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Everything posted by bostonlobstah

  1. What? No Niche art? That’s all I draw nowadays.
  2. @Goggles-kun Are you thinking of cracker jaw? By short snout I mean the 'normal' snout. short/normal snout cracker jaw
  3. I have played this game for over 50 hours and I have NEVER found a wanderer with dominant or recessive short snout. Much less the starters. Now I know that short snout is a pretty useless gene, but I think that if wanderers frequently have crippled paws and bad eyesight (And let’s not forget rogue males. How do they survive?!), short snout should be at least possible for a wanderer to have. I don’t know if starters should be allowed to have it, since again, it is useless. I personally wouldn’t mind it but that’s cause I think it’s cute So let me know what you think about this. What are your opinions on short snout? also, if you can think of a short snout like head gene that serves a purpose, you can post it here as well.
  4. I feel ashamed saying this... but I actually think short snout is adorable ;-; I even breed it in sometimes just for aesthetics or to carry on one of my favorite bloodlines, the Melon line, whose founder had short snout. (I bred it in to Melon originally because literally my entire tribe was cracker jaw, purr snout and derp snout.) I think it’s a shame that no one has short snout anymore. i hope the bat head looks like short snout so it can be cute and useful at the same time.
  5. When you look at a human couple and subconsciously wonder if their immunity genes match up ok your turn!!
  6. Oasis starters tend to have lots of water genes. I started on Oasis twice. One time there was a river going through the part, and the creature in the water had platypus beak, as well as she and her mate had recessive fishing tail. The other starters had things like water body and swimming tail. Those are some pretty watery creatures though
  7. Oh yeah. Also Love wings and beak. basically, I think ALL the genes are super pretty and cool! the only ones I actually don’t like are purrsnout combined with black eyes, derp snout and the frog legs (aesthetically. But it it’s not too bad either) also @RandomWanderer I LOVE that golden peacock boy!! What is his color combination?
  8. Big ears and bearyena ears all mask pattern types and peacock tail fin tail also looks kinda cool
  9. Now every time I get a creature named Rako I cringe
  10. My account name is purplehippo4. Do not laugh! I made that username before I decided that all my accounts on all websites would be called bostonlobstah. I mostly made remixes and drew bad bitmap cats using the paint bucket tool. Proceed to view my account with caution because it does not define me x.x i have not touched that account in over a year lol im going to draw something there now to try and redeem myself
  11. I remember I had one nicheling I named Rororoyourboat because his generated name was Rororo ^^ and of course there’s the wandering male Dukdukduk
  12. I have a scratch account but I never use it no one ever notices my stuff bc I’m too lazy to code something creative and cool
  13. Even though I kept quitting on the oasis, I actually really enjoyed playing there. I think I can say that Oasis is one of my favorite islands so far (along with whale island and archipelago)
  14. I explored 3/4ths of the lake before leaving, but very little ocean. And now, thinking back, I actually did okay on the oasis. I bet I could have actually survived if I didn't decide to leave. Without the water genes, my creatures are super slow in the water. All the fish get away, or my creatures just aren't fast enough to make it over to them to catch them that day. My berry pickers were the omegas with no claws. Like I said, Bearyenas ate them all.
  15. I really like the idea of an ink squirting body. Someone also mentioned a ink-squirting ocean predator. I would have called it a Squictopus. The only thing is, it looks a bit similar to water body.
  16. Basically, I made a save and started on the oasis. One creature had platypus beak but neither of the starters had claw. Both had recessive fishing tail but none of their children had fishing tail. No one could catch any fish, the tribe was down to three members, all females, and starving to death. I abandoned the save. I started again, this time thinking, I need to be prepared. I need CLAW! So I started on whale island. Unlocked claw. Then I went to the Oasis. I quickly unlocked a lot of the water genes. Life was...okay. We typically had less than 10 creatures, 30 food and not many immunities. We found a couple wanderers but most of them didn't have kids. Bearyenas kept showing up and killing all my cactus collecting omegas. But my bad luck was that no matter how many clawed creatures I bred, and no matter how many times I put claw in the mutation menu, none of the kids had double claw, and a lot of them had no claw at all. Also, not enough of the creatures were good swimmers, which made them terribly slow at catching fish. Then, things started going downhill. The main problem was, I was so paranoid of starving to death that I spent up all my turns chopping cactus and catching fish. Then I didn't end up ever having many kids. But soon I grew desperate. My last remaining females were all about to die. I made them all have their final children. Boy. Boy. Boy. Boy. Girl! This final girl was a blessing! But we were kind of starving, so I decided that we were going to leave. Everyone ran to the ports. This one girl, who was getting older, and like 7 males. On the day we left, a bearyena showed up right next to the ports. Also, our only female was impregnated by a rogue male. But, I was so relieved that we were able to travel to the burning savannah before the bearyena got to take a bite of his fast food literally 'to go'. So we get to the savannah. Everyone without big ears has only two turns. We grab a bit of food and try to book it through the tall grass to the easy island ports. Our female gives birth along the way. BOY. By this point our female is getting old and had taken a bit of damage before, probably from cacti and drowning and such. I skip the day. Half my tribe dies of old age. Also, my only female dies. All I'm left with is a of half-rogue male and a random platypus beaked, fishing tailed son of a wanderer. (Maybe one other male. I can't even remember.) In a burning savannah. With practically no food as we've spend all our energy running. Halfway to the easy island ports. I give up at that point and delete the save. I guess I should have restarted from the same bloodline so I could keep all the useful water genes. Next time, I guess I will try a water genes or sirens challenge, but start on an EASY island. And STAY there. Maybe going to the oasis eventually. But for now, I think I am a bit worn out from playing Niche. x.x I think it's time for a tiny break. O O F ! Hey, I have a Roblox account. I haven't played that in a while... Sooooo, any tips for surviving on the oasis? Or any other non-easy islands, for that matter? What did I do wrong, or was it just terrible luck?
  17. Oh I noticed the patterns didn’t show up as well. Also I gave one creature albinism but when I tried to change it back it didn’t work but the eyes were gray/white also noticed the pic in the family tree stays the same.
  18. I started a bunch of saves. My luckiest/favorite ones I will post here! Any others you can ask for and I can post them as well. Quadruple Claws on the Burning Savannah! I made no progress on this tribe yet. Literally just created the world, took screenshots of the creatures and exited. The ports are Oasis, Swampy Hill, and Grass Adventure. Their offspring and future generations would be great for the oasis. Lots of claws and fishing tails on these guys! Slot4.nichesave
  19. I tested it out for a minute. I gave myself 300 food and messed around with the genes. Biggest issue was that the creatures died in just a few days. The second small issue was that the nicheling's heads still followed the mouse when their gems were used up and they should be asleep. One still had its eyes open, the other had closed eyes, but both still moved their heads
  20. I found it without searching for it. In the username folder. Sorry if I can't help you. I hope you find it!
  21. Or it could just quirt ink on all the surrounding tiles
  22. Basically what I am going to do is make tons of savefiles on different islands of your choice and share the best or luckiest ones with you! I will not make any progress, just have the starters so you can ‘pick’ their genes without using the console of course others can do the same, and we can all share our best starting pairs. All of the saves I make will be in slot four. i will start this tomorrow. Which islands are your favorites so I know which islands to start on?
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