her grip loosened due to surprise and pain as her attention was turned towards the stinging sensation that ran across her snout. Shame washed over her in agonizing waves as she realized that she had not only lost her prey but also got hurt from it. She winced as she touched the spot that hurt and felt even worse as she saw blood smeared on her paw, She didn’t want to give up though so she stubbornly stood to her paws and started to smell for any sign of rabill, though it was hard with the scent of blood clogging her senses. Blossompaw trudged through the grasses with her senses sharp as she refused to go back empty-pawed like she had done so many times before in her training, what if the clan considered her useless for her inability to hunt? What if she was never named a warrior because she couldn’t provide for the clan like everyone else? Those thoughts fueled her to ignore the pain in her snout and instead continue with her goal. After what felt like an eternity she heard a rustle that caused her to freeze for a moment before crouching and slowly getting closer to the sound. She almost gasped when she saw a rabill relaxing on a mound. She forced herself to still for a little bit before very carefully getting closer, keeping her eyes sharp for any twigs and completely focusing on her target. When she got close enough she leaped with as much force as speed as she could which caught the rabill completely off guard and it could only shriek before she bit its throat with enough force to silence it within a moment. She stood to her paws with the rabill hanging from her jaws, unable to stop a sense of pride from spreading through her as she realized she caught it. She took a bit to figure out her directions before starting to make her way back to the spot she promised Twigstrike to meet with her head held high. = She was more than surprised when she saw Twigstrike wasn’t there. She figured there was no way she had beat him considering her absolute mess of a hunt. But before she could investigate a rustle behind her almost startled her out of her fur. “There you are!” She was surprised when Twigstrike burst out from the grasses. “What happened?!” He asked as he rushed over to look at the red lines across the apprentice’s snout, noticing that some of the blood was already dry. “I’m fine! Just tripped” Blossompaw mumbled through the rabbit she was holding while using one of her paws to push him away from her. Twigstrike took a step back but continued to look concerned and a bit skeptical. “So you tripped and managed to get three perfect lines across your snout?” Twigstrike asked with a doubtful expression as he was sure that looked more like a claw-related injury. Blossompaw felt herself wilt a little under his accusatory stare but still not wanting to admit the real reason as she felt like it was a rabill-brained mistake to make. “You can’t just not explain the injury when we take you to Mossbeetle y’know, he’s gonna ask what happened” Twigstrike replied and Blossompaw could admit he had a point there so she shifted on her paws and looked away before answering. “I was hunting a rabill and it kicked me with its back legs” Blossompaw grumbled out after placing the rabill on the ground. “That’s all? Well good to know you didn’t find something like a rogue” Blossompaw stood up a bit from her hunched stance when he said that, she knows logically that he wouldn’t make fun of her for it but a small part of her worried. “We should take our prey and drop you off at the medicine den so that doesn’t get infected though” Twigstrike said making Blossompaw pout. “Do I have to?” She asked causing Twigstrike to let out a snort of laughter. “Would your mom or Mossbeetle let you walk around with an untreated injury?” Twigstrike asked making Blossompaw’s pout turn into a scowl. “I guess not” She grumbled before picking up her rabill and starting to head towards camp with Twigstrike following her after a few chuckles. 1
Stranger Posted March 9, 2024 Posted March 9, 2024 Sandwing and Mossbeetle become mates after 373929392 million years, real!!!!????? Also Blossompaw is one of my favourite characters right now
CosmicChaos21 Posted March 9, 2024 Author Posted March 9, 2024 8 hours ago, Stranger said: Sandwing and Mossbeetle become mates after 373929392 million years, real!!!!????? Also Blossompaw is one of my favourite characters right now Yes after way too long they have become mates! Sandwing is a very patient nicheling for waiting so long but it was more than worth it in his eyes :3 Honestly I shouldn't play favorites but alas I do and I agree Blossompaw is one of my favorites at the moment- (Mossbeetle is my absolute favorite though-) 1
CosmicChaos21 Posted March 9, 2024 Author Posted March 9, 2024 This is a emotionally loaded update so prepare yourselves- - “I just think you’re being a bit harsh to her is all” Daisyfall said as he lounged on a patch of short grass. “Mentors are supposed to teach their apprentices that life isn’t all fun and games” Tigerthorn replied with a lash of his tail that Daisyfall could only sigh at. “Of course, but a mentor isn’t supposed to destroy their apprentice’s confidence either” Tigerthorn snorted with a bitter laugh at the pink nicheling’s words. “Destroy her confidence? Have you interacted with her? She’s nothing but arrogance” Tigerthorn scoffed at the thought as he remembered how just a few sunrises ago she had paraded that single rabill around like it was the best catch of the moon. “Maybe when she was first apprenticed but now to me it seems like she’s trying to mask insecurity by pretending she’s always sure of herself” Daisyfall responded as he looked off into the distance, remembering how Blossompaw always acted out by being very vocal about her abilities as an apprentice. When