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Robb Plat

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Everything posted by Robb Plat

  1. I would actually love to see corals, dolphins, sharks, etc. in a water biome. Jungle already has those deadly apes, so... also snakes can smell with their tongues to sniff out some yummy Nicheling.
  2. Hi. I don't usually post in Challenges, but sharing this challenge with my fellow Niche fans seemed like a good idea. This is totally not a spin on any franchise. ( > w > ) ~Stone World Challenge~ “There are only six Nichelings left in the world. Will they rebuild Nichelingity or will nature conquer them? Only time can tell…” 6 starting Nichelings: Byakya + Lily Shamiru + Cony Yakon + Daria Requirements: - Use the save file provided! - Only mate together the starting Nichelings with their specified partner - keep default aging parameters and get rid of bird of prey Goals to pass: - Keep the “console” closed forever - Keep the population size at 45 or under - Last at least 738 days (+2 points if you last for 1738) - Need to migrate from Tiny Green to a medium or hard-level island. - Keep all the immunity genes (for 2 points), or keep at least 6 (for 1 point) - Cannot mutate hair or eye colours if the Nicheling doesn’t already have that gene - Avoid same-parent siblings and parent-child matings Additional Goals, breed these Nichelings at any time and name them accordingly: 1. Watermelon—girl with short-sighted eyes 2. Lava—male with big body, blonde hair and blue eyes 3. Ruby—Nicheling with black hair and brown eyes 4. Chrom—male with brown hair and brown eyes (any way is fine, but needs medium body) 5 and 6. Biological brothers—Kin (brown hair green eyes) and Gin (blonde hair green eyes) 7 and 8. Koharu and Luli—twin girls with either green or blue eyes 9. Iris—a girl with purple eyes 10. Sencha—a boy with white hair, brown eyes and medium body Note: Blonde and brown hair colours are based on how they appear visually, and they don’t need to be homozygous for those genes. Each goal cleared is worth +1 point unless otherwise specified. Add up your points when you’re done. Anything else not mentioned is fair game. Ask if you want a background to the story lol. Take pictures and share with us! Stone World Challenge Slot3.nichesave
  3. Not sure either. It feels incomplete, which is why I'm not playing it often.
  4. The save file for two hemophilic females starter Nichelings is attached below. All the sons are normal, despite the mother having two copies of Hemophilia.. Hemophilia Slot2.nichesave
  5. SkySplash seems to be doing a good job. You have two berry bushes and one tree, so you can support about 6 nichelings (2 per bush and 2 per tree). The island you're on isn't bad in itself. You would just need to find more berry bushes.
  6. That sounds like a challenge. And I love challenges. Just short of opening the console, cracker jaw can open shells, and you should focus on breeding some new creatures and pick whatever berries you can (poisonous). I would also try to mutate nimble fingers or horns (if you have them). If not, then use runners paw to pick poisonous berries, and mutate cracker jaw/nimble fingers for nuts and shells. I would also run to the next island, as the swamp is a terrible place to live if you're not a poison-immune bat.
  7. Hi Purr Snout gang, I was going to say that the Purr snout is fine as it is, but most things could always be improved. Then I saw the above sketch. Rounder cat eyes are definitely cuter. Maybe the whiskers could be a bit shorter? (Also can we have a fox snout?!) - Robb P.S. - All the cat eye colours are great
  8. It's sort of inherent in the win conditions. I presume that the user has control over the win conditions, and that they would choose something harder than a "never." If you do have something that is opposite to the win condition, does it never let you win? That would be something to experiment with.
  9. Hi BlueButterfly, How did your first pair (SG+AB) get SG children? Did you mean SA, SB, AG, or GB? Robb
  10. I get this too sometimes, but I think it's just a bad luck of the draw. If it could be more randomized that would be great. Each of the four immunity combinations with four different immunities should be 25% each.
