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i'm not sure if this had been requested, attempted, and reject in the past, but i'll ask again anyways. any way we have a quick way to see if one of our nichelings are close to death by old age? for aesthetic, roleplaying, and long-term play purposes?


it could go something like at a certain age, the gray hairs start to pop up (not really noticable at first), then as they get older, their markings will turn full on silver, their muzzles will be surrounded by white hairs, and their eyes/gems will become cloudy (as old animals are known to do)


(also speaking of age can we have it where we can view the number of generations? like, you know how certain mutations are unlocked by number of generations, or number of days survived? can we just have a set-up where we can see where we're at?)



Yes! This would help so much! I always forget to check when a creature is going to die, and I always think I have more time with them...


It would be cool to have another stage or two at the end of a creature's life. Where they are unable to breed, loose stats, visibly age, and only recover one or two gems each day.


I quite like this idea!


Adding aging to our Nichelings adds in that simple realism that makes it almost more realistic! Another thing that can be done is adding a new section in general for Nichelings. This could make them have blurry vision, which allows them to perhaps see something that isn't truly there, or just act as short sighted eyes. Another thing would be it adds a risk factor when breeding a Nicheling of old age, along with it being harder to conceive a child.


I quite like this idea!


Adding aging to our Nichelings adds in that simple realism that makes it almost more realistic! Another thing that can be done is adding a new section in general for Nichelings. This could make them have blurry vision, which allows them to perhaps see something that isn't truly there, or just act as short sighted eyes. Another thing would be it adds a risk factor when breeding a Nicheling of old age, along with it being harder to conceive a child.


I also like this idea and like ThatKat mentioned, it should be harder or perhaps impossible to conceive when the creature hits a certain age.


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