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Nat. Geobee


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This year my school is doing this thing called the 'Geobee'

So our geography teacher hands out these tests and the top 10 people with the highest score will battle(?) and see who gets to take the state Geobee test.

I got 12 right on the quiz and so did a LOT of other people.


There were 8 people who had higher than 12 thus a tie-breaker was held with about 6 of my class (7th) 2 6th graders and 1 4th grader. The tie-breaker was single elimination unless everyone got it wrong. If only one person got it right then they would have a secured spot.

So we were in my Geography teacher's office. The thing dragged on for I think 15 minutes before the question:

"Goulash is the National food of what country?"

Because food, my brain zooms right to Hungary or Turkey... So I write down Turkey on my whiteboard and then I felt as though it was wrong, so I erased it and put Hungary down. Turns out I was right...


Now I'm in the top ten...

Also there was a question: "What is the name of the dormant volcano that is the highest point in Africa?" The thing is we just finished learning about East Africa so all the 7th graders know it and literally everyone but the 7th graders are eliminated. The other person who one said they only knew it from the song Africa by Toto. 

And so it is down to three people and the question is: "What is the biggest island in Europe?"

Nobody put down Great Britain... But the one.

I was still in there because I just wanted to play along for fun 



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  • 2 months later...
On 1/25/2019 at 5:53 PM, Goggles-kun said:

Doing a geography bee, I see? Impressive that the seventh graders at your school can say the highest peak in Africa is Mt. Kilimanjaro. Mine can’t. 

We just covered it so we all joked about people who couldn’t had to be thick.

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Meanwhile, in Austria, people have to learn every valley and every stupid mountain of their country, by heart, remember "Furchen", some gaps with an endless list of names... but, never "step" outside the country. Not once. Unless it's Italy, because vacations. And you cover Africa. Kill me. 

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