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I can usually tell what they'll translate my answer into and the rough percentage level, so I mess up my scores by bias. Guessing you might know them too, but I'm too tempted by the urge to "fix" the format. Bad attitude.

But I did get more consistent over time and with age. I mean, INTPs and INTJs seem similar enough, but their functions are inverse. Not actually close by the model. Could never tell anyway. 

If it's any good, not being strong on some axis usually indicates having your life together more. Especially I/E and sometimes P/J.  (Less anxious, more relateable and energetic//spontaneous when need be, not dependent on control). Then there's the issue when they conflate your thinking style with personal values and the other way around. If you're not close to the stereotype, they can't really get you down consistently.

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With MBTI you can test for individual functions if you're really determined to find out. It's not uncommon to have a strong function not assigned to your type, which messes scores up more. 

Tests in general tend to claim correlations though that aren't actually here. MBTI is still pretty solid on income predictions and IQ, though not job prediction. That kind of tells a lot about it. The Big Five are widely accepted as fact, but really, the whole thing has been torn down both ways by people picking the "right" studies. It's crazy. Impressive, but crazy if you claim universality. They can't.

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They can't. It's built on the most common patterns in overall types like IQ tests are most statistically significant around the wider middle than the far edges. No learning disabilities knowable below a level, no sure measurement above the high end. If they throw a thinking style system together with values not that linked some people won't get clean results. Esp. as these rarely have useful subtypes

(Snow. Internet's been eaten, no editing)

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Personality tests are innacurate. There are studies that find that the results can change based on the time of day. Like Reindeer fawn mentioned the tests claim universality, but no test can be correct for every person. It's the same problem with IQ tests

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You might just be right in the middle of two personality types, and depending on how things are currently going in your life, your answers might be ever so slightly different than they were before, which tips the scale into the other personality's territory.

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