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Everything posted by PincerClaw420

  1. I want little Timmy to know about every single war crime I have committed in the former country of Yugoslavia, Applesauce. Tell them, Applesauce.
  2. I apologize, fellow Evening Worshipper. My urges and instinct have gotten the better of me, and I truly apologize. I hope in the future I may battle and overcome them, leading to more peaceful genocide conversion.
  3. Be careful, dear Pollygussie, for if you do not give into the evening, you will soon learn that nuclear war avoidance is a privilege, not a right.
  4. Here we have, yet again, the founders of this new tribe/pack. Their names are Imsai and Sparrow, also known as I-Forgot-To-Put-Webbed-Paw-In-The-Forbidden-Genes-Section and I-Forgot-To-Put-Short-Snout-In-The-Forbidden-Genes-Section. Due to my lack of knowing, I have not putten in different immunity genes for them, and as such I will not risk breeding them. Thankfully, this highly boosts my chances of finding wanderers with the low group numbers. Hopefully I can make sure those tribe numbers skyrocket and to make sure this playthrough actually become interesting.
  5. Hopefully I can do more stuff with this. If I abandon this yet again, please scream at me
  6. There is no morning, Applesauce. There is only evening
  7. Good Evening Good Evening Good Evening Good Evening Good Evening Good Evening Good Evening Good Evening
  8. If you were to paint an unnerving image on a plane to scare and disturb your enemies, what would it be?
  9. sounds fun. i'll probably join as a contestant
  10. "its nothing personal, i want to throw everyone over the curvature of the earth"
  11. *Christian Shyren attacks you!*
  12. Oh wow! Two new names for my hit list! How perfect!
  13. one day, you will be near death, and this time, the only thing i will be revealing is a saw.
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