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MT26 - A Nicheling

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Everything posted by MT26 - A Nicheling

  1. Nice drawings! Can you do Adam the Second? Here he is: I think he has medium tail. If you want can you add as background like he is inside a spaceship! Thanks!
  2. Your nichelings are now flies, their lifespan is 1 day for baby 1 day for child 1 day for teen 5 days for adult You win if you get to 20 generations Disable wanderers so that the only option to get new immunities are rogues. Set the starting age to 4 days Forbidden genes: big nose short snout poison fangs prehistoric genes bearyena genes Optional challenges; Start on a hard or difficult island. Disable healing plants. hidden genes Dont allow mutations
  3. Finally, a worthy opponent for the razor fleet!! XD
  4. Philo, so if my teacher accepts to use Niche (I haven’t asked her yet) she would get a copy of the game? Because I’m sure my school would accept if it’s free.
  5. Will it be on pc Minecraft or mobile Minecraft?
  6. I think your art is good, but same as Fawncat maybe it’s just that your style is very different from mine. It’s probably because of your style that all of them have 1 eye, right? I can’t comment on shading as I don’t do it. (I should probably begin to practice it) Yep, I also see the eyes as too long, mines are oval-shaped. But that’s just my opinion, also it’s worth noting that I don’t draw cats so I base my critique comparing to nichelings.
  7. I have new weird dreams to tell, but I don’t remember much of them. Of the first one I remember that I was in some sort of meeting, there where people on formal clothing. Then I noticed it was not a normal meeting, I was in the Soviet Union (Probably those persons where Soviet politicians or commanders) and when I looked I recognized the view and I was scared. From the window I could see the Chernobyl power plant. (It looked different from the real one and had a lot more reactors) and I tried to get the farthest away I could to a corner of the room, because I thought radiation was coming out from a crack on a reactor. The second one I only remember I was on a train station, but the trains where all futuristic and very fast. They could deform their structure and shape to go faster and slow down in the last second before arriving. Also my parents called me to another part where there was a strange train/plane/restaurant thing inside of which they where sitting. Another dream was that I went to visit a far away city with my family and dogs. The city looked like a mix of Tokio and Paris, it had a weird Eiffel Tower (It looked like it was made of large metal rectangles soldered together.) and near it where many tall skyscrapers. We decided to go up the tallest one, but there was no elevator; instead a drone helicopter thing took us to higher parts of the tower, also it would sometimes deviate and fly around the dense city. When we reached the top it was an office space.
  8. You can try with Adam the Second. Thanks!
  9. Yes it works! Now I can load saves from others! Thanks Philo!
  10. That style is awesome! I you want you can try with Adam the Second. (If it is still open, if not don’t worry)
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