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  1. Yesterday
  2. WHY IS JOJO SIWAS NEW SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD HELP ME i was a bad girl 😈😈😈😈 i did some bad things 😈😈😈😈😈😈
  3. Shiny hunting with the masuda method involves spending hours just running around hatching thousands of eggs and hoping you get a blue dog
  4. Everyone wish my dad a happy birthday To celebrate we’re staying in a 40th floor hotel room tonight and going to the zoo tomorrow 👍 Im bringing binoculars for the hotel view and the zoo animals 👍
  5. Fossils are attracted by a magnet but cannot be grappled with a grappling hook. v 1.1.4
  6. Apparently Hollow Knight art month exists, so I might do some prompts for that. Did the first one, and then the actual art month (at least the one I'm using)
  7. Last week
  8. Animatic thing I made, I think it's a trend??? Anyway I forgot to sign it but it's grand bc let's be real no one is gonna steal it And idk why it's so sped up but yeah 09d8914f-ceee-4ca7-8746-7482cd04e314.mp4
  9. I mean I've heard of it and listened to a few of their songs but like i dont listen to them regularly I'm sorry 😔😔😔😔 But in my opinion mutter is Rammsteins only good album-
  10. a silly little story , me and my sister were chilling in the. car and my dad took a rlly huge turn and my sister just hit her iPad so had she got a hole in the screen
  11. "im homeoephobid" "you are a trans and gay shut the up"
  12. s stranger have you ever heard of System Of A Down please say yes its so crazy and awesome and they make the best music i saw you mentioned Rammstein to so <333333 yes
  13. more than anything is actually the best one so YOUR WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /j ofc ❤️
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