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Everything posted by Nightfire

  1. I remember I wasn't even trying to get to 1000 till around 200 days in when I realized I had 300-ish food and began grinding like crazy, lol.
  2. Setup Don't edit anything in the settings menu except for the Win Conditions, start on Tiny Green. Win Conditions Get 1000 food. I want to see how quickly people can get 1000 food! I did this a while back, before wings were added and I think it took around 400 days? Update:
  3. finally, my murderous nature can be released
  4. Setup Age Settings and Multipliers Baby, 3; Child, 7; Teen, 20; Adult, 50; Pregnancy, 25. Enemy, 15; Hunger, 5; Environment, 8; Healing, 2. Gene Settings Create 6 creatures, all with completely randomized genes, genders, ages (between 3 days and 20) and names. Remember to remove forbidden genes. Gameplay Settings roll a random number between 5 and 100 twice. whatever it lands on, is your food/ nesting material. ex. if I land on 30 and 85, I have 30 food and 85 nesting material. roll another random number between 10 and 30. whatever it lands on, is your tribe size limit. turn on blind genes mode. World Settings Turn off the following: Friendly Bears, Wild Creatures, Rogue Males, Home Animal, Water Healing Plant, Harmless Termite Hill, and Hotsprings. Win Conditions Survive 500-1000 days, depending on how hard you want it to be. Starting Island Start on Deadly Hills. Rules - The only commands you can use are 'takedamage xx' for fights, and 'activatestatuseffect healing' for the winner of fights - Use blue gems for your 'favorites' and set them to betas; Use orange gems for your 'lowers' and set them to omegas. - Favorites are decided based on how pretty they are, not on skills. - The tribe is ruled by your King/ Queen, who has alpha and pink gems. Favorites are allowed to challenge the King/ Queen if they so please. - Lowers are constantly put at risk and must protect your favorites at all cost. - No matter how big your tribe is, only 20% of them are favorites (2 in a tribe of 10, for example.) - Lowers are allowed to fight to become a favorite, but will have -1 strength automatically due to undernourishment unless you say otherwise. You don't have to have creatures kill each other either, it can also be like 'who can get the most food in x days' etc. Good luck! May add more rules in the future.
  5. Question! Are 7 days as a child required, or can I go over that number, so like in total, baby: 3, Child: 7, Teen: 10? Or, are we allowed to pick?
  6. Here's my group so far: Frostbite - A young creature from the cold mountains. Bitter Burn - He came from a low-class family in the savannas. Survivor - She came from the royal family from the peaceful group, which was a line of prophets. That's how babies from this line are named, based on their destinies the prophets could forsee. Fierceblood - He was always a fighter, and got his new name early, since most got their new name at the beginning of their teen ages. Yay. You can tell I did a few little twists on the original idea.
  7. Setup Niche the game turn off friendly bearyenas and dodomingos Game Settings Age: Baby, 1; Child, 5; Teen, 5; Adult, 30; Pregnancy, 6 days. Damage: Enemy, 16; Hunger, 1; Environment, 13; Healing, 8. To Start 4 starters, 3 females and 1 male. No genes with claws or fangs (predator genes, basically) Females: Only allowed to have antlers or no horns. Max of 2 strength. Only allowed to attack predators if they threaten their child. When their child is a teen, the female will likely breed / have a new baby. - (optional): Pick one female to be Head of Herd, the main leader. Give them blue gems. They cannot be leader if they are a teen or above 35 days. - (optional): If a female is infertile, they will be the Omega of Herd, who basically is an omega, taking care of everyone's babies, defending everyone, etc. They will have the pink gems. Males: Only 3 maximum in the tribe. Required to have megaloceros horns. Must have at least 5 strength. Only allowed to attack predators if they threaten themselves / other males. Should have orange gems. - Males will stay behind the rest of the herd, and will split from the herd if danger is near. - (optional): Males can have main mates that they stay near and breed the most with. The female mate will have an orange gem on one of them, and males will have a green gem for the same one. Food: 60 food. Nest. Material: 100 material. Win Condition (optional): survive 1000 days. Island: Peaceful Meadow, but try to go to higher difficulty. Rules - you're only allowed to eat berries. - Make sure your creatures meet the requirements they have. If you have too many males, need to change genes, etc. Use commands (F1; SwitchGender / SetGene) * also, for SetGene, to have 2 different genes, type 1 of them and put a space, then another of the same category. ex: pawnormal pawberry. - Females are not allowed to stop and wait out pregnancy at one nest. Females need to keep going with the tribe and can go to a nest when they're able to give birth. - The tribe is required to always be moving. every 20 days go to the other side of the island to simulate 'migration'. - Based on different kinds of deer species, change your tribe to be a moose, caribou, elk, reindeer, etc. herd. - Females should defend their babies with their lives. Island-based Rules - Savannah: Travel less to 'stay cool' and stay to the trees. If there is water, stay in that primal area when it gets hotter. - Killer Bearyena Island(s): All deer will likely run from killer bearyenas, but females will defend their babies. - Mountain: You are only allowed to breed after the snow ends to simulate spring. - Jungle: Again, stay in the area with water, and stay where there isn't much jungle.
  8. Just an idea: if you're getting lots of males (*ahem* me) you can use F1/ the commands to change their gender (SwitchGender)
  9. So I'm not sure if anyone else is having issues with this, but one of my nichelings has no ears after I used debug commands?? when I looked, it said both ears were recessive, but it didn't have any genes that caused it (ex: spikey body prevents tail). And my second glitch is that I made one of my nicheling's have orange gems and on the menu it showed that, but on the character, the gems were still green. The screenshots below: the nicheling with green body gems but selected orange gems (hard to see because of saber fangs) and earless nicheling.
  10. yes. my latest nicheling with purr snout died and I was going to check it in the family tree.
  11. I invited a wanderer with wing in and I never unlocked it in the mutation menu. I was watching a JessiMew video, and she unlocked wings when only invting the wanderer in.
  12. okay, I opened an iceberg and found bird beak instead. is bird beak prehistoric? I doubt it.
  13. what version are you in? the beta or normal? if beta, then probably its a glitch.
  14. same glitch with the scorpion tail. it would appear on my nicheling when the showing gene was tailfin. I don't know about the paws, but did you look at the portrait view or family tree view? btw what version are you in? I got the tail glitch in 1.1.1.
  15. which version of the beta are you in? I think that's one of the bugs that was fixed in the 1.1.1 version. not completely sure, though, because I haven't checked the buglist for the 1.1.0 version in a while.
  16. same happened to me three times. I had my starters, did one day (in the game), and it totally bugged out on me. it kept it night and I couldn't move my nichelings. I exited to the main menu to fix it, but it totally deleted the file. I tried two more times, and the same result. I didn't use any of my more important files, though. the one that deleted the first time was an older one, and I was shocked, since it happened to me before the beta while I was trying commands (f1). I think it'll be good by tomorrow.
  17. Nightfire

    2 Bugs I Found

    if the leech thing happens, click on that nicheling and press f1 key. then type in 'Removestatuseffect parasite'
  18. yeah. I made sure by looking at my version. 1.1.1.
  19. Thanks! Now it works. :-)
  20. I skipped the tutorial in Story Mode and tried to go in the family tree, but it couldn't open for some reason. anybody else having this problem?
  21. I can't find Purr Snout when I look at the family tree genes tab. Anybody else having this problem?
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