she was being apprenticed by Robinbriar she was over-confident at times but she didn’t try to tell everyone all the time, not to mention she seemed much happier and less of a show-off. “Sure” Tigerthorn replied in a tone that suggested he didn’t believe that in the slightest. As Tigerthorn was getting up to leave Daisyfall had an idea, a horrible and perhaps twisted idea but an idea nonetheless. “I wonder what Redpaw would think of you now, being so cruel to your own apprentice” It worked as Tigerthorn froze in place at the other nicheling’s words. “…What did you just say to me?” Tigerthorn hissed as he slowly turned toward Daisyfall who only calmly stood up in response at first. “Your ears ain’t that bad yet” Daisyfall said as he calmly stared Tigerthorn in the eyes. “Take her name out of your mouth” Tigerthorn spat only making Daisyfall twitch his ear. “TAKE IT BACK!” Tigerthorn suddenly leaped at Daisyfall, bowling him over as a snarling expression was pointed at the pink nicheling. Daisyfall was shocked long enough for Tigerthorn to deliver a nasty bite to his shoulder making him hiss before using his hindlegs to kick the other nicheling off of him. “You can’t refuse to move on, your grief is obviously consuming you” Daisyfall commented as he was still willing to be civil about this despite the pain that radiated across his shoulder. Tigerthorn only lunged at him in response and Daisyfall only barely managed to dodge with a slight stumble due to the pain slowing him down. Tigerthorn noticed it and faked a lunge causing Daisyfall to move one direction only for Tigerthorn to quickly change his and bowl over Daisyfall again. ~DOESN'T MENTION BLOOD OR GORE BUT JUST IN CASE BE WARNED THERE IS A NICHELING GETTING KILLED HERE!~ Daisyfall tried to use his horns to slice the other nicheling but Tigerthorn managed to dodge his attempts and quickly seized his throat with his teeth. Daisyfall wheezed and used all the strength he had to try and shove Tigerthorn away but each moment that the other nicheling’s jaws tightened made him weaker and weaker until his attempts stopped and his body fell limp. ~END OF DEATH~ Tigerthorn stepped back and watched Daisyfall for any signs of life. When he simply laid there lifeless Tigerthorn’s posture relaxed as he realized he had won, only for the realization to kick in. If he was found out he’d be exiled at best so he quickly came up with a plan. He grabbed Daisyfall’s still body by one of his paws and slowly dragged him towards the shore, as he had come there a few times. It had taken time but he made it and when he did he let go of Daisyfall’s paw and shoved him into the water, letting the waves slowly take him out to see where Tigerthorn felt he wouldn’t be found. As he breathed in he was reminded of the blood dripping from his jaws and realized he would be found quickly if he left it. He crouched and put his snout in the seawater before using a paw to wipe at the blood to ensure he got rid of it. Only once he was sure his snout was clean did he stand up and look out at sea. Daisyfall’s body slowly bobbed in the water and was drifting away. He watched for a few more moments before turning around and going back to camp, making sure he went back a different way than he came. Twigstrike could only stare at his paws, not even processing Blossompaw and Crowpaw’s attempts to comfort him as he looked at the grass below him. The clan had been looking for Daisyfall for sunrises but nothing had ever been found and every sunrise brought less and less hope of ever finding him. He had spats with his mentor at times but he knew he cared and he knew he could be difficult time to time but to hear that he was just…gone, having just vanished with no trace of him or a hint if he was alive and lost or dead and rotting. He hated it, no he hated that this type of thing kept happening to him. First his sister, then his mom and dad, and now his mentor was gone too. He’s scared because what about Blossompaw? He cares about her but what if his love is a curse? What if she gets hurt or even dies because everyone else he ever has does? Maybe…maybe it would be best to distance himself, save her and him the pain of what could happen. She has her mom and Mossbeetle and Crowpaw who are close to her so she could easily live without him. “Twigstrike? Wait where are you going?!” Blossompaw said as she saw Twigstrike suddenly get up and start walking toward the border of camp. Crowpaw considered just staying out of it but while she may not know him well she did notice that Twigstrike was acting off and she wanted to keep an eye on Blossompaw so she followed after the two. “Slow down I can’t keep up if you walk that fast!” Blossompaw exclaimed as she continued to follow after Twigstrike despite the fact he was walking so fast it was just shy of a sprint. He suddenly stopped and turned around so fast that Blossompaw bumped into him before taking a few pawsteps back. When she looked up she was met with an expression that was twisted in one of grief and anger. “Stop following me!” He hissed making Blossompaw’s ears flatten as she shrunk under his gaze. “B-but I just want to help you feel better!” Blossompaw insisted as she her ears lifted a bit only to flatten again at his expression. “Well you shouldn’t! I don’t need it” Twigstrike retorted making Blossompaw’s posture shrink further at the volume. “Why are you so mad at her? She’s trying to help” Crowpaw said as she came up to Blossompaw’s side, feeling annoyed at the older nicheling’s unneeded anger. “Just leave me alone” Twigstrike said with a scowl. “Just let me help I-” Blossompaw peeped up but was interrupted. “Just…stop” Twigstrike’s anger was extinguished, replaced with sadness and guilt as he realized how he was acting towards someone he