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Everything posted by Chiyanna

  1. OOOO nice plot twist! Maybe Tiger's eye can escape the fate of becoming a monster
  2. "Kits?" asked Constellationkit, "What are kits?"
  3. They said 4th quarter this year, so I would guess not yet. More like fall/winter
  4. Perhaps Evergreen will pay for what she's done and her motives. But where will it end? I worry Tiger's Eye will be consumed by anger and become like Evergreen. Let's pray that's not the case! If it is, the whole mountain may be destroyed, especially with Fox Heart egging her on
  5. (also are these guys nichelings that run away from their tribes? I guess it would depend on what the person renting them would use for their story...)
  6. (No, it's alright! Glad you voted. I always love more votes!
  7. Panther. Dove hadn't really forgotten at first, but she had for a second there. "Well seeing as you two aren't accepting help anyways, let's go look for her. We should stick together from now on...no splitting up." At least for a while...until we're someplace safer
  8. Constellationkit was confused, so many new words! Unable to remember all of them, she went with the last one, "What's kitting?"
  9. Im whackin hacking modded untitled geese. And Idoista is old, I can't stop her dreaded smiles:))
  10. Mistykit backed out of the den quickly, heart racing. Looks scary
  11. I thought this might be recent too LOL till I read december in the text of the post
  12. "Bananananananananana" Me: *BEEP*
  13. *BANG BANG BANG* "Open up for Einstein's hair!"
  14. Thank you to the three who have voted in this so far!
  15. I might send them to the killer island on off of the newly explored penninsula Thanks for the name suggestions! I'm no good at naming nichelings anyways. I'm going to check the challenge rules to see what it says about going to other islands. Sad that there's no story reason, but I will not make them have more children
  16. "Baby walls are a safe and ethical way to protect the tribe"
  17. Also can I put the bold sentence into the little to no context thread? It's hillarious
  18. Three kids per pair! Proposterous numbers! I didn't know Halkrath and Kuta were not supposed to have any more...nobody told me. Is there a story-wise reason? I was breeding them because she's the only fully winged creature and is going to die fairly quickly, but if you had already decided they weren't I will not breed them again. I don't know what Persona 4 is, but just suggest a few names from it and I'll be happy to name the child after it. I guess I could not breed the baby until it opens it's eyes but wouldn't that be worse since they can see what's going on? That is a reasonable request. I think I'll do baby numbers on a case-by-case basis based on the pair's history, personality, genes, and age. Some pairs it may make more sense, storywise and strategically, to breed more, where-as others may only need to have one child to get their genes through and probably wouldn't want another. It is my predisposition to breed everyone, though I will generally breed those who have had less children already or who have not passed on a specific gene. I think that's why I bred Lurk and Yosuke so much, I was trying to get that darned scorpian tail in the family, and I failed unfortunately. But if you all want me to limit the babies I shall have to try for the good of the challenge. We can set a baby limit if everyone wants to, or we can let it be more flexible and based on the circumstances. In other news, how would everyone feel about going to another island soon? @Modiano @SafiraCoyfolf @Mothpool
  19. Oh yeah he must've died before they could have any kids probably in @SafiraCoyfolf's turn. So he doesn't show up on the family tree. Makiia has had a depressing life. At least she gets to spend her last days exploring with her brother and his kin.
  20. Thank you to @Speedyscout for voting! It is now a tie again. I will probably close it after the next vote to prevent another tie
  21. Part 1 of my second turn: Young Hunters (days 88-89) Lenlen and Kuku have killed something in Modiano's turn which I take upon myself to pick up and collect the meat from. Then, an unfortunate rabbil shows up and Lenlen and Kuku kill it as well. The two have become friends and quite the hunting pair. Retare and Moaroara pick plants from the sticky fruit tree, which appears to be their assigned task. Uirom and Bhu'ja mate. (I'm already flooding the island with babies, I apologize Modiano). At least a berry bush obscures the view of their child Kali (who is so cute btw!) I panic as I realize Kali has no-one to protect them. I zoom out to see the bluebird, all the way on the other side of the island, but there none-the-less. So, after checking Chisel's relations to the couple to be sure it makes sense, I rush Auntie Chisel down to protect the baby. She warns the young parents of the dangers of the bird. I figure Memela, Pridukir, Quin, Than-guan and their children are migrating together to the penninsula adjacent to the port since they looked to be in that direction. I continue the migration, but I have Rufus leave the group in search of his brother after realizing him and Swan may be an ideal pairing to get purr-snout in the family. Pridukir leaves his mate's side, making her mildly annoyed at his delaying the migration, to invite his elder and lonely sister Makiia along. Not being the best group of fighters and having rescued Garnet, the group being attacked by the bearyena flees in hopes that it will follow them towards more and better fighters who then can help to fight it with minimal injury. Halkrath flies over to Pridukkir to ask for his help in fighting the bearyena. She then flies over to Bhu'ja and Uirom to ask for the help of their family. Kappa tries to fish a razorona or clown koi, but fails both times. The bearyena has dissapeared without a trace. Apparently us running away was a smart move, as it found better prey. With no immediate threat, the nichelings decide it isn't worth it to go searching for the bearyena. Halkwrath flies up to make sure the bearyena really is gone, and her mate comes to assist her. They do not hear or smell the bearyena. It is back to life as usual. Bear and Chisel breed for the last time, preparing for their final child. Kappa decides to go for some regular fish instead, and easily suceeds. Memela makes her way into the penninsula, heading towards the swampy terrain. Makiia leaves her berry bush to join the group. Memela claws at the swamp thorns, she succeeds in destroying them, but scratches herself up in the process. She takes quite a bit of damage. Than-guan peers uneasily into the swamp, unnerved by Memela getting hurt and by the dark colors. Memela clears a path and Quinn goes through to check it out, finding that there is familiar green grass on the other side. This reassures Than-guan, and she greatfully yet cautiously follows her mate into the penninsula. Kuta convinces Halkwrath not to worry about the bearyena and they prepare to have another child. Garnet comes to the berry bush hoping to be useful, but finds it empty. Halkwrath tells him he wouldn't be able to pick them anyways with the paws he has, but that she can't either and that is just fine. She explains that his paws would be ideal for hunting, and she decides to take him on a hunting trip. Halkwrath tries to grab a rabbil from the sky as Garnet comes down to watch, but it escapes her grasp as she doesn't have the strength to kill it easily. She tries again, still without success. Garnet isn't discouraged though, he watches his new mentor carefully. Pridukkir had already caught a rabbit earlier that turn, and was probably telling Garnet about how to hunt also. End of part 1 Let me know if I mixed any characters up or made any other mistakes!
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