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Spacestar TheThundersuncat

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Everything posted by Spacestar TheThundersuncat

  1. He isn't violent, he's a social mastermind. His son considerably less so. I don't doubt they'll have to cut down this part of the business once he succumbs to high blood pressure. But that and everything aside... I'll be gone in some months. Not for the summer, but then I'll be in the city, whole ... states away. If our Bundesländer can be called that. My parents can't devote their life to vengance, either. My dad is a public figure, my mom already half burned out from being a doctor during Corona and all the construction work.
  2. Everyone knows. The people in authority don't care. No one wants to get in his face, as he either has the means to make your life hell, make it a party issue, (my dad being in one and it hence very bad for him), or do even worse to them than before. And still. He's a nice guy. To everyone. Just not in that one aspect. I'd be easy if he were just all around awful. He's also my parent's landlord until we can move into the new house in some months. So animal-friendly neighbours have been playing the long game, going after what they can... but in the end, you can't linch the village elders.
  3. That got too sad. Have some pictures of our derpiest cat's first day outdoors .... ... (Suffering) She had fun, though. Even if she's an anxiety moodboard in love with chickens. Of course, This one was chill personified. (*majestic*) Not that she could actually get up or down And my old cuddle-bear a year before.
  4. He's doing far worse things to animals. Chickens, pigs in particular. The man has no heart. Which is not uncommon with old farmers. My grandmother had a neighbour who would put unwanted kittens in a bag and then drown them. Others kill them outright as they are. He's downright mild to what people would consider horror stories here, esp. the old generation itself. But really... he lets me on his property to deal with an annoyance. I will lose leverage if turned annoying. There's not much to say without risking the whole attempt and drawing suspicion. Other people have said things to him, will say things to him again. But nothing's ever going to get through his head.
  5. I would be calling the police to arrest the police. He owns a lot of property and is a prominent member of the local party. Which doesn't really mean anything except that he's best friends with the major. As laws go, he can claim they're not his. That's why he has gotten away with not fixing them, and is enough to evade the law. He has not gotten away with other things... and is now doing them anyway. (E.g. keeping multiple pigs in a tiny, dark room. They're just hidden now, with the same noise as always every spring. When one gets dragged down the same street. To the building they're still slaughtered in...)
  6. I just wish people like these would actually face charges and not get away with literally everything. It doesn't even stop at the cats. ...I always ask for permission as breaking and entering isn't really my thing, but I know the son would rather keep all of them. Which is why they're still not fixed, despite it being a free service in this case. I'm pretty sure "get the X before they can" is close enough. To legal theft. You sure are sneaking around and "haven't found them yet" for most of it. And I might have to actually steal them this time. Or. Well, "one". Because life is fair like that.
  7. Argh, sorry for the word vomit. I'm not sure anyone would have advice on "to steal, or not to steal a cat"? And if so, when. Thank you and please.
  8. You'd expect we had 6 cats because of my "hobby", but nope. Not even from there. And now I can go out on the mission of saving "one". Like my mom doesn't get attached to every and anything. If they don't die because he got them, we can have fun again bottle feeding. The last actually survived, despite being sick and abandoned after he harassed the mother too much, who was already stressed by construction noise. I don't know what to do at this point... Argue? Steal them first? Is there a point in looking? (The "target" mom is old + has way too little milk for five kittens. One or two might make it until they're old enough, but ...)
