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Everything posted by Markus

  1. I have some experience with all kind of different tablets and display tablets. Some thoughts: - Wacom has the best experience from all of them, period. I'm talking about stand-alone display tablets only here (not counting Apple iPad). With experience I mean pen-handling and first and foremost Drivers. - Wacom are the most expensive of them all, but a second-hand one is way cheaper and might still get a better experience than other brands. - There are display tablets which use Wacom technology (like the dell canvas or Samsung Android tablets) but they use a very old system and are not equal to the newer Wacom products. If you have the money to spare and can choose between a new (or old) Wacom device and a other-brand device which uses wacom technology, choose the Wacom one (mostly because of drivers) - I don't have experience with many other pen-types but I used AES technology pens before (those which need batteries). This technology is e.g. used in the Microsoft Surface Tablets and the Lenovo Pen-enables notebooks. They are okay to use and I know people who use them heavily and are happy with them. But compared to the Wacom products, they are inferior in pen handling and again, drivers. (imo) - I really rave about Wacom here, but this is because I really really dislike hardware and software which does not work as intended and doesn't give me a seamless experience. The main reason why I like them is because they have years of experience making drivers which work seamless with the operating system and you are free to set them up the way you want. This is something which from my experience is the biggest problem I have with the other brands. Even Microsoft, which has their Surface Tablets and Pens and can control the whole pipeline from hardware to software does not get it right. You have to setup several settings before you are able to use the pen properly for painting. As an another anecdote: A lot of people complain about Wacom and drivers not working, especially about 1 year ago in conjunction with Adobe Photoshop. The problem there was, that Windows itself changed a setting behind the scenes with an update and did not inform Wacom about it. So for a few days people went crazy that their product stopped working and had to find solutions for it. Wacom fixed it with a simple toggle in their driver, where you can turn on/off the freehand/windowsInk option (which broke everything), but nowadays when you search, you probably still find all these driver issues first before getting the right answer - On the other hand. After using display tablets for a while and normal tablets for much longer, I have to say that I'm not so sure that I prefer the display tablets to work on. I have a 27inch Dell Canvas at home (similar to Wacom Cintiq 27QHD) to work with, but for the time being I prefer a simple Intuos to work with. Especially for painting I prefer the tablets instead of the displays, because the hand is in the way. - So my advice is: What do you want to use the new device for and what to you already own? Do you want to focus on drawing instead of painting, then a display tablet might be a cool thing. Do you paint more than drawing, maybe a display tablet is not the best thing. Do you want to do it for fun and yourself or for work? If you want to draw a lot just for fun with a bit of coloring, maybe a iPad with Apple Pencil & Procreate is the best thing you can get currently (quality+convenience/price). If you want to work professionally, meaning, a lot of editing with different tools, file sharing with others, etc. then a desktop system might be more useful. If you want to get a display tablet, maybe wait and save a bit to get a second-hand or newer and smaller cintiq and use a intuos for the time being. If you get another brand display tablet, try to find someone/somewhere where you try it first. Or you buy a very very cheap one and then it won't hurt as much if it does not work the way you intended. So go for the cheapest and smallest one might be my guess in this case. This is only my opinion, so take it with a grain of salt. Sorry for the long rant
  2. This is very very cool! I'll summon @Roger to have a look at your great work. I'll check it out closer tomorrow and maybe give some feedback as well Thanks a lot for making this
  3. I also mix american and british variants of words even in the same sentence. We (switzerland) also learn british english in school if I recall correctly, but most of my current english knowledge is acquired by internet-browsing so mixing naturally occurred as well. Not helping either: Unity, the game engine we use, also mixes terms: It uses "Behaviour" instead if "Behavior", but also uses "Color" instead of "Colour". Strange world
  4. Thank you very much for liking it here and also thank you very much for helping us out and being that active and supportive Very much appreciated
  5. I can't say what is lagging in the editor, but try to switching off this setting to increase performance: Checking for overlaps uses some computational power. We turn it off automatically if your drone is over 100 parts big, so it might already be turned off. How many parts have the drones you are editing/building?
