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XxTheLonelyLeafwingxX UwU

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Everything posted by XxTheLonelyLeafwingxX UwU

  1. today at school we were painting on some large papers (i have no idea what they're for) and i hid a little ace flag next to a big rainbow flag someone had painted
  2. Hello Donner! I know you don't know me, but last night I had a dream that we went to the movies together and I was wondering if you'd like to do that irl 💖
  3. Oops, I seem to have broken a few rules. Correction: I have broken most of them
  4. It is a random mutation. The more babies you have, the more random mutations they have. The counter is reset every time you travel to a different island. I tried to get some acorns and now my nicheling can't move???
  5. Can I have a mate? Preferably a fellow leafwing.
  6. Your worst nightmare also I used to live under your house
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