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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/2024 in all areas

  1. So I was tidying some of my clothes and I never really noticed how all of my hoodies are purple
    2 points
  2. i have like 20 tabs open of these "1 hour of silence occasionally interrupted by ___" videos in the background right now because i find it really funny for some reason to just occasionally hear anything ranging from the first 4 notes of megalovania to gnome noises with reverb
    1 point
  3. Decided to do some random 3 minute thing with today's prompt
    1 point
  4. Sleeping Scavenger has been redesigned (I only added blue to them to make them look more unique than most of the other scavs), they will now be given away at my toyhouse (Its the same user that I have here)
    1 point
  5. ANOTHER UPDATE! With some actual plot-moving stuff instead of just fluff. - The sunlight that would usually make TwigStar feel pleasantly warm felt uncomfortable as he made his way over to GoldenStar, who had just finished talking to Speckleheart. “GoldenStar” He spoke to get her attention as he stopped a tail-length away from the fluffy nicheling. GoldenStar hummed in acknowledgement before turning her head to see the other leader. “Yes?” She asked with a gentle smile. “I was wondering if…” TwigStar considered not asking but he knew his clan would never get home if he didn’t so he pushed through. “I was wondering you and your clan would consider helping us chase out the bearyena that are lurking in our territory” GoldenStar’s eyes widened slightly and it was only then TwigStar realized he had never specified the reason WildClan fled from their home. “Bearyena are the reason you three fled?” She asked as her face reflected sympathy making TwigStar’s face sour a bit before forcing himself to look neutral again. “Unfortunately we can’t fight them off ourselves due to the numver of them” TwigStar bit down his pride to instead be honest about the situation. “There’s at least three” He added quickly as he wanted GoldenStar to know what her clan would be thrown into. “Of course we would repay you by-” TwigStar tried to continue to tell of Blossompaw’s suggestion to pay off the debt but was stopped by GoldenStar interrupting. “We’ll help” GoldeStar answered without a shred of hesitation, being unable to just stand by as other nichelings got kicked from their own home. “…Well we were thinking we could pay you back by giving you prey for a few moons” TwigStar continued but GoldenStar shook her head. “That won’t be needed, I’m sure that’d put strain on your own fresh-kill pile” GoldenStar refused the idea but TwigStar’s face scrunched in mild annoyance. “We can’t just let such a kind deed go unpaid” TwigStar insisted. “Not every deed needs to be given something in return, I insist” GoldenStar said firmly making TwigStar’s tail flick as he tried to think of a way around it. “Well it feels unfair to you and your clan” TwigStar continued and GoldenStar felt like this was going to be an unwinnable argument. “If you’re going to insist on something then let be give you an idea” GoldenStar said and TwigStar stared as he waited for her next words. “Every moon we could meet to discuss if any bad situations need help from outside the clan, so if we ever need your clan’s help you’ll know about it” GoldenStar suggested and TwigStar looked away as he considered it. Meeting with a different clan once a moon sounds like another responsibility. But he doesn’t want him or his clanmates to be WhisperClan’s debt either. He raised his head and looked into the other leader’s eyes. “I’ll agree to those terms” TwigStar said and GoldenStar bit back a laugh at the way he tried to sound so formal. “Alright” She said in response with a sense of relief that she had gotten him to agree to something that wouldn’t put as much strain on his clan. “So…would you be willing to help us as soon as our injuries are healed enough?” TwigStar asked tentatively, not wanting to push and come across as forceful but he was restless to get back home. “Sure, I’ll inform the clan next sunrise” GoldenStar agreed at the realization that he was probably homesick and from the way his clanmates were acting they weren’t thrilled to be in another clan’s camp either. TwigStar’s posture slumped in relief before he saw GoldenStar’s stare and returned himself to a more confident stance. “Thank you for your help” TwigStar said before turning around and walking towards a small group consisting of Blossompaw and Sandstripe. Crowshade watched from the edge of the clearing as Blossompaw laughed with Sandstripe as they chatted. She felt her fur prickle like it was crawling with termites at how close the two had gotten in the short time WildClan had been here. She shifted the way she laid to turn away from the two at the other end of the clearing to instead stare into the tall grass that bordered the camp. It seems as if Blossompaw spent more time with Sandstripe with each passing sunrise and it made Crowshade nauseous and, if she was honest with herself, agitated. Blossompaw was her friend first and despite her rational mind telling her it isn’t true her emotions were telling her she was being replaced. The thought made her feel as if she ate a large helping of bitter medicinal herbs with no water. “Are you alright?’ The sudden noise caused Crowshade to jump to her feet with her quills standing on edge with a hiss on her tongue before noticing it wasn’t a threat. Standing a tail-length away from her was Mudvine, who sported a concerned expression as she looked at her. “I’m fine” Crowshade said as she forced her quills into a relaxed position once more and sat on her haunches. “Are you sure? You looked a bit…angry” Mudvine considered if that was the right word but decided it was close enough. “I want to leave this camp” Crowshade half-lied, she did want to go home but that wasn’t the reason she was bitter at the moment. “Well I’m sure you’ll be able to soon” Mudvine said though she didn’t entirely believe that was the whole reason. “Can I…ask why you refuse to socialize with anyone other than your clanmates?” Mudvine tentatively spoke. “There’s no point” Crowshade retorted while resisting the urge to glance over at Blossompaw and Sandstripe. “Why?” Mudvine asked with some confusion. “We’ll leave soon and never meet again” Crowshade plainly responded as she felt there was no point getting attached to nicheling’s she’d never interact with again. “Oh…” Mudvine said as the realization struck her. Mudvine opened her mouth to ask another question but the annoyed glance Crowshade shot her made her shut it again and instead turn around to go back to the medicine den with a feeling of sadness at the complete failure to converse with Crowshade. Nichelings from WhisperClan and WildClan gathered into the clearing after Speckleheart had told the various nichelings news of a clan meeting. Many nichelings were bleary eyed because it was quite early but all of them situated themselves under the tall rock. “I’ve called a clan meeting because me and TwigStar have made an agreement” GoldenStar’s words caused many eyes to focus on the WildClan leader, though none made him more uncomfortable than the stares of his clanmates as the night had given him time to realize that he forgot to consult his clanmates about such a decision. He didn’t dare look away from GoldenStar as a way to avoid their questions. “Bearyena had driven them from their home-” TwigStar flinched, he hadn’t allowed her to share that! What if these other nichelings thought they were weak now?! Blossompaw’s ears lowered for a few moments before she forced herself to look more composed. TwigStar wouldn’t allow others to know that info so freely. Crowshade didn’t say anything but her flattened ears were answer enough to all the nichelings of the meeting. “-so we’ve made a plan that WhisperClan will help them drive them off due to there being more than one” GoldenStar couldn’t continue as a nicheling spoke up. “We’re risking our lives for a bunch of strangers, who just showed up and apparently claimed to have been chased off by bearyena?” Sparrowtuft exclaimed in fury. “This could be an ambush for all we know!” He spat as he heard that, what if his clanmates got hurt or killed because of these supposed clan nichelings? Blossompaw bristled the quickest and she verbally bit back before anyone could say anything. “What do you think we are, rogues?!” Blossompaw hissed only causing Sparrowtuft to bristle further. “Maybe! I mean what kinda clan has three nichelings!” Sparrowtuft took a step towards Blossompaw that she copied with her quills standing straight up as she bared her teeth at the other nicheling. “That’s enough” GoldenStar’s voice retained its softness but held enough authority to stop the two from arguing. “You two are acting like kits” GoldenStar said with a scolding tone that made Blossompaw look away while Sparrowtuft scowled but he respected GoldenStar enough to stay quiet. “I understand your concern for your clanmates but accusing WildClan of being rogues is unnecessary” GoldenStar’s words made Sparrowtuft lower his head. “Sorry GoldenStar” He mumbled out. “As I was saying” GoldenStar took a deep breath before calmly continuing. “We’ve also agreed that every moon the two clans will meet to discuss any important news so that our clans have the opportunity to help each other if either clan is in dire need of help” Blossompaw openly stared at TwigStar in confusion while Crowshade kept her eyes on GoldenStar and refused to look over though anyone who knew her could tell she was annoyed. Whispers also rippled through the clan, Sparrowtuft was extremely agitated but wasn’t rabill-brained enough to voice his protests. “When uh, when are we gonna help fight the bearyena GoldenStar?” The current only apprentice of the clan, Flamepaw, piped up with a bit of shakiness to his tone due to not wanting to be rude. GoldenStar gave the apprentice a gentle smile as she knew the young nicheling was respectful almost to a fault and wanted to ease his nerves a little. “Once Blossompaw’s injuries are fully healed, do you have any idea when that would be?” GoldenStar turned her question towards Lightstream and Mudvine. “She’ll be good to go in a few sunrises” Lightstream answered while Mudvine nodded her agreement to her mentor’s assessment. “Perfect, so a few sunrises than” Flamepaw just nodded at the leader’s words. “So everyone should get a lot of rest and food in preparation of the upcoming battle” GoldenStar spoke with a commanding tone. “That’s all, meeting dismissed” GoldenStar said before jumping down from the rock as nichelings began to discuss the news while splitting into their own groups. “You didn’t think to talk to us about it first?” Crowshade said with agitation after the three had gone into a secluded area of the territory. “Well I couldn’t just say ‘oh give me a little bit to ask my clanmates’ when me and GoldenStar were talking could I?” TwigStar snipped back, just as annoyed. “You probably could’ve” Crowshade said as she knows by now that GoldenStar doesn’t seem like the type to be annoyed easily. Blossompaw’s eyes flicked back and forth between the two as they argued. “Well he probably just wanted to make sure we got to go home faster” Blossompaw reasoned making Crowshade turn towards her but she couldn’t really keep a glare when she was looking at her so she sighed. “I guess but it would’ve been better if we did what we planned” Crowshade relented a little. “I tried to offer that but she refused to accept it so I had to compromise because she was trying to insist they help us without any repayment” TwigStar said with a glance towards the side.“…I guess it’s fine than” Crowshade completely relented as she realized that did sound like something GoldenStar would do from what little she knew of her. “I wish I could be healed now so we can go home right now!” Blossompaw grumbled as she turned her head to look at the three long clawmarks along the left side of her torso. “Well as much as I’d like to leave it’d be worse if you didn’t heal completely and reopened the wound while we’re fighting” TwigStar said as he too glanced at the scar before looking towards the tall grass. “I know” Blossompaw sighed in reluctant agreement though it did nothing to ease the antsy feeling in her chest.
    1 point
  6. new pfp 😇😇😇😇 (i'm totally not obsessed i think. right?)
    1 point
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