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Everything posted by Lilytuft

  1. Let's see how I can do with my new laptop... Rhe Gtear HabberDoyeShatk The letters are spaced a bit differently and I kinda forgot some, for example, where "V" is
  2. @Philo why didn't you tell us that you added triplets in the update?
  3. The beak gives collecting already
  4. They seem to be out of animators or something...
  5. I don't know if there's a need for Finnish translation, since not a lot of Finns seem to play Niche. (I made two new friends on the camp I was on and one of them plays Niche :D) But I'll be willing to help if you need it.
  6. SLARM is best off drawn small... He doesn't look as cute this way
  7. I started my morning by petting my sister's dying guinea pig R.I.P. Sopu
  8. I can't decide wether to react with "haha" or "sad"
  9. The pain of not understanding how gimp worked and my watermark XD
  10. It's not impossible! (or maybe I've just played it too much)
  11. Wouldn't the weight of a nicheling depend on the food situation?
  12. Study religious stuff.
  13. It could be a narwhal horn instead? Without magic?
  14. I'll be going to a camp tomorrow and won't be able to access the internet for a week
  15. What does -AP stand for? I don't think I've seen that before
  16. Lilytuft


    I have a goal of watching through this entire playlist. I'm already half way through! Seriously what's wrong with these 8 year olds? Some of the things they animate are just... They shouldn't know about that stuff yet. Also, THIS is what I call art:
  17. Post babies you really wanted to get rid of He still hurts my eyes...
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