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Everything posted by bostonlobstah

  1. I had plans to bread TWINS. but they were compatible, okay!?
  2. RandomWanderer thinks you are A Nicheling because she thought you replied to her comment I guess
  3. Same happened to me except it was a rogue kid so I didn’t care too much neither did the mother apparently
  5. With my Skittles, I think I will go for water genes. Bright colored water bodies or Toxic body + gills or underwater breathing plants. I love the rainforest because literally all you have to do to escape an ape is hop across a river although I've never actually encountered an ape...that's why I'm restarting my skittles tribe until I get a save with an a ape spawn tree
  6. He’s great. And like every good Honors English teacher, he is great at storytelling
  7. I've never really been compared to any celebrities, but my English teacher looks like a taller version of Jim Carrey 😛
  8. A parody of my old drawing, if any of you saw it
  9. Haha that seems to be the median age here...I turned 15 only last month
  10. Heck I forgot about the spiky females! Lol But in Seri's newest video she goes to Whale Island instead of the Mountains...and I was like, gurl. Whale Island has been out for a while. You should know by now! Lol I think it helps that I have the forums to turn to. I am able to get a lot of good advice here that has made me a lot more Niche-savvy than I would have been XD
  11. Literally me except I haven't even reached 90 pounds, rip me I'm going to guess 15
  12. I know what really happened. The smelly fruits were sick and tired of being eaten. So they rebelled! And covered the land with frost!
  13. I know! I love that idea! Maybe Koreme and her family lived on this island as a jungle before it froze over. She must be very confused! That would also explain the velvet paw and pesky recessive Stinky Tail that keeps popping up on her children!
  14. I have the attention span of a worm with any let's play videos. but I will have to agree that JessiMew is more tolerable in that regard XD I have noticed that with Seri's video's I will fast forward a lot but with Jessi I am not as inclined to do that. I do really enjoy the stories that Jessi is able to craft. They make her videos more fun to watch.
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