  9. I spent a good part of middle school climbing through hay and taming half-wild cats. Our neighbour doesn't fix his, so I convinced my parents to take the semi-annual kittens in each year and help with adoption. That worked surprisingly well, until said neighbour's (adult) son started having bright ideas. Since then, it's been: 1. Capture 3 week old kittens 2. A) let them starve and traumatize the mothers (after trying to capture both and lock them in a cadge meant for hares). B) Capture kittens and feed with cow milk -- on the off chance one survives, do not fix and get even more cats! Not even at this barn. The one down the road. The multiplying cat problem here originates from the brighter mom which hides hers really, really, well. ... at least that's what I know since I moved out at 17 for a while. This time he is considering abducting two week old kittens. Arghfkkdjkskakskala
  10. We used to have 6 cats. One died in a car accident (at least very quickly and painlessly, but my dad couldn't have enjoyed watching it). So we had 5. Only, two really didn't get along and my grandfather loves black cats. 4... Then my parents bought a house with a very interesting contract. Meaning, we had to adopt three cats from the deceased owner. 7, for a while. One has a brain tumor and is deaf. At least he isn't shy. My childhood pet Luna passed early last month :(. She hadn't been doing well since Christmas with a treatment resistant cold. Only, well. It was cancer. We had to put her down. ... ..... What is your natural reponse to having 5 1/2 cats? Get two more! Or, I know it's going to end that way, oh my god. Kill me.
  11. https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2855580 You guys need anything? Ask for help with projects or whatever there
  12. Torrent is quite old at least, and Milata just passed away...
  13. I guess we could share our comparison point for: "on a scale from 1 to 10, how painful does that sound", with an added "sounds fake, but -- no, that's just dumb". ... My mom's cousin broke both her hands to avoid a math test. On a washbasin, though I don't know how old she was. You will be happy to know, like all sane people, she became a nurse that handles people who can't be trusted with a sharp stick.
  14. I'm never sure what to peg them as. You can travel the whole world, yet never meet another tribe besides Adam's. If they are that social, living alone as wanderers would not be that common. And yet, you see two highly developed ways of living... "How can that be one species?!" Is the semi-official title for Niche, after all, haha. For intelligence, nichelings don't use tools or even interact with the enviroment very deeply, usually. But the rogue male has a way of being "eh, good enough for me", anyway. I'm not sure how he does it, but I much prefer them with more consent than as ... male ducks on steroids. "He's here, he's an option and probably can't suck that badly for (insert probably reason)" has way fewer plotholes than them being Just Evil, yeah.
  15. Nothing exciting. I got into a lot of trouble, but always "had more luck than brains." Otherwise... -- skiing accident. I got really lucky and only my ribs ended up bent. Lots of bruises. Much drama. Still, mild concussion. Hit by the spine and spleen... which was alarming at the time, as a young boy died and made headlines just a day ago after a very similar accident. So I still got to see the ER. And become paranoid that the helicopter is going to take my head clean off. -- glass. Cat got into my room and made some noise. Me, an idiot, stood up in a hurry and took a step back right into a glass carafe. It was pretty late and they don't do stitches in the nearby hospital. It did heal well enough with no skin dying off, to my mom's vocal surprise and my "it could have what?!". -- cracked bone in the upper arm just a cm below the cut off for surgery. Stupid incident, really. At least it gave me a reason to avoid someone I seriously didn't like for no reason. Yay! 8 year old spacecat was such a nice person... argh, but the bad part was the doctor. He believed I was faking it, grabbed my arm and swung it up and down multiple times. I don't think I've been in more pain at any other point in my life. Of course, it did not heal well. Made for a good weather detector all throughout primary and middle school, right into the second year of high school. Lifting myself up too long on my arms hurt for way too long of that. -- metal door to my face? Head? As a child. I don't remember that one, but apparently it knocked me out for a while. That might have been from the fall though, as the floor by the door is seriously unforgiving. -- metal door to the back of my skull. Yes, again. Since we were in the middle of no where, on holiday, I'd just have died if anything bad had happened. Enough blood collected under my skin that movement wasn't really an option. I might have had light sensitivity and mild trouble reading for a while?? Anyway, vacation moved to my bed for a few days. I was so depressed and unmedicated at that time, though, that I can't really tell what was due to what. With me already having sensory issues, I mean. Of course you'd feel bad right after, but... yeah, ow. I still don't think I can ever trust a door again. Honorable mention: the time they got a newbie to do my CT and she by mistake interpreted an anomaly. The kind that usually means brain tumor. Or that kind of stuff anyway, they'd used a weird umbrella term that evades google. (It became "they" when she called a superior to discuss the weird, unknown spikes. At least they got to be confused together...) Since CT scans are used to detect migraines, I called my mom, who was far away and surely not at all worried. Since she sees some of these herself, I asked if it might be related to sensory issues. She did not know and they took their good time to let me know "it was nothing". Apparently, asking busy people if you are or are not suffering from a brain tumor makes them angry. My assigned doctor (as opposed to the friendly one from the CT) couldn't believe she had to convey the information I actually never asked for?? all they way from down there. That woman was weird.
