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Everything posted by Zixvir

  1. I would like some help because I don't know what to do
  2. I finally got in... it took some time but I'm in! and I joined the fire flight here is my first dragon
  3. and I have officially fixed it like felix
  4. oh sorry I forgot let me edit that
  5. it takes 3 turns to plant something so you can only move it one or two tiles
  6. So I'm surprised this hasn't {or at least I haven't found any thing like this} been suggested it is planting trees and berry's the idea is you can pick a berry or harvest a berry harvest meaning put in food pile (maybe do that instead) and pick meaning pick up then you can dig a hole and plant the berry and same thing with trees also the plants take time to grow so food growth: berry bushes: takes 5 days to grow into a sapling and 13 days to then grow into a berry bush and will bloom after 2 days then produce fruit continually. toxic berry bush: takes 5 days to grow into a sapling and then grows poison thorns after 2 days (attacking without poison resistance will result in being poisoned) then after 20 more days it will grow into a full bush and will bloom after 2 days then produce fruit continually. trees(all trees included): takes 20 days to grow into a sapling and will turn into a tree 50 days after and will bloom after 5 days then take 1 day to produce food. Lifespans: everything eventually dies so trees live 1,000 days berry bushes live 50 days poison berry bush lives 100 days blooming cycle:after berries are picked or acorns fall the plant will have to bloom in order to produce more food. Trees: takes 1 day to bud and 5 to bloom and another 3 till harvest but are bountiful berry bush: takes 3 days to bud 2 to bloom and harvest toxic berry: takes 5 days to bud and 2 to bloom this could also tie into my idea with food types so I will put that in here also please tell me if you're confused and what you're confused on.
  7. maybe berry bushes don't regrow automatically? that sounds balanced.
  8. after giving it some thought it'd sounds a little too op for niche
  9. me: definetly it sounds epic , just something you can tinker with ,... like everybody says! all this= S U P P O R T !
  10. this used to be a down vote but is know a up vote
  11. other people: Japanese melon fawn: responses: this is how many people dissagree so it sounds like a war but I do not mean it, it is to be taken likely
  12. you're wrong here is why 1.I said a book not google translate 2. I said Mexican not Spanish and I know mexico speaks Spanish but have you heard of Taiwanese, it's Chinese ,but in Taiwan and has different words and symbols.
  13. mexico tacos means bombs in mexiacan l read that in a book
  14. it's a bad joke, I know but I was hoping someone would put do you wanna build a wall on here kind of so that's why it's there
  15. build a snowman come on lets go out and play I never see you anymore come out the door it's like you've gone away we used to be best buddies and now we're not I wish you would tell me whyyyyyyy! do you wanna build a snowman it doesn't have to be a snowman *go away ana* okay bye https://www.google.com/search?q=do+you+wanna+build+a+snowman&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS847US852&oq=do+you+wanna&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57j0l6.25050j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Search Results ► 1:15 DISNEY SING-ALONGS | Do You Want To Build A Snowman ... YouTube‎ · ‎Disney UK
  16. well do you wanna play don't starve, my username is robert
  17. how do you join? or at least tell me that I can't join
  18. I also have a puppy and recently I got some kittens too
  19. I haven't been on the posts in a while either, I kinda forgot about them Also I should mention that i'm not very active during the week cuz school and people don't like it when i'm on forums. i'm kinda back though
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