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  1. I rolled beige: the ladies are Sepia, Latte, Biscotti and Fawn, the males Beige, Parmesan, Hazelnut and Macaroon. We are conformists and start off on Whale Island like most others. Beige immediately finds a nest for his mate Latte. The very first baby, Lurdanduk, is born. Yes, too lazy to make up names. Hazelnut finds the first food source other than cacti. Although it most definitely can't feed everyone, it helps to raise morale. Sepia gives birth to Dantanu. Then she proceeds to invite in a female wanderer, Lenmita, who seems to fit in perfectly. -.- She receives healthy eyesight mutation, as normal blood clotting isn't yet unlocked. Meanwhile, food reserves are thinning. Finally some proper food! Beige takes over a tree stump and starts to call out for whomever happens to go by. To everyone's surprise, he doesn't attract any bearyenas and instead, a fair she nicheling emerges out of grass. Her name is Tala, and she too receives eyesight mutation, as blood clotting genes are still unavailable. The next day, Dukvanvan, the first wanderer's son, is born. Luckily enough, he inherits both his X and Y chromosomes from his dad, and so doesn't get hemophilia from his homozygously hemophiliac mom. She does pass down on him her digging paw though, somehow. ❤️ On another note, Latte's gang discovers a very first smelly tree. Feast is to break out. A sneak attack! Sepia is badly injured, and so decides to stall for time to let at least her son escape unharmed. Though she is too weak to cause any serious damage, she attacks the adult bearyena with all she has. RIP Another day passes without any sign of the bearyena. Instead, an elderly wanderer, Kirnudan, answers Beige's plea. (And upon invitation receives runner's legs mutation.) Speak of the devil, the bearyena reappears! I thought it's a new one, as she? he? didn't have a baby with her, but as it turned out, the baby had gone a separate way, as it was grown enough. Kirnudan was attacked and died, yet thankfully managed to have mated with Latte in time. The nearby males managed to surround and gravely injure the predator. Latte was then allowed to deliver the final blow to avenge her unborn's father, and of course the first victim, Sepia. In the midst of all the drama, little Elis was born. A new life for a departed one*, blahblahblah, you know the drill. (*Kirnudan's life, not the bearyena's, lol.) Epilogue: the eliminated bearyena's offspring found in time, before it could go berserk. Welcome to the tribe! (Picture also featuring a rogue. Spoiler - he doesn't manage to assault anyone.^^) And that's it for now, this post doesn't need to be any longer and more boring.
  2. The affinity could also be positively influenced by nicheling to nicheling interaction - I'd really love seeing my babies play, even if it "just happened" and wasn't animated. Playing would cost energy points like any other action, so it would only be to any use if the tribe's well off and there's energy left to waste. Affinity increase would also receive a boost if at least one of the playmates was a pre-teen (one gem). It'd be also really cool to be able to have affinity and play with friendly bearyenas; the better affinity, the more likely would the bearyena protect the tribe. Even without playing, affinity's still such an awesome concept on its own; upvote!
  3. Could the eggs be "hatched" by a nicheling other than the mom? Like, the mom would lay the eggs on a nest, and then go off elsewhere, and another tribe mate would keep the eggs warm for her. What would happen if the eggs were laid but no one would look after them/keep them warm overnight? Would they die? Also, if they were left unprotected (no adult or teen on or beside the nest), I can imagine them being snatched away by bluebirds or perhaps some new fancy predator.^^
  4. Might be old news to you guys, but I've just had a Heureka moment. xD Behold - the ultimate technique to conquer Home Island! All you need is one or two peacock males, and you're instantly rid of half the competition for resources. All female "enemies" just gather around your peacock and lose all interest in food. You can even kill a bunny right next to them and they'll ignore it! Of course, the males remain unaffected, but they're far less annoying without females increasing their numbers. *grows fondness for peacocks*
  5. "Speed", or rather mobility, could be gained by wings, too; heat body won't slow you down and you can use bearyena hind legs for extra strength (plus mega horns plus sabertooth fangs). With this combination, no further strength or speed is necessary, so scorpion tail becomes a must. Big body forces your pack to stay in a cluster to warm each other up (i. e. the cold resistance isn't absolute) and so it's harder to surround the deer effectively, while runner legs don't add up to damage and their 'reach' is rather limited compared to wings. My opinion though, I haven't really experimented that much, so feel free to prove me wrong.
  6. I'd go for heat body, mega horns, sabertooth fangs, bearyena claws, normal hind legs and scorpion tail (unless there's a cold resistance penalty). Haven't tried this combo yet though.
  7. You can get in this situation even waaaay later on in a game: your last surviving star may just refuse to pass it down. Been there, didn't like it. Day 100ish, I think. But it's realistic, so I'm trying to not complain.^^
  8. Aww, Veroni, I'm sorry. Thank you guys!
  9. @Jojo, my bad. But surely rogue males wouldn't be as deadly as apes, and do killer islands have restrictions regarding bearyenas?
  10. Very well. If Nichelings had their own Hogwarts: and finally... Voldemort with a NOSE!
  11. I would not impose the limit that there may be only one rogue per island (there's no such thing for predators after all), but otherwise, I really like this idea. ^^
  12. I don't want to start a new thread, so I'm gonna ask here. Is there a console command ensuring Adam's family keeps spawning and doesn't die out?
  13. no, you can't see it until you paste it somewhere - it's like when you copy a text, or a google image
  14. In similar scenarios, all I get is bearyenas. Anyways, best of luck.
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