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Currently on the game a blind nichling can only move to tiles that are seen by other nichlings. However, blind people in real life still move around and navegate the world based on other senses like sound and touch. So I suggest giving two unique actions to blind nichlings.

1.  Blind nichlings should be able to have a listening action. It would allow blind nichlings to hear  the tiles around them, making it so they can move around. You would be able to click action this in the same spot as the purring action.

*How far the nichlings can hear depends entirely on their ears.

2.  The touch/feel action.  This would allow them to touch/feel  something they can’t hear and interact with. For example touching  a piece of grass, would allow them to clear it away next turn. This gives the nichlings more mobility.

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I once had a blind Nicheling protect my gathering group from a Bearyena. She was awesome.

I agree that something needs to be done about Blind Nichelings not being able to move. Blind People need to move slower so that they do not run into stuff. Maybe there could be a speed penality on blind nichelings? Or give that "Call to atrract wild animals" a new purpose: When a Blind Nicheling is to far away from the tribe maybe it could follow up after hearing the "Call", because now it knows in which direction it needs to go.

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I think that it would be interesting to turn the blind gene into a somewhat useful trait. Maybe even make a blind tribe challenge.
It does add hearing and smelling points, so you could make a blind nicheling with big ear and big nose that actually can perceive a lot of its environment.
There are animals irl with bad eyesight like moles that survive just fine.
The only thing holding it back is the movement!
Why rely on seeing nichelings to be able to move?
Blind nichelings can hear and smell things far away, but they can't get to it just because the others can't see it? Disappointing...

On a side note, if we allow blind nichelings to move, does that mean we'd have to change nearsighted nicheling's movement mechanics too?

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I really like this idea, and I feel like it is well balanced since being blind is a harmful gene, so using up an action to touch or hear before they can do anything makes sense.

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I signed up to these forums just so I could respond to these types of topics!

I was getting back into a new game of Niche today.. and I realized that I really love the idea of there being a reason (beyond my own self torture) of breeding a tribe of blind Nichlings! Or at least a reason to keep at least one blind Nichling around.. perhaps they can sense things from a greater distance but they are still very weak. They would help the tribe spot danger sooner, maybe find natural nests, or food easier.

Even if the blind are kept at the same movement disadvantage, just an improved sense would be really neat I think! ^-^

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On 8/23/2018 at 7:46 AM, Wander said:

I think that it would be interesting to turn the blind gene into a somewhat useful trait. Maybe even make a blind tribe challenge.
It does add hearing and smelling points, so you could make a blind nicheling with big ear and big nose that actually can perceive a lot of its environment.
There are animals irl with bad eyesight like moles that survive just fine.
The only thing holding it back is the movement!
Why rely on seeing nichelings to be able to move?
Blind nichelings can hear and smell things far away, but they can't get to it just because the others can't see it? Disappointing...

On a side note, if we allow blind nichelings to move, does that mean we'd have to change nearsighted nicheling's movement mechanics too?

I don’t think we would really need to change mechanics too much, maybe just add the listening action to near-sighted nichlings. However the main focus is making it so blind nichlings can move and survive on their own.

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I think that it's a good idea, but the listening thing is kind of unnecessary. You could just make it where in order to move a blind Nicheling who is out of a sighted Nicheling's sight, you have to switch to the hearing and/or smelling sense. It would be a lot easier to implement it that way, I think.

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