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Trying save the Magnolias fate tribe challenge


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So Im quickly trying this chalenge. So let's see how it turns out.

 First we need to gather some food. The only thing I really see is this bearyena meat.20190618205932_1.thumb.jpg.0279d2bb0a99561a5d0d02c8c78e1b64.jpg

So I had this dear male named Priki go get it for us20190618210053_1.thumb.jpg.896f941cb5c8dfb7090aeb0d644d8ed4.jpg20190618210056_1.thumb.jpg.82df12a20c037db2ecf6856d24a1080b.jpg

And now we have excactly enough food to feed everyone for today. yay

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2 minutes ago, magnolia said:

That rogue...ahhh I know him....

there's also a orange boi around there somewhere

The rogues seem less afraid for some reason

And there are a crap ton of wanderers


Thank you for doing this for me bless you

Yea he kinda suprised me. also thank you for this challenge it has been super entertaining.

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