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alex602h ,any pronouns,

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Everything posted by alex602h ,any pronouns,

  1. I honestly don't know I just didn't know what reaction to use :,D
  2. I do, it's worth it if you listen to it and like it. I think it's calming, if that's something for you
  3. He took a few seconds to recover, then he started pounding the egg shell using his head.
  4. I forgot about this, sorry! The little dragonet started moving in the egg
  5. It is also the danish way And norwegian And probably more languages The more you know
  6. Vertebrates are just animals with vertebrae (backbones). Even though there is "bone" in "backbone", the vertebrae doesn't have to be made out of bone, it can also be made out of cartilage. A lot of fish have cartilagious backbones, and they are considered vertebrates.
  7. Baked goods: Chip (From chocolate chip cookie), Brunsviger(https://glosbe.com/da/en/brunsviger), Tiramisu(https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/tiramisu) Nuts: Walnut and Acorn Trees: Oak, Birch, and Pine
  8. Copy image adress gives you the text version of the image. Here's an example This is copy image This is copy image adress https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/365/818/183.jpg
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