cared about. “I’m…I’m sorry” He said simply before turning around and running off as he didn’t want to do something that would haunt him for the rest of his life, though he realized that this probably already would. The two apprentices could only stare as Twigstrike vanished into the grasses. Neither of them spoke for a few agonizing moments. “…Why can’t I do anything right?” Blossompaw murmured with tears in her eyes causing Crowpaw to feel alarm as she had never seen Blossompaw cry in all her time of knowing her. “You didn’t do anything wrong” Crowpaw tried to reassure but Blossompaw just squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. “Then why do so many nichelings look at me like that?!” Blossompaw raised a paw to touch her now scarred snout as she said it as if to emphasize the point. “Because they don’t see how hard you try and how hard you work to get better” Crowpaw softly spoke as she grabbed Blossompaw’s raised paw with one of her own and gently moved it back towards the ground. Blossompaw didn’t resist the action but her claws slid in and out as she flexed her paw in a whirlpool of emotions. “I just want everyone to be proud of me, I want my mentor to be proud of me but he never is!” Blossompaw squeezed her eyes more tightly shut making a concerned expression cross Crowpaw’s face. “I do everything he asks but he- he ignores all my good stuff and only reacts to my failures! If I’m trying so hard why can’t he just be proud of me for once?…Just once I want him to say he’s proud” Tears freely rolled down Blossompaw’s cheeks as she went through a roller coaster of emotions from anger to sadness to pure numbness as she spoke. “I don’t think he ever will be proud” Crowpaw started but continued before Blossompaw could say anything. “But his approval isn’t something you need, you have nichelings who ARE proud of you” She continued making Blossompaw slowly open her eyes to stare at Crowpaw skeptically. “Like who?” Blossompaw asked with a squint. “Like your mom and Mossbeetle, even if I think he’d rather die than admit it, and Sandwing” Crowpaw said but then looked at the ground as she hesitated before steeling her nerves. “And…your favorite nicheling too” Crowpaw murmured but Blossompaw’s eyes shot open as soon as she heard the words. “I guess you’re right…having your approval means more than Tigerthorn’s ever could” Blossompaw mumbled feeling just as embarrassed. “Oh! Uh- thanks” Crowpaw ignored the warmth in her fur in favor looking off to the side. “We should uh go back to camp before anyone gets worried” Blossompaw tried to give her usual confident grin but it was a bit lopsided from the fresh emotions that she had just shown. “Yeah” Crowpaw agreed not much better herself as she pointedly ignored any idea of eye contact. 1
CosmicChaos21 Posted March 11, 2024 Author Posted March 11, 2024 Twigstrike looked between CanaryStar and Sandwing with some unease. He had no idea what they wanted to talk about, maybe they’d caught wind of how he snapped at Blossompaw? But there was no trace of anger or disappointment on their faces so he doubted it was that. “What exactly did you want to talk about?” Twigstrike spoke up after failing to piece it together himself. The leader and deputy shared a look that Twigstrike couldn’t decipher before CanaryStar answered him. “Well me and Sandwing are getting older and realize there’s a chance that the clan could be left scrambling for a leader if we both die too close together” CanaryStar said causing a feeling of unease to worm into Twigstrike’s chest as he had a faint idea of where this was going though he hoped it wasn’t. “Okay…” He simply said and waited for one of them to go on to confirm or deny his suspicions. “So we kinda wanted to say that if something happens we want you to take over as leader” The deputy’s words struck Twigstrike into silence as he realized what was being asked of him. “But I don’t think I’m leader material” Twigstrike admitted as his gaze was cast downwards. He knew about his tendency to get easily irritated and as interesting as the prospect of being leader is he doesn’t want to leave a bad mark on WildClan’s legacy. “Well options are limited and we know it’s a lot so we’re going to try and teach you how to be the best leader you can be” CanaryStar tried to reassure which Twigstrike couldn’t appreciate, would she still choose him if she knew he’d lost his temper towards her kit? “I know it’s a lot” Sandwing spoke making Twigstrike lift his head a small margin. “but in the future you’ll grow into your role and be an amazing leader, I’m sure of it” Twigstrike wanted to disagree but just settled for a nod as he knew the clan couldn’t go without a leader. “We’ll start lessons next sunrise alright?” CanaryStar said as she tried to give him a comforting smile. “Alright” Twigstrike agreed though it was obvious to both the leader and deputy that his heart wasn’t in it. The call of their duties caused the three to separate to do their own tasks. Blossompaw drearily blinked open her eyes to the landscape that had become familiar over the moons of training, like a second home away from home. The escape was welcome while Twigstrike’s words buzzed around her skull like an annoying swarm of bugs. Dark thoughts crawled into her mind like creeping shadows but she shook her head like she could physically shake them off before looking around for her ‘mentor’. A familiar yellow and grey pelt caught her eye making her bound over in his direction. The nicheling’s ear flicked and he turned his head to see the apprentice making her way over to him causing him to rise to his paws and turn towards what was practically his apprentice. “Ah hello Blossompaw, not doing well I see?” Blossompaw froze in her tracks in confusion before remembering what he