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Everything posted by Kwainie

  1. Oh my dearest Aetherskye, your eyes shine brighter than the sun, which turns green to gold; your hair is as warm as an autumn sunset on an arid evening; and your smile lights up a room like a thousand lanterns. (Totally didn't copy this from one of my writing pieces but changed the names pffft)
  2. the fact that she said she wanted to eat them instead in her toenail soup because
  3. Thank you for the tips! I'll have fun assisting you in this murder.
  4. No. They aren't cute.
  5. Kwainie


    My current dog is Freddie, I spent my first Christmas with him on 25.12.18 and he was born on the exact same month and day as me. (Feb 1st). He is 5 years old. His bread is a staffy and he is blue and white. I have a donkey named George. Sorry the phote is cropped, my face was in there and I was uncomfortable sharing it. He's 10 years old and was born some time in October. Unfortunately, my dog Bruce died last year, sometime in January on a Saturday, right after I came from ballet school. I remember his last cry he made when he was put to sleep. I remember how it appeared he was still breathing, even when his heart stopped. Apparently it was because of his nerves. I miss my old boy. He would be 10 years old now. His Birthday was in September and he was a pitbull staffy cross (as far as I know.) <\3
  6. Du bist blöd! The earth is clearly a square!
  7. Why? It's easy to learn(at least for english people), it's popular, beautiful(in my opinion) and useful.
  8. Ich lerne auch deutsch! Magst du deutsch?
  9. Yes! When I was about 8, I was at a park with my older brother and there was a pigeon being hunted by a cat. Since it's wings were damaged, it couldn't fly away so we took it home, put it in our shed, called our dad to get a first aid kit and we fed it some of our bird food. (We had seeds which we were going to put in our bird feeding thing) We left it in the shed for about a week until it healed and we set it free.
  10. Regarding spiders, I'm the opposite. Big spiders are adorable to me but if I see a tiny one I run away screaming.
  11. I have plenty of phobias: •fear of heights •fear of the dark •fear of being alone •fear of sauces (ketchup is a particular trigger) •fear of spiders •fear of being abandoned •fear of pain
  12. Fist bump to my tea drinking fellow (we're also the same age apparently, I was stalking some forum stuff)
  13. Kwainie


    I rarely get colds, but when I do get them they last f o r e v e r. Right now I have a cold, and I seem to have infected most of my close family members. What fun!
  14. Here's a similar suggestion:
  15. Here's my son Uvis. He isn't very pretty but he saved my frost lands tribe from perishing.
  16. -Starting creatures have the disease (double immunity) -creatures believe bunnils, moles and bearyena or other mammals are infected so they dont eat their meat (no meat allowed) -If one of the following animals eat from a berry bush, the berry bush is now contaminated and you cant eat from it (eg, if a bunnil eats berries you are banned from eating from it and if you do, you must console doubled immunity -If a creature or a wanderer eats from an infected bush you need to console them to have doubled immunity -healing plants aren't allowed since the creatures are scared they worsen the disease -Infected creatures get white gems -If you find a wanderer/ a new baby is born you must roll a dice (odd numbers=infected, even numbers=not infected) to see if they are infected or not -If you accidentally (or intentionally) put an infected creature next to a healthy creature and the healthy creature gets sick, you need to give them double immunity genes so they stay sick for their whole life (For a harder challenge you can adjust the dice options, eg, you could do every number apart from 1 is an infected creature) If anyone has more suggestions for rules please tell me and I might add them! P:s I'm going to do a playthrough with this challenge and it is going to be very story based! It will start off with a few of my gods and goddesses Also, If you do this challenge please link me to the playthrough! I'd love to read these.
  17. It doesn't help having a family who eat ketchup and shove it in your face, though ;-;
  18. Be glad you fon't have mortuusequusphobia (fear of ketchup)
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