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Everything posted by bostonlobstah

  1. Username folder as in the one with your username. Not the ‘users’ folder. basically, if you check on hidden files, everything should be easy to find
  2. @Bill Nye the Science Fry You have a windows 8? i didn’t type in appdata. I just found it inside the username folder after I turned on hidden folders. It appears kinda transparent. After that everything was easy to find. i have a windows 10 if that changes anythingg
  3. just found it how i swear I didn’t see it before I feel like I just found the cure for cancer and unlocked the secrets of the universe!!
  4. I actually haven’t used the console yet. But I might start a new testing save to find out myself
  5. Oh yes please! I have always wanted to use the console but didn't want the bugs that came with it. This is a great idea. I think the biggest bugs should be fixed first. So that we can play the saves.
  6. Hey! Could I have some help finding savefiles for future reference? I found a Windows (:C) inside 'This PC'. I clicked Users and then our username. But no AppData. I searched AppData in the search box inside Users and it came up with a bunch of useless results. Help? The desktop is a Windows 10. @Philo ? Anyone??
  7. idk if this belongs here but I have a question. If someone has a savefile titled slot3 and I want to play it, is there a way to change which slot it goes into? Because my current slot 3 is my most played tribe and I don't want to delete it or move it thanks
  8. LOL! I would love to have this save as well....that is hilarious! How did your starters not drown?? Also what island is it? Also PS those are some pretty strong starters. You must have caught tons of fish plus this gave me an idea... what if I started making a ton of new saves and sharing the luckiest ones with others? But I would not make any progress on the game myself. For example if someone wanted an archipelago save with a purrsnout starter, I give it to them.
  9. RIP sharpie :,( cause of death: coconut RIP pastelle, daughter of sharpie :,( cause of death: old age but her life was still too short!
  10. I understand where you are coming from, but the fact that there is not much to do underwater right now, as well as the benefits of living on land are taken away, I feel like gills should still be able to breathe on land.
  11. Not all wanderers have wings. Just A LOT. Similar thing happened to me. At one point a beaked and double winged nicheling flew over to the calling stump out of nowhere. That wasn’t even my first nicheling with a wing. i have a couple creatures with scorpion tail. My trick is breeding scorpion tail recessive to peacock tails/peacock recesssive.
  12. I like Philos idea of trading nichelings i also really like the ones you already mentioned.
  13. just found this pic too showcasing the entire family plus a granddaughter (black and brown teen, daughter of the bright green nicheling)
  14. I think I can say the same for two ^^ I feel like my only social medias are weird forums lol
  15. some photos from my birds challenge! mom pastelle and her husband emmit and some of her children! ❤️The scorpion tailed one is not one of their children but part of an arranged marriage named after the original frosting on this thread! Pastelle's 4th child. Born after the previous screenshot was taken. And it won't be their last! ❤️ and of course this gorgeous boy back from when I was still on whale island...I live his colors and patterning!
  16. Well he has a peacock tail... perhaps they should cancel each other out
  17. I am no expert. Lol! Just picked them all because they looked cool. I don’t know what would happen if I ate them. I am not going to find out though
  18. That s a great story! I should actually role play something like that sometime
  19. The dumbest thing I did...probably went way overboard with breeding a male bird beaked son of a wanderer with Tons of females because I wanted beak. I bred to tons of females, including a bearyena snout female. Only two beaked babies came out of it. Both were infertile. Gahhh! fortunately I quit doing that because I had started a whale island save that was doing much better in the beak and wings department lol so that’s how I turned my first save into a suffering tribe in the grass adventure island with about 25 members and less than 100 food. (It used to be forty members, same amount of food, but I realized that was too many and banished half my tribe.)
  20. I was watching my sister play on the save file I let her have. I watched as she placed all of her nichelings around her favorite one on her last day alive while singing a mournful song. Wasted pretty much the whole days worth of turns. I told her this but apparently she thinks this is more important now I am curious. Do you do anything that doesn’t benefit you in any way?
  21. I like the idea of a chance of shortsightedness or even blindness. Or even deafness. Maybe even a new stat that makes them more sensitive to the sun? Albinism, though pretty, has downsides, which I think will be good to implement if it isn't so bad that no one wants it anymore.
  22. In real life albinos have pink noses so maybe they could in game too???
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