said before ‘Being dead allows me to see the goings on of the clan’ so she kept going until she was a few tail-lengths away. “Don’t worry I understand if you don’t want to talk about it, Twigstrike was quite cruel without good reason” Spottedfrost said with a sigh. Blossompaw startled when Spottedfrost flinched after looking at her. “What’s wrong?” She asked with concern. Spottedfrost had glanced over at the apprentice but flinched when the face of a smiling Wishpaw was reflected at him for a moment before settling back into the face of a concerned Blossompaw. Spottedfrost shook his head before giving the apprentice a smile. “You just reminded me of someone” Spottedfrost answered making Blossompaw tilt her head and open her mouth before reconsidering and shutting it. “Okay, can we do battle training?” Spottedfrost let out a laugh at the apprentice’s constant enthusiasm despite doing battle training so often. “Of course” He said as he took a few steps back until they were a bit farther from each other. “You go first” He offered making Blossompaw nod as she started to circle around him to look for any weakpoints. Spottedfrost didn’t turn to follow her movements but kept his senses sharp for whenever she would strike. Once she was behind him she ran towards him and managed to pounce onto his back which was mildly surprising to Spottedfrost but he quickly recovered with an attempt to shake her off. It was difficult but Blossompaw used to claws to ensure she wouldn’t be easily dislodged so Spottedfrost moved on to another tactic. Blossompaw let out a slight hiss when Spottedfrost suddenly rolled onto his back, slightly crushing her under his weight and letting her hold on his pelt slip. He quickly rolled back onto his paws and tried to pin her but she quickly darted away before he could making him grin as her agility, a sense of pride swelling in him at how well she was doing. She used that opportunity to land a scratch on his shoulder making him wince in pain. Blossompaw paused with concern but Spottedfrost just shook his head to indicate he was fine before landing a scratch on her right cheek, leaving a thin red line across it. Blossompaw scrunched up her face but shook off the pain in favor of lunging at him, causing him to get bowled over. She carefully pressed a paw against his throat causing him to chuckle. “Guess you won this one” Spottedfrost said making Blossompaw beam before walking a few tail-lengths away so he could get up. “You had great agility” Spottedfrost praised making Blossompaw’s fur fluff in some embarrassment. Praise had been rare at first but as she trained more with him Spottedfrost had been congratulating her more and it was an adjustment considering Tigerthorn’s usual cold attitude towards her. “Thanks” She simply responded as she idly groomed the fur on her shoulder before glancing around at her distorting surroundings. “Time for you to wake up, we’ll train more soon” Spottedfrost said making Blossompaw sad at the thought of leaving but she nodded. “Bye!” She said before vanishing back to the world of the living. Spottedfrost stared for a few moments before the voice of LocustStar caught him off guard. “If I didn’t know better I’d say you care about that apprentice” Spottedfrost’s face twisted into one of irritation at the other dark forest nicheling’s words. “What makes you think that?” Spottedfrost hissed which the other nicheling only rolled his eyes at. “The kindness you show her, we’re supposed to recruit more nichelings to the dark forest not get attached” LocustStar said with a low rumble which Spottedfrost returned. “I’m not attached” Spottedfrost rumbled making LocustStar narrow his eyes before turning around and stalking off, leaving Spottedfrost to his thoughts. ‘I’m not attached’ Spottedfrost thought but deep down he knew he was lying to himself as he remembered how nice it was to see the apprentice. And he hated the fact that he knew what made him attached in the first place as the younger nicheling reminded him of how Wishpaw looked at him, the one he had helped raise and the one that saw him as their true father. He couldn’t deny that he sometimes regretted his past actions with his hindsight both because he knows he had hurt many but also because he would never see Wishpaw, or Wishwind as they had been named as a warrior, ever again. He looked up to the ‘sky’ with a drawn out breath as he wondered what could have been if he had made different choices, if he hadn’t been so pushy and filled with envy and jealousy. ‘No use dwelling’ He thought as he walked off. An unfortunate side effect of training in her dreams was the fact that Blossompaw on rare occasion had to go to the medicine den because the injuries she got in her dreams carried over to her real life. She slowly made her way to the medicine den as she dreaded the questioning she would get once again from her uncle as he had only believed her lies completely the first time or maybe the second but after enough times she was always regarded with doubt. Mossbeetle never pushed for answers but the stifling silence and judgement was enough to make the apprentice’s skin crawl. “Hey Mossbeetle!” Blossompaw chirped but the cheerful greeting was met with a thousand tail-length stare that made Blossompaw let out an involuntary nervous chuckle. “I had a thorn caught in my nest and it got me good!” Blossompaw had recited a ‘good’ lie about a million times in her head as she did the walk of shame to the medicine den but even her most convincing words did nothing to erase the skeptical look her uncle gave her. “…Right, come over here so I can look at it” Mossbeetle’s words made her quickly skitter over to sit in front of him as he looked over the scratch on her face. “Congratulations you’re getting a would from a ‘thorn’” The scalding amount of sarcasm made a very unnerved grin appear on Blossompaw’s face as she avoided the notion of eye contact in any way. “Guess I’ll look super tough with two scars on my face than!” Blossompaw said with fake bravado that Mossbeetle just stared at her for a few moments before sighing. “Yeah a scar from a rabill and a thorn is so tough” Blossompaw wondered if there was a limit to the amount of sarcasm a nicheling could put in a single sentence as she waited for him to finish applying the herbs he needed to. “I get if you don’t want to talk to me about it but you should tell your mom about whatever all these injuries are coming from” Mossbeetle said as Blossompaw was making her way out of the den. “…” Blossompaw didn’t speak as she skittered out of the den. “Does it ever get easier?” Crowpaw’s blunt words caused Sandwing to trip and almost drop the rabill hanging from his jaws. “Wha- What exactly?” Sandwing asked as he wondered if he’d missed something the apprentice had said. “Missing your old home, didn’t CanaryStar say something about you not being born here?” Crowpaw asked as she tried to recalled the exact words. “Oh that well…yes and no” The deputy’s words only morphed the apprentice’s face into confusion at the not-answer. “You may miss your old home your entire life but you’ll find nichelings who make you see the good in your new one, they make it easier to accept that you may never see your old home again” Sandwing continued upon seeing the expression on his apprentice’s face. “Do you still miss your old home?” Crowpaw asked making Sandwing’s steps slow until reaching a stop as he considered the question. “I can’t remember too much but I do miss my family and a part of me aches to see them again” He admitted as he only saw blurry faces in his memories until the crystal clarity he had when he was younger. “but then I think about what I would lose if I went back in time and never ended up in the clan, so I want to ask you something Crowpaw” The words made Crowpaw’s ears perk as she looked towards her mentor in anticipation. “If you could find your family now and leave with them would you? Would you be willing to sacrifice what you’ve made here to live your old life?” Sandwing’s words made Crowpaw’s thoughts freeze before genuinely considering it. The thought of playing with her siblings with her parents watching over her crossed her mind and the idea made her happy…but then she remembered Blossompaw and thought of a life without her. No more moon-highs spent listening to her rambles and giggling about silly ideas, she would never have Blossompaw’s attempts of comfort after the times she failed a hunt, never again would she see Blossompaw’s sunshine-filled smile directed toward her. “…I…don’t think I could” Crowpaw answered with her face scrunched in thought earning an empathetic smile from her mentor as he could understand. “Well if the time comes you have to choose I’m sure we’d all support it” Sandwing said making Crowpaw crack a tiny smile. “That’s enough of that though, why don’t we take our catches back to camp and relax in the warmth of the sun?” Sandwing offered as to not stress out the apprentice. Crowpaw nodded as she didn’t want to dwell much more at the moment so the two made their way back to camp holding their own tribute to the fresh-kill pile. The atmosphere was suffocating between the two nichelings as they made their way through the grasses in an attempt to hunt. Tigerthorn had already caught a rabill so he just stared at Blossompaw only making her irritation spike further at the judgement from her mentor. “Kinda hard to focus when I can feel your staring” Blossompaw snipped as she tried to focus on her surroundings to no avail. “If you’re that easily distracted maybe your warrior ceremony should be pushed back a few moons” Tigerthorn retorted making Blossompaw’s fur bristle at the idea, as if she needed to feel any more ashamed of her struggle to hunt. “And maybe you should get over Redpaw” Blossompaw couldn’t bite back the impulsive words though she immediately regretted it as she thought of how wrong it was to use that against him, and she could only imagine how Twigstrike would feel using his sister’s memory in such a way. “Maybe I should just kill you like I did Daisyfall” Blossompaw’s blood froze in her veins as she just barely caught the mumbled words of her mentor. “…You killed him” It wasn’t a question but a statement. She knew her mentor was cold and distant but she would’ve never assumed that such a respected warrior of the clan would stoop to such levels. It seems Tigerthorn realized his mistake too as he quickly lunged at the apprentice to get rid of the nicheling that now knew his secret. Spottedfrost’s training came in handy as she easily dodged to the side causing her mentor to land on his front paws with a wince as he crumbled to the ground. He could stand on his front paws but not for long and it caused a fair amount of pain. ~BLOOD AND MURDER, I DON'T THINK IT COUNTS AS GORE BUT JUST IN CASE BE WARNED!~ Blossompaw used the opportunity without a moment of thought, bowling him over so she was hovering above him. He quickly landed a deep bite on her shoulder causing her to wince as she felt blood run down her fur. She let out a low rumble as she used a paw to shove his snout away before ruthlessly sinking her teeth into his throat. He gasped then coughed as he breathed in his own blood, trying to kick her off of him with his hind-legs to no avail as her training had prepared her for retaliation. He thrashed and struggled for longer than she thought he would before slowing his movements and suddenly falling limp. She let go with a cold expression before her actions started to slowly sink in, slowly morphing her expression into one of shock and regret. She stepped a few steps back, breathing heavily but only being more sickened as the scent and taste of blood flooded her senses. Not the blood of prey but the blood of her own clanmate. The blood of her own mentor. ~END OF BLOOD AND STUFF!