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Everything posted by takoyamaaaS

  1. I don't have a picture, sadly. She was the cutest wanderer I've seen with the derpoo snout. She was a melanistic beaver with a webbed paw and a runner leg.
  2. Picture Number 1: so.. um... I didn't name them Picture Number 2: see previous comment ;-;
  3. A wild New Hooman has appeared!
  4. I managed to sneak in some time, so here's a picture of my Whale Island playthrough, which I miight do a playthrough topic on.. Including: very handsome mustached gilled boi
  5. I wanna join! Screenshots of my very random nicheling: Her name is Cechiie. Quick backstory: Cechiie was abandoned and left on this island from the Hyaenodon tribe for her Lean Body, which wouldn't help in the mountains, Gills (Snow already HAD gills), double Velvet Paw, Fishing Tail, Blind Eyes, and Big Ears.
  6. I won't be able to post for a few days after this because lots of homework, but...
  7. even though sadly true, not a lot of anteaters. bUt HeY lOtS oF wInGeD cReAtUrEs BuT wItH oNlY oNe WiNg
  8. family one-winged/two-winged photo anyone? they're coming to take over the world and kill us all with more force than anyone previously anticipated
  9. and yes those are custom names for anyone asking, I have a buttload of new syllables in my animal names.ini file ever since it got added
  10. an easy island so I don't get KOed immediantly.
  11. NOte: Some pictures might be repeated, I can't tell :<
  12. Extra Bonuses! (I'm spoiling you guys :>) Even a sm0l bonus picture of my First Snow mountain playthrough!
  13. So I decided to do a Burning Savanna playthrough, but with everything, even grass, that was bad turned off. I know I'm a coward... So, yeah. Lots of fun.. Especially getting the Forum to type this, it kept bugging out with my pictures so... yeah. 😛 basically my World Settings. ' Sum more world settings. More World More World Settings.ASettAge Age Settings! Yay!My starter Starter Female genetics. vs. Very fancy Starter Male genetics
  14. Yay! Thanks, that helped. I copied the files to my desktop so I can always find them!
  15. it'll take too long and I nu wants them to get eaten by bluebirds or bearyenas ;-; at least I has nesting material for a Peaceful Bear
  16. oh god I didn't know putting child up to 7 would make them children when they're 7 days old ;-;
  17. I have no photo, but I got a nicheling called Prinono. I also got a nicheling called Bananana
  18. The file isn't showing up for me. I can find C:\Users\ but not C:\Users\username\AppData. Help?
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