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Everything posted by Micha

  1. Experimenting with a VTOL Thruster that can rotate in place.
  2. I started working on new drone parts that might be useful for the racing update This is a proximity sensor with configurable angle, range and detection type: We plan to open a test branch on steam soon to get some feedback. (Probably by the end of the month if all goes well)
  3. @Condorflight The error "Fatal error in GC,Too many heap sections" means that the game ran out of memory. The only thing you can do to make Niche use less memory, is to set the Animal Pattern Resolution to the minimum in the graphic settings, this will make the Nichelings look a bit blurry but the game should use much less memory because it does not have to store large textures. I hope this helps!
  4. Yeah you have to eat it a bit carefully But it's no problem, as everyone knows that there is a king hidden somewhere
  5. A Government shutdown is such a strange concept. Why would you shut down important services just because there are some budget disagreements 🤔 Hope its over soon and you can go back to work!
  6. nimbatus.mp4 Slow and steady wins the race The directional sensor points towards a "rabbit" that goes along the middle of the track at the movement speed of the sensor.
  7. Ok good to know that you found a workaround
  8. I think exit without saving and a delete confirmation are both pretty important and will for sure be added at some point during early access.
  9. Yeah I would have to make every action completely reversable. Which is easy for a simple rotation but gets more complicated when you delete a subgroup of the drone. The system we have now was just simpler and less time consuming to implement. A more performant system would require some major refactorings. Lets see how it is with the improved performance now and decide afterwards if it makes sense to invest more time into it
  10. The undo stack is limited to 100 changes. It only affects memory usage so increasing the stack wont improve the fps. After each undo / redo the whole drone is recreated from scratch. Thats why it takes time when having alot of parts.
  11. The next update will have a performance improvement when working on larger drones. Rotating, moving or changing values or parts will be much faster. However The undo / redo is still a bit slow with 1000+ parts.
  12. Yeah the editor has some problems with large drones because each modification triggers a save state for the undo / redo system. I'll see what I can do to improve the performance
  13. My Priorities: 0.) Listen to what the players want most 1.) Better replayability, due to a progression system, item unlocks, different game modes with harder difficulty or user generated content. 2.) More challenges and worlds where you need to use your skills as drone engineer in many different ways. (Asteroid minefields, Bossfights, drone vs. drone battles, abandoned space stations, labyrinths for autonomous drone exploration, etc...) 3.) Better usability for the drone workshop, better tools and better customization options for the different drone parts, especially sensors.
  14. Hey crew, We just released the update 0.5.10 for Nimbatus. It contains fixes for two small but annoying bugs. Bugfixes: Camera Trackers are now disabled inside the sumo arena. We reduced the default camera recoil shake because it the effect was too strong on higher zoom levels. We are still heavily working on the new update! For work in in-progress updates and some sneak peaks of the Drone Racing Update, please check out this thread: Cheers, Stray Fawn Studio
  15. @PriestessKikyo1 Unfortunately there is nothing in the Slot3 savefile It seems to be empty What happened before it got corrupted? Did you close the game correctly, or just shut down your pc? Or are you using a second computer to play Niche? (Maybe the steam savefile synchronisation messed it up)
  16. I went skiing and managed to get hit by a stationary metal rod right between my legs. It was very painful and I was hospitalized because I could not sit or walk anymore for a few days. Luckily no lasting damage was done
  17. Yeah I need some pictures It's hard to understand it otherwise
  18. A wireless part that does not split but gets the signals from the dronebrain would have to combine the signals from it's parent hub (which might be a splitter or another wireless part) and the drone brain which has information about the manually pressed keys. Or am I not seeing something?
  19. The drone brain, logic splitters and connectors have a "hub" which contains a list of active signals. The splitters and drone brain have a seperate hub, but the connectors just foward queries to the drone brain. Each dronepart has a reference to it's parent hub, which is found by traversing the hierarchy upwards starting from the dronepart itself. This reference is then used to ask if a signal is active or not.
  20. Working on a better training mode for the sumo tournament, where you can train against some of the best drones individually.
  21. Yeah good idea. Also making the directional sensor round would make alot of sense so you can rotate it in place freely.
  22. They were barely visible at a higher camera distances. So we now scale their width accordingly. May still need some tweaking.
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