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MT26 - A Nicheling

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Everything posted by MT26 - A Nicheling

  1. Hi, I’m not Sky so can’t say if yes or no but I know she’s been pretty busy with irl stuff lately so not sure if she will hold a secret Santa this year.
  2. Your art is always so pretty Aaaaaa
  3. Oop, who would you pair me with nowadays?
  4. Wonder if I’ve been paired with anyone, tho tbf I haven’t been super active for the last two years so idk if most of the new people know me well. Joined back in 2018 in my old account, made this new one in 2020
  5. Hello past cake day, it’s that time of the year again and it was class time as well :pain: Fall colors are really pretty tho
  6. Eating! You can eat mud and unlock mud genes! What happens once you reach Home Island?
  7. The ghosts of your dead Nichelings already took them! You need to make sure there’s enough food in the island for the past 25 generations Why do Nichelings only live 25 days? Are they flies or something?
  8. We don’t talk about the defender bears Can islands flood if it rains for too many days?
  9. forgor to share mine I always revenge! https://artfight.net/~MT26
  10. Epoch I actually got it?? When writing with your eyes closed writes better than with them open :wheeze:
  11. Oooo, I hadn’t seen your art in quite a while. Looks awesome!
  12. They drank a fire resistance potion, you can craft them too! If you put Nichelings in 2 different ports, can you travel to 2 islands?
  13. Remaking the profiles of some of my characters. I was thinking of putting it in the niche section but I think at this point they aren’t really Nichelings anymore. Probably more like sci-fi canine/feline creatures, they have a little badge instead of the gems and such.
  14. I will yeet some of my art fight stuff here once it’s time
  15. Fox News trying to ruin anything good and spreading lies like always
  16. Welcome! I did see your drawing in the discord server!
  17. *wheeze* 2021 💀💀💀 I need to make art at some point, maybe I’ll yeet here all my Art Fight stuff once it starts
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