  16. The above would also explain why wild females turn them down... if a rogue is something that asks. Mating would not be beneficial if you can only have few offspring, and need them highly able to survive on their own. Perceiving them as socially dominant/attractive is out of the picture. If they're able to spread out mating strategies, which I assume they can, as they're capable of different social orders: Wanderers might pair-bound short term. A rogue is not available if they have some specific courtship first. A tribe-male might seem much more attractive to the wanderer, as they're willing to put in all the work, even if their genes are not much better. Or that's one view. But that is the only non-creepy and somewhat internally sound frame I've found for myself.
  17. Hmm. I don't understand why a tribe-nicheling would find intelligence so attractive, though. We don't know how they operate. Or show off. How could they make best use of it? For the most part, I kind of imagined rogue males to be not that negatively affected, either. There is no reason a nicheling could not eat berries directly off a bush, paw or no paw. But tribe animals: 1. Create a large pile of food 2. Distribute food by pecking order. So I can live with that choice of design. Even if we never see them eat or hunt. What might be an important part in the predator puzzle is spit snout. Philo mentioned that they once planned to implement the ability, but never got around to it. And so, laaarge scretch... but I like to think rogues can spit. With high accuracy. They're weasel-y, disgusting creatures of the grasslands. Cunning, certainly. Amoral, and probably far less socially intelligent. But it helps them hunt, fend of predators and potentially trap females. (If that is a thing they do.) More important in the plot at large: 1. Why not wild females? 2. Blinded tribe nichelings are strangely limited. Are there hidden degrees? Surviving wanderers just very intelligent? 3. The hive mind. They would rather starve to death than break the food-pile rule. That's probably the largest cue we have to their general behaviour. Nichelings will also mate with everything in sight ... though that is necessary by gameplay, so I'm not sure how to treat that aspect. If we assume it is valid, then they might find rogue aggression attractive. Or assertiveness, I guess. If you're bound to an extreme pecking order, or social structure, it must leave some kind of impression, good or not. If females usually approach male nichelings in woo-ing them or whatever, it might mess with the "standard approach" even more. If they don't, the rogue male might still seem like a better choice than they are by faking social dominance. It's probably worth noting that pregnancy doesn't limit females in any way. And they can reproduce very often. So, they don't actually have much reason to turn the rogue down. Finding a mate from your tribe is probably harder if they "smell wrong", or have some reaction to immunity. So rogue males are. Like. Greasy fastfood you only eat because you're hungry and too lazy to cook. I doubt the average nicheling is very intelligent, and so they go by "is it cost-effective?" and could be fooled into thinking it is, whether it turns out well or not...
  18. Wow. I've never seen two primals in the same hatch
  19. I've checked it out on youtube and it seems pretty cool so far. But, not sure if I can run it :/ my laptop has been reliable otherwise, but can get very hot within minutes, as I bought it for non-gaming purposes. It could run any older game fine so far, though? It's not one to crash, unless a step away from melting. What are you playing it on?
  20. My Laptop would replace every is and its with "ist" if given half of a permission to assault the forum populance...
  21. I don't care much, as long as it is readable and doesn't distract from the context. Still, reading multiple paragraphs by a non-believer in commas can get painful. I can't claim to have all the rules down, though. German can be somewhat different on what makes up an independent clause. And I rarely stop to think outside of assignments.
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