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Veroni last won the day on January 25 2019

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  1. Today I got this beautiful pub, I have to share! Welcome Chenna! (Never mind the rest, I use to put the first name of the father and the immunity genes after the name.) ...she really comes after her father, Zebro:
  2. It may be difficult to differentiate with the poison fangs that are already in the game.
  3. You got a point there. I assume it's because they are cloven hoofed, as opposed to horses... Guess having two types of hoofes would take it a bit too far, right?
  4. If all you are after is to be able to fly the camera AROUND your nichelings to see them from all sides, how about a function that does exactly that: Move the camera around, without changing how nichelings look after your mouse pointer? Let's have a shortcut (like F-something) that switches in a different mode where you cannot control the nichelings but only the camera.
  5. Fishing tail because my Tribe loves fishing.
  6. What about lob ears with traits for both ears?
  7. Um... I take everything back. I just discovered that the ears I thought were bearyena ears, are actually those that come along with derp snout. Those that always are different-sized and round... not bearyena ears really! So now I hate derp snout even more.
  8. ok, guess I breed too much and do not collect enough...
  9. It worked out nicely This is him and his wife: ...and they got these beautiful children Also, after struggling through a jungle and almost getting wiped on poison, my pack finally arrived on an island of islands, where their fishiness will be really useful! Thanks everyone! ❤️
  10. I did it on my favorite baby, and when he is grown up I will breed him like mad.... statistics will ensure that it gets passed on (I hope).
  11. How can you have so much food and grass?? I never had more than like 50 food in the best of times (in story mode). They eat so much!
  12. Oh, I see. That makes sense.
  13. Oh, and elephants wag their EARS to fan air to themselves, so why can't nichelings do it with a tail? Not sure how far each trait has to have a template in real nature...
  14. I found something: Cape ground squirrels supposedly use their tail to create shade: (Are external links ok?)
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