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Snowy Owl

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Everything posted by Snowy Owl

  1. nice to know, but i'm a bit sad that it is that long away
  2. @Philo with February being so close do you know when in February your going to release the first preview? or did the date move? (i removed the tag of the quote to not accidentally tag anyone. if that is a thing)
  3. do you have a screenshot? because not all ports have flowers.
  4. something similar already exists
  5. i think that's only fair, so thank you.
  6. but what about gene bound achievements? shouldn't some if not all be unachievable if you play either with all genes unlocked of completely locked in sandbox mode? it wound't be fair to those who worked so hard to get them, see others get them without having to work for them. i'm not saying you haven't thought of it i'm just asking.
  7. @Philo will the albinism and Melanism traits be in the mutation menu? i just thought of that hence me asking now, because i would really love to start with an Albino or a melanistic creature.
  8. nice!!! also what is the max age you can set? and under age settings i see gene settings, can we have a peak? or is not done yet?
  9. another question, can we decide the age of the tribe members? like, having a parent and their child.
  10. @Philo what about nesting material? will we be able to decide that to? i just thought of that when i saw that it is going in game. it's fine either way, but it would make things easier.
  11. @Philo question: with the sandbox customisation of the age revealed. what happens if you make one of your creatures a wanderer. but both the wanderers and your nichelings have different age amounts, will they keep the age they had in the tribe? or will they get the one set for wanderers? it also works the other way around, what happens if you invite a wanderer? A. nothing, they keep the age, or B. will it change?
  12. whale island i'm calling rouge island, because i had 3 in a few day span. for a medium island it is a bit much. how about you guys? what is your opinion on the rouges of whale island? Edit: i had 14 while on the whale.
  13. please yes, make it separate because i don't want a rogue male to live longer, or any wanderer in general.
  14. sad, but as long as the console does not bug out the game i might use it. also the age thing is it only our nichelings or the wanderers to?
  15. @Philo will we be able to change the sandbox settings, in game to? like you want your nichelings to have longer or shorter lifespans as you play.
  16. like with heat the screen changes colour, but other than than no idea, aside from the antenna. Edit: that and the counter goes up
  17. it has to be atleast -1 cold, before those genes start unlocking
  18. i'd rather not have the chance of unsuccessful births, it is hard enough getting a breeding pair without that, having the chance of unsuccessful births and it will make the game worse. Because if you leave it up to luck it will come at the worst time possible, like it does with gender and immunity genes.
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