~ She felt dizzy and disoriented as her brain sluggishly tried to figure out what to do. Should she say that a bearyena attacked them? No, the bite mark on her shoulder wouldn’t be one of a bearyena….ROGUES! She could say that rogues attacked her and her mentor and that would explain the bite mark! But first she needed to wash herself off. = She made it to a small stream where she dipped her snout and paws in to wash them off the actions she had just committed. She then realized it would be odd for all of her to be dry except her snout and paws so she took a deep breath before soaking her entire body in the stream before emerging soaking wet and feeling like every breeze was a personal attack. She shook her head to dislodge any thoughts before slowly making her way back to camp to prepare herself to lie to her entire clan… 1
Stranger Posted March 12, 2024 Posted March 12, 2024 16 hours ago, CosmicChaos21 said: Twigstrike looked between CanaryStar and Sandwing with some unease. He had no idea what they wanted to talk about, maybe they’d caught wind of how he snapped at Blossompaw? But there was no trace of anger or disappointment on their faces so he doubted it was that. “What exactly did you want to talk about?” Twigstrike spoke up after failing to piece it together himself. The leader and deputy shared a look that Twigstrike couldn’t decipher before CanaryStar answered him. “Well me and Sandwing are getting older and realize there’s a chance that the clan could be left scrambling for a leader if we both die too close together” CanaryStar said causing a feeling of unease to worm into Twigstrike’s chest as he had a faint idea of where this was going though he hoped it wasn’t. “Okay…” He simply said and waited for one of them to go on to confirm or deny his suspicions. “So we kinda wanted to say that if something happens we want you to take over as leader” The deputy’s words struck Twigstrike into silence as he realized what was being asked of him. “But I don’t think I’m leader material” Twigstrike admitted as his gaze was cast downwards. He knew about his tendency to get easily irritated and as interesting as the prospect of being leader is he doesn’t want to leave a bad mark on WildClan’s legacy. “Well options are limited and we know it’s a lot so we’re going to try and teach you how to be the best leader you can be” CanaryStar tried to reassure which Twigstrike couldn’t appreciate, would she still choose him if she knew he’d lost his temper towards her kit? “I know it’s a lot” Sandwing spoke making Twigstrike lift his head a small margin. “but in the future you’ll grow into your role and be an amazing leader, I’m sure of it” Twigstrike wanted to disagree but just settled for a nod as he knew the clan couldn’t go without a leader. “We’ll start lessons next sunrise alright?” CanaryStar said as she tried to give him a comforting smile. “Alright” Twigstrike agreed though it was obvious to both the leader and deputy that his heart wasn’t in it. The call of their duties caused the three to separate to do their own tasks. Blossompaw drearily blinked open her eyes to the landscape that had become familiar over the moons of training, like a second home away from home. The escape was welcome while Twigstrike’s words buzzed around her skull like an annoying swarm of bugs. Dark thoughts crawled into her mind like creeping shadows but she shook her head like she could physically shake them off before looking around for her ‘mentor’. A familiar yellow and grey pelt caught her eye making her bound over in his direction. The nicheling’s ear flicked and he turned his head to see the apprentice making her way over to him causing him to rise to his paws and turn towards what was practically his apprentice. “Ah hello Blossompaw, not doing well I see?” Blossompaw froze in her tracks in confusion before remembering what he said before ‘Being dead allows me to see the goings on of the clan’ so she kept going until she was a few tail-lengths away. “Don’t worry I understand if you don’t want to talk about it, Twigstrike was quite cruel without good reason” Spottedfrost said with a sigh. Blossompaw startled when Spottedfrost flinched after looking at her. “What’s wrong?” She asked with concern. Spottedfrost had glanced over at the apprentice but flinched when the face of a smiling Wishpaw was reflected at him for a moment before settling back into the face of a concerned Blossompaw. Spottedfrost shook his head before giving the apprentice a smile. “You just reminded me of someone” Spottedfrost answered making Blossompaw tilt her head and open her mouth before reconsidering and shutting it. “Okay, can we do battle training?” Spottedfrost let out a laugh at the apprentice’s constant enthusiasm despite doing battle training so often. “Of course” He said as he took a few steps back until they were a bit farther from each other. “You go first” He offered making Blossompaw nod as she started to circle around him to look for any weakpoints. Spottedfrost didn’t turn to follow her movements but kept his senses sharp for whenever she would strike. Once she was behind him she ran towards him and managed to pounce onto his back which was mildly surprising to Spottedfrost but he quickly recovered with an attempt to shake her off. It was difficult but Blossompaw used to claws to ensure she wouldn’t be easily dislodged so Spottedfrost moved on to another tactic. Blossompaw let out a slight hiss when Spottedfrost suddenly rolled onto his back, slightly crushing her under his weight