  11. Hi, it's me again. I come bearing updates about the same glitch in the current version. A wandering female whom I invited into my tribe, Tala, had five children. You can see in the family tree that I have highlighted the hemophilia gene to display the line of inheritance. I have not changed the offspring's names, so you can tell by the names that the two children who inherited the gene are female, i.e., Sita and Simere, whereas the male children, i.e., Roduk, Tavandon, and Kukulur, have not. I should hope that this glitch for the only sex-linked gene gets fixed eventually. Your Niche fan, Robb Plat (n.b.: I only get this glitch from females with double hemophilia. You should follow this lead. Viikviik, the user above, found this glitch from a female from his clan, i.e., not a wandering female. My first post was from my starting female, and my latest post is with a wandering female. The only commonality is that they are all females who have two copies of the hemophilia gene.)
  12. This is not a bug. First, the rogue has big body, which confers 1 defence. Second, the "attacking" Nicheling has likely only 1 attack (probably due to normal body) This means that attacking him does no damage, hence you are not given the option to attack because resistance is futile
  13. Hi Niche fans and developers, While playing version 1.2.1 I encounter a glitch that I have mentioned before in previous games. I also saw that Niche is marketing this game to teachers, but if they see this glitch then they might not be so thrilled because a female homozygote for hemophilia (Figure 1) having non-hemophilic sons (Figures 2 and 3) is an untenable situation. However, it seems that non-starter female Nichelings have a normal mode of inheritance for the X-linked hemophilia gene, so there is no problem there. It is just the starting female. I am attaching the file so that you can see this for yourself. I hope you can fix this before you sell it to educators. Robb Plat Hemophilia Glitch? File Slot2.nichesave
  14. I don't think you clarified that Rarek is Rare's son. Perhaps you can use the Niche Creator in Sandbox to recreate her, if you remember what she looked like.
  15. I'm not sure if the yellow and purple eye traits are based on whether it's from the mother or father. :/
  16. Maybe I could take them on a journey and post a video of it... lol.
  17. Thanks for the suggestions! 😄 I like these suggestions, perhaps I can try something really challenging. I could try these biomes too! Incidentally I have done this, although I merge the names. If the father is Claw Meowtz and the mother is Fangie Wolff, I would name the child Quick Meowtz-Wolff, for example. The maternal surname as the middle name sounds like the Portuguese/Spanish naming system!
  18. Hi denizens of the forums, I'm having a bit of a Niche block. I really have no idea what challenge or experiments I should do in Niche since I already beat everything, so I'm looking for suggestions. What are some strategies you employ when you have a Niche block, or writer's block? What do you do to make Niche more enjoyable for yourself? -Robb
  19. My Goddess from my gameplays is Rala Rain. I suppose she is the Goddess of Health and Harvest because on the day she was born it started to rain, thus keeping my tribe well fed. This thread compelled me to recreate her in the 1.1.7 preview, and I'm quite happy with the way she turned out. Also, she was the first in the Adam Family to be born with pure white horns. And yes, she's a direct descendant of Adam and has gorgeous eyes and a really adorable pattern. I often give my Nichelings a family name, so all her siblings and children have the Rain clan name. Some other notable names in the family were: Berry (a resourceful and helpful part of the family), Randal (Bearyena hybrid descendants), Rain-Racco (The Racco family has very distinguishable patterns from the rest of the tribe and they interbred with the prominent Rain family). The bottom picture is her from my gameplays haha!
  20. Depending on the genes you and your sister picked, they many have different dominant/recessive interactions that you anticipated. Similar to what SkySpash said... The Nichelings that are generated are based on the genes you picked, and their interaction with the other gene for the same trait. If you put sabertooth fangs and poison fangs, poison fangs will be the Nicheling's characteristic because poison fangs are dominant over sabertooth fangs.
  21. I had this happen in the 1.1.6 update, so it's still there
  22. Oh! So this is the infamous Smelly Fruit bug. I didn't even pick any lmao.
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