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Everything posted by MysticTopaz

  1. Update: When the baby became an adult the tail fixed itself So I guess it's just a baby thing!
  2. MysticTopaz

    Scorpion Tail

    Not that I have a problem with it, but I wanted to know if it was intentional for the stinger on the scorpion tail to be clipping through the nicheling's ear?
  3. Hi there, friendo! ^u^ I love whatcha got here, but just letting you know: your Soft foot / Stalking paw idea is baaasically the same as Velvet Paw, but with a debuff. If your sneak level is high enough, you can sneak up behind the bunnies, but the moles will still see you if they look directly at you. I once suggested a tail based upon leopard geckos, actually, so I have a picture here that's kiiinda niche style, just not all cool and 3D lol My suggestion was more geared toward the food storage aspect of gecko tails, though, not in the falling off aspect, because geckos without tails make me sad Q^Q My idea was, like, if you're all out of food, the tail will let you survive for three days before taking starving damage. So perhaps we can put your idea and my idea together? That your idea could be the draw-back to mine? Like: Blubber/Gecko tail lets you survive for three days before starting to starve, but if your nicheling is attacked it will fall off and you must use x-number-of-food to grow it back? I feel 15 food might be a little bit much. Perhaps however many berries you can pick from a full green berry bush in one day would be best? I don't know the exact number for that, though I'm pretty sure it's less than 15 I love the predator eyes- maybe they would be big like the Seeing Ape's eyes? And they could be called Big Eyes, to match with the Big Ears and Big Nose, so that we can create nicheling offshoots of the apes? OuO I don't know how this would be drawn, but I can certainly give it a shot if you want! I love drawing pictures of fun suggestions! My favorite suggestion you made by far is the Camel/Humped Body! Though I don't think it would add movement; maybe it could have a similar food-storing ability as the blubber/gecko tail instead of the +1 movement, and it would be like: +1 heat resistance -1 cold resistance +3 days food storage? And hey, while we're at it with the food storage body parts, might as well add a Cheek Pouch face, right? Like how squirrels put food in their cheeks? It would store way less food than the tail or body, maybe just one day's worth, but it'd still be helpful, y'know? It could look similar to the Short Snout, but with puffy cheeks~<3
  4. Aw!! I don't know how else to help you, I'm sorry :c I assume you've already tried starting in a swamp and smacking thorns or drowning?
  5. Nope. Just negligent parenting it was quite some time ago, but the method might still work for you?
  6. It's been a while since I've played because I've been waiting for the update [need that little spice of new-ness, y'know?], but I play two different ways: #1: Fast-Paced For fast-paced play, I like breeding up 'tanks' to be as quick as they can while also being as strong as possible. In this form of play, I make the gem colors as close to the fur color of the individual as possible, to make them kinda blend in. Often my tanks have Megaloceros Horns, Hammer Tail, Sabertooth Fangs, Double Bearyena Claws, Regular Hind Legs, and Medium Bodies. The ears don't really matter to me, so I just go with whichever I feel like at that time, though I gotta say I'm partial to Round and Bearyena. #2: Long-Term For long-term play, I like to unlock every single gene possible, then go to a large island and break my pack up into five groups- one for each gem color. Then I push them to the far edges of the island and have each group evolve their own characteristics, such as: Blue- big nose, velvet paw/digger paw, medium body, antlers, fluffy tail; Pink- sabertooth fangs, double claws, toxic body, megaloceros horns, stinky tail; Yellow- cracker jaw, double running legs, ram horns, big body, hammer tail; Orange- Bearyena snout, double bearyena legs, no horns, water body, fishing tail; Green- Poison fangs, double nimble fingers, no horns, spiky body. I'm really looking forward to the updates so that I can try using new tactics and combinations! Maybe somewhere down the line they will add more gem colors and that would be awesome!
  7. I agree, having the ears looking like they do on other heads but with one lopped over would be a lot better, in my opinion, than keeping the ambiguous ears. If it weren't for those terrible ears I would probably like the derpsnout more.
  8. I got the Darwin Award and the Adam's Curse at the same time because I accidentally left a baby unattended on my first island while a bluebird was overhead.
  9. I have yet to find anything cuter than this. If I do, I'll post it here.
  10. I agree with this entire post, I just didn't want to quote the whole thing.
  11. I use gems differently depending on my safe files and challenges. On my Story Mode file, I mark nichelings who have Home Island Immunity with the orange gem to symbolize Adam. That way I can make sure I don't run out of nichelings in Adam's bloodline. I also mark breeding pairs. On my Kingdoms file, I have five separate kingdoms, each with their own gem colors: Blue = Classic Kingdom [leadership passed through fathers] Blue eyes, digger paw, velvet paw, antlers, short snout, normal ears, medium body, fluffy tail, normal hind legs. Green = Pacifistic Kingdom [no true leadership; everyone gets along] Green eyes, double gather paw, poison fangs, round ears, spiky body, spots, normal hind legs. Yellow = Justice Kingdom [they go after the trouble-makers and carnivores and don't like hybrids. Leader is the eldest.] Yellow eyes, double runner legs, ram horns, cracker jaw, round ears, big body, hammer tail, normal hind legs. Orange = Hybrid Kingdom [all are prey to them. The 'mother and father' of the kingdom run it together. They have two body types.] Orange eyes, double bearyena legs, bearyena snout, big ears, lean body, stripes, fishing tail, bearyena hind legs. Orange eyes, double bearyena legs, bearyena snout, big ears, water body, stripes, swimming tail, bearyena hind legs. Pink = Amazonian Kingdom [Leadership passed on to whoever is the strongest and most beautiful.] Violet eyes, double claws, megaloceros horns, sabertooth fangs, bearyena ears, toxic body, mask, stinky tail, normal hind legs. Then of course there's the typical "markings for what they do" in other files in which I give gatherers green gems, scouts yellow gems, warriors pink gems, protectors orange gems, and fishers blue gems. Though sometimes I like to mix it up and I give nichelings gem colors that blend in best with their fur colors! When I do the Luck Challenge, all that is thrown out the window, because the dice choose the colors for me