and letting her hold on his pelt slip. He quickly rolled back onto his paws and tried to pin her but she quickly darted away before he could making him grin as her agility, a sense of pride swelling in him at how well she was doing. She used that opportunity to land a scratch on his shoulder making him wince in pain. Blossompaw paused with concern but Spottedfrost just shook his head to indicate he was fine before landing a scratch on her right cheek, leaving a thin red line across it. Blossompaw scrunched up her face but shook off the pain in favor of lunging at him, causing him to get bowled over. She carefully pressed a paw against his throat causing him to chuckle. “Guess you won this one” Spottedfrost said making Blossompaw beam before walking a few tail-lengths away so he could get up. “You had great agility” Spottedfrost praised making Blossompaw’s fur fluff in some embarrassment. Praise had been rare at first but as she trained more with him Spottedfrost had been congratulating her more and it was an adjustment considering Tigerthorn’s usual cold attitude towards her. “Thanks” She simply responded as she idly groomed the fur on her shoulder before glancing around at her distorting surroundings. “Time for you to wake up, we’ll train more soon” Spottedfrost said making Blossompaw sad at the thought of leaving but she nodded. “Bye!” She said before vanishing back to the world of the living. Spottedfrost stared for a few moments before the voice of LocustStar caught him off guard. “If I didn’t know better I’d say you care about that apprentice” Spottedfrost’s face twisted into one of irritation at the other dark forest nicheling’s words. “What makes you think that?” Spottedfrost hissed which the other nicheling only rolled his eyes at. “The kindness you show her, we’re supposed to recruit more nichelings to the dark forest not get attached” LocustStar said with a low rumble which Spottedfrost returned. “I’m not attached” Spottedfrost rumbled making LocustStar narrow his eyes before turning around and stalking off, leaving Spottedfrost to his thoughts. ‘I’m not attached’ Spottedfrost thought but deep down he knew he was lying to himself as he remembered how nice it was to see the apprentice. And he hated the fact that he knew what made him attached in the first place as the younger nicheling reminded him of how Wishpaw looked at him, the one he had helped raise and the one that saw him as their true father. He couldn’t deny that he sometimes regretted his past actions with his hindsight both because he knows he had hurt many but also because he would never see Wishpaw, or Wishwind as they had been named as a warrior, ever again. He looked up to the ‘sky’ with a drawn out breath as he wondered what could have been if he had made different choices, if he hadn’t been so pushy and filled with envy and jealousy. ‘No use dwelling’ He thought as he walked off. An unfortunate side effect of training in her dreams was the fact that Blossompaw on rare occasion had to go to the medicine den because the injuries she got in her dreams carried over to her real life. She slowly made her way to the medicine den as she dreaded the questioning she would get once again from her uncle as he had only believed her lies completely the first time or maybe the second but after enough times she was always regarded with doubt. Mossbeetle never pushed for answers but the stifling silence and judgement was enough to make the apprentice’s skin crawl. “Hey Mossbeetle!” Blossompaw chirped but the cheerful greeting was met with a thousand tail-length stare that made Blossompaw let out an involuntary nervous chuckle. “I had a thorn caught in my nest and it got me good!” Blossompaw had recited a ‘good’ lie about a million times in her head as she did the walk of shame to the medicine den but even her most convincing words did nothing to erase the skeptical look her uncle gave her. “…Right, come over here so I can look at it” Mossbeetle’s words made her quickly skitter over to sit in front of him as he looked over the scratch on her face. “Congratulations you’re getting a would from a ‘thorn’” The scalding amount of sarcasm made a very unnerved grin appear on Blossompaw’s face as she avoided the notion of eye contact in any way. “Guess I’ll look super tough with two scars on my face than!” Blossompaw said with fake bravado that Mossbeetle just stared at her for a few moments before sighing. “Yeah a scar from a rabill and a thorn is so tough” Blossompaw wondered if there was a limit to the amount of sarcasm a nicheling could put in a single sentence as she waited for him to finish applying the herbs he needed to. “I get if you don’t want to talk to me about it but you should tell your mom about whatever all these injuries are coming from” Mossbeetle said as Blossompaw was making her way out of the den. “…” Blossompaw didn’t speak as she skittered out of the den. “Does it ever get easier?” Crowpaw’s blunt words caused Sandwing to trip and almost drop the rabill hanging from his jaws. “Wha- What exactly?” Sandwing asked as he wondered if he’d missed something the apprentice had said. “Missing your old home, didn’t CanaryStar say something about you not being born here?” Crowpaw asked as she tried to recalled the exact words. “Oh that well…yes and no” The deputy’s words only morphed the apprentice’s face into confusion at the not-answer. “You may miss your old home your entire life but you’ll find nichelings who make you see the good in your new one, they make it easier to accept that you may never see your old home again” Sandwing continued upon seeing the expression on his apprentice’s face. “Do you still miss your old home?” Crowpaw asked making Sandwing’s steps slow until reaching a stop as he considered the question. “I can’t