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Everything posted by bostonlobstah

  1. Hope you feel better clover *hugs*
  2. i ❤️ feather family :0
  3. where'd you get these palettes btw because they're hecking awesome
  4. Cherry Soda Bostonlobstah with #36 or 38 please! (well it's kinda her current colors but wHO CARES)
  5. Also yes now uncle creepo can properly do his job!
  6. So wouldn’t this be 1.2 ? Since 1.1.10 is basically 1.1.1? Or does it have to be completely bug free before it goes up? Actually nvm I’m confusing myself
  7. a space unicorn When I grow up I'll own...
  8. wholesome until the rogue males and defender bears came, that is X,D
  9. I think...? Lol it's definitely better
  10. I used to live in Issinois. But the economy crashed so we moved :,)
  11. Oof. I heard about the tornadoes and such. Luckily here in MA, that's not much of an issue :,) It's been warm recently but today will be chilly here and rainy :c
  12. Well Pastelle is Diet Coke :,D
  13. Meringue can't be a Dr. because then he could fix his sneezles Or maybe he just cures everyone by giving them sickness?
  14. Actually, boston is better than regular coke. She's cherry coke. Maybe even cherry vanilla.
  15. i hate sparkling water no offense
  16. I got root beer too. oh well
  17. Meringue would probably be Dr. Pepper....or maybe Sprite, or pepsi XD
  18. Thank you so much Philo and moderators! *slow clapping*
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