  12. All of the ideas you just listed to me are wonderful! I think that the achievement thing might work, as many (myself included) strive to achieve 'em all I would definitely love more achievements to unlock, especially since I'm down to the final stretch already.
  13. Thank you for posting my idea! I wish they would've let me put up more than three topics but this is very nice of you!
  14. I don't know for sure, but it seems like you may have possibly missed this? https://strayfawnstudio.com/forum/index.php?topic=564.msg758#msg758 I really wanted to know what you think about the moving example lol
  15. ALSO!!! Just because I really like your ideas, here's something important you need to know if you want the Niche Team not to ignore this topic you've made: It needs a clear title! "Assorted Ideas" doesn't say what it is you're talking about, and it will probably be ignored. Maybe something more like "BlueBirds, Breeding, Elders, and Genes!" ?
  16. I LOVE this! Although instead of Rogue Males, with this new egg option added in, there could be Lonely Ladies (one of my old suggestions lol) who steal your eggs. Or maybe any wandering creature, male or female, could steal your eggs, but only if they themselves are infertile? Also I still think the bluebird should be able to take the babies if they aren't being guarded, but that's just me I love a good challenge
  17. I might have to steal your idea, muahahahahaaa! jk but is it alright if I play around with colors on my own subjects? It's just so cool! Anyways, in regards to your ideas: I like the idea of picking up a baby and moving them, though I think the act of picking them up should cost one energy to balance things out. I also think that the bird event idea is cool; so long as the baby has, maybe, 5 strength it could be dropped by the bluebird away from the other nichelings, maybe like ten hexagons away, so your nichelings would have to rush out toward the baby. I still think babies who don't have a high enough strength should be taken forever, though. I like the breeding season idea! And also the elder idea, although I think that might only apply for females, whereas the males could breed until they die, but with decreased fertility. As for the bark idea, I really like it, and I think the perfect gene for it is already in the game: Antlers! In real life, deer rub their antlers on trees and the bark gets stripped off! ;D
  18. The Niche Team has acknowledged that they do need to improve their tutorial, but since that hasn't been implemented yet I hope they take a look at this suggestion and get some inspiration from it
  19. I hate to be a stickler for rules, but the rules say only three topics per person, and you've started a whole bunch of them ^^; That being said, I kinda always thought that reaching Adam's island and inviting Adam's family into your pack kinda IS the end game?
  20. That's really cool! I had an idea like this, too! Here's a link, with a picture! ^u^ https://strayfawnstudio.com/forum/index.php?topic=731.msg1429#msg1429 Mine was meant for the swamp, though, lol
  21. This is great!! Though I thought the reason animals sleep in caves is cuz they're warm?
  22. Thank you! I'm willing to believe the rhinocereal thinks /we're/ part of a good breakfast lol! I do like the idea of it passing on the brown fur, though. And I love the Orcolf so much because of it's duality- freaking adorable, yet menacing~<3 I might want a plushy of it now. It looks ridiculously squeezable and happy for cuddles. I shall call it WetPuppy and it will be mine and it will be my WetPuppy. I love the Rabat! If I have the time before the end of all of this I'll see if I can sketch it out, but my apologies if I can't! ^u^ Either way, it sounds like a great addition! One thing I can lament, though: I've wanted a spider-something predator, not to mate with, but to have as a big scary thing. I imagined two of the giant trees in the jungle about three hexagons apart, and in those three hexagons of space between the trees there connects a giant web. Trying to move through the space between the trees results in your nicheling getting stuck in the web. If it has a high strength, it can break itself free, but if not- I'll get to that in a second. Here's the thing: the giant spider monster wouldn't differentiate between nichelings and carnivores, so bearyenas and apes could get stuck in the web, too, and as far as I know none of them have strengths above 5 points. Thus, when the day is passed, the spider descends from the trees, getting closer and closer to whatever is stuck in the web. Once there, it will spin the web even further, making it impossible for even nichelings of 12 strength to break free, where it will then poison its prey and sit there, waiting for it to die. In the case of bearyenas and apes, as soon as the carnivore dies the meat it drops is picked up by the spider, so you don't get a chance to rush in and steal the kill. The spider wouldn't come down off the web because it'd be far too big, taking up a ring of six hexagons with its size. Thing is, I wanted it to be cute; something that, even though it's basically an even more unbeatable beast than the apes, more akin to a carnivorous plant in gameplay, you can almost kinda forgive. Like the real life spiders who wear water droplets as hats <3
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