remember too much but I do miss my family and a part of me aches to see them again” He admitted as he only saw blurry faces in his memories until the crystal clarity he had when he was younger. “but then I think about what I would lose if I went back in time and never ended up in the clan, so I want to ask you something Crowpaw” The words made Crowpaw’s ears perk as she looked towards her mentor in anticipation. “If you could find your family now and leave with them would you? Would you be willing to sacrifice what you’ve made here to live your old life?” Sandwing’s words made Crowpaw’s thoughts freeze before genuinely considering it. The thought of playing with her siblings with her parents watching over her crossed her mind and the idea made her happy…but then she remembered Blossompaw and thought of a life without her. No more moon-highs spent listening to her rambles and giggling about silly ideas, she would never have Blossompaw’s attempts of comfort after the times she failed a hunt, never again would she see Blossompaw’s sunshine-filled smile directed toward her. “…I…don’t think I could” Crowpaw answered with her face scrunched in thought earning an empathetic smile from her mentor as he could understand. “Well if the time comes you have to choose I’m sure we’d all support it” Sandwing said making Crowpaw crack a tiny smile. “That’s enough of that though, why don’t we take our catches back to camp and relax in the warmth of the sun?” Sandwing offered as to not stress out the apprentice. Crowpaw nodded as she didn’t want to dwell much more at the moment so the two made their way back to camp holding their own tribute to the fresh-kill pile. The atmosphere was suffocating between the two nichelings as they made their way through the grasses in an attempt to hunt. Tigerthorn had already caught a rabill so he just stared at Blossompaw only making her irritation spike further at the judgement from her mentor. “Kinda hard to focus when I can feel your staring” Blossompaw snipped as she tried to focus on her surroundings to no avail. “If you’re that easily distracted maybe your warrior ceremony should be pushed back a few moons” Tigerthorn retorted making Blossompaw’s fur bristle at the idea, as if she needed to feel any more ashamed of her struggle to hunt. “And maybe you should get over Redpaw” Blossompaw couldn’t bite back the impulsive words though she immediately regretted it as she thought of how wrong it was to use that against him, and she could only imagine how Twigstrike would feel using his sister’s memory in such a way. “Maybe I should just kill you like I did Daisyfall” Blossompaw’s blood froze in her veins as she just barely caught the mumbled words of her mentor. “…You killed him” It wasn’t a question but a statement. She knew her mentor was cold and distant but she would’ve never assumed that such a respected warrior of the clan would stoop to such levels. It seems Tigerthorn realized his mistake too as he quickly lunged at the apprentice to get rid of the nicheling that now knew his secret. Spottedfrost’s training came in handy as she easily dodged to the side causing her mentor to land on his front paws with a wince as he crumbled to the ground. He could stand on his front paws but not for long and it caused a fair amount of pain. ~BLOOD AND MURDER, I DON'T THINK IT COUNTS AS GORE BUT JUST IN CASE BE WARNED!~ Blossompaw used the opportunity without a moment of thought, bowling him over so she was hovering above him. He quickly landed a deep bite on her shoulder causing her to wince as she felt blood run down her fur. She let out a low rumble as she used a paw to shove his snout away before ruthlessly sinking her teeth into his throat. He gasped then coughed as he breathed in his own blood, trying to kick her off of him with his hind-legs to no avail as her training had prepared her for retaliation. He thrashed and struggled for longer than she thought he would before slowing his movements and suddenly falling limp. She let go with a cold expression before her actions started to slowly sink in, slowly morphing her expression into one of shock and regret. She stepped a few steps back, breathing heavily but only being more sickened as the scent and taste of blood flooded her senses. Not the blood of prey but the blood of her own clanmate. The blood of her own mentor. ~END OF BLOOD AND STUFF!~ She felt dizzy and disoriented as her brain sluggishly tried to figure out what to do. Should she say that a bearyena attacked them? No, the bite mark on her shoulder wouldn’t be one of a bearyena….ROGUES! She could say that rogues attacked her and her mentor and that would explain the bite mark! But first she needed to wash herself off. = She made it to a small stream where she dipped her snout and paws in to wash them off the actions she had just committed. She then realized it would be odd for all of her to be dry except her snout and paws so she took a deep breath before soaking her entire body in the stream before emerging soaking wet and feeling like every breeze was a personal attack. She shook her head to dislodge any thoughts before slowly making her way back to camp to prepare herself to lie to her entire clan… BLOSSOMPAW NOOOO 😭😭😭
CosmicChaos21 Posted March 12, 2024 Author Posted March 12, 2024 4 hours ago, Stranger said: BLOSSOMPAW NOOOO 😭😭😭 I KNOWWW- Unfortunately impulsive actions + dark forest training + fear = VERY bad choices 1
Stranger Posted March 12, 2024 Posted March 12, 2024 2 hours ago, CosmicChaos21 said: I KNOWWW- Unfortunately impulsive actions + dark forest training + fear = VERY bad choices I mean like it wasn't her fault, she was attacked first I'm just worried about what the consequences will be for her- 😭
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