  6. From my personal point of view, from the things you mentioned, Number 1: A better progression system / better motivation is the most important point after we have released our next update
  7. I think almost all points are on our internal roadmap as well 1. We haven't announced or finally decided on what we're working next, but it's on our roadmap to improve, maybe even revamp the single-player experience completely (aka campaign). So while I can't say what it will be, this is definitely something we will work in in the future. 2. I think you mean that you can adjust many many different details for every drone-part? I'm not sure if that is technically feasible with the system we have now, and maybe it makes compatibility with old drones tricky (workshop). Maybe it's something which would be possible with modding, but there are no plans yet for that. 3. More sensors, better settings, more logic... that's something we would like to improve as well Personally I think that we have to fix the 1st issue first and then improve the other aspects, but there's nothing decided or announced yet depending next updates. I hope I got that correct ^^
  8. Currently I use the "danger zones" as "sumo borders" and "normal obstacles" as "terrain" Maybe we have to make better descriptions or make them context sensitive depending on the gameplay mode. Don't know yet
  9. Great list Thank you very much for sharing. If you have any questions, feel free to ask I wonder what counter-strategies you come up with for each enemy
  10. When playing as a child I struck myself accidentally with a freshly sharpened pencil in my right thigh. The tip broke off and remained in the thigh up to this day. It's still visible from the outside under the skin. No problems though.
  11. We're not enough far yet within the development to comment finally about procedural or hand-crafted maps We're still testing what is the most fun and then see what we can implement for the next update.
  12. Thank you for the insights. It's good to have such things in the back of our minds when we design things like effects. This helps us to somewhat minimize such things. But as you said, the game itself has a big possibility space to create discomfort (self-induced or by default) .
  13. Unfortunately no. But we thought about it and we think it's a cool idea. But our resources are too limited to focus on such a thing for the time being We're not yet sure which thing we're prototyping is the best at the moment - and we don't know which and in what configuration we will implement it. We'll keep you up do date
  14. Thank you very much for sharing this @Lurkily. If we can improve anything in this regard, please tell us. So what I got so far is the ability to turn off or tone down screenshake. Would you like to see another setting which improves comfort and safety in general?
  15. Interesting. The way we have scaled everything, it seems that everything is simply "slower", instead of more challenging. We have to check and balance that when we're working on the planets again. Keep up the good discussion
  16. @Lurkily You can tag us if you think we can give good input. But of course we can't comment on everything or maybe we don't have time There is a really good discussion here. I'm with the opinion that we increased the air-resistance so that you are forced to build different drones - not just to make your normal drone less effective. So adding a thruster-type which would circumvent the different air-resistance does not coincide with our vision. But I agree that different thruster types in general would be very interesting - maybe some will come with the next Race upgrade. We're also thinking about adding parts for which you can alter physical properties like changing drag (air-resistance). Maybe we even have to increase the amount of air-resistance for the "high air-resistance" planets so that you really are forced to build different ships Of course only as long as it is still fun to play and we have parts which makes building such drones fun enough
  17. Thanks for sharing. It's noted and will us help to improve the mission spawning system in the future.
  18. @jbox1 Do you mean you are a pixel artist? If yes, show us your sprites, I love pixelart
  19. Very good challenge/training and your painting looks very cool. Great work. Thanks for sharing!
  20. Here's one first test of bringing two competing drones into one scene and let them race autonomously. Everything you see in this video is most likely going to change - so consider this only as a sneak peak into that we're currently working on drones vs. drones as well No details or comments on how that mode will work can be given at this point, I'm sorry
  21. And moved the thread back again, sorry @Lurkily. I hope you don't mind. Cool that you could find the logic error. Good discussion here.
  22. I'll move this thread to the suggestions forum if that is alright with you. So other people can vote on it I think triangle shapes would be useful, in this case maybe even just for simple stability, or maybe in the future for making a more slick shape so if you bump into a wall with high velocity (and flat angle), not everything rips apart
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