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Share Your Best Bloodlines!


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If you have a specific or unique bloodline or 'breed' that you either selected for or just kept track of, post them here, and tell us what they all have in common and who the founder of the line is! Also tell me what, if any, your 'breeding goals' are :)

I shall post some here soon...

Including my Clam Bloodline (Working towards distinct bloodline. all have platypus beak, bearyena snout, or big nose. Breeding towards platypus beak with big body in grey and yellow varieties.)

my Melon Bloodline (Working towards distinct bloodline. all have short snout, bearyena snout or big nose. Breeding for short snout, blue eyes, double nimble fingers and red or orange fur)

my Larkspur/Warrior Bloodline (all big nose or cracker jaw, and have red or red/brown horns, and pretty fur in shades of chestnut brown, red brown, grey, sandy, pink, and white. All have either Raccoon Mask pattern or spots.)

my Pastelle Bloodline (all have beaks, wings, and ram horns, and come in shades of brown and pink. Solid, spots, sometimes tuxedo mask.)

my Shocker Bloodline (neon colored winged birbs with beak or cracker jaw. Solid, or white or grey spots or masks.)

my Ladybug Bloodline (red with black spots, double wings, green eyes, bird beak or cracker jaw)

and my Fancy Oreo Peacock bloodline (double wing, beak, peacock tail, dark spots and pink or white colored body)


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I once had a 'Russet' line. Sadly I don't have their screenshots anymore but essentially they had russet fur or horn colour while the others were all purely white. So they stood out and there was usually only one 'Russet' (playing with the Warriors challenge so we had Russetclaw etc.). The Russet then had to have a child that had the russet marking as well, which would then be called Russet as well :) This line just came up by accident, when I noticed that I named all the russet looking Nichelings Russet and that they all came from the same line :D

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I didn't really have any specific lines from when I still played Niche (other than my panda army from version 0.1.5.), but I did have this one melanistic/black fur line from a while back.


They were my favorites of the tribe, and I was super proud of them. I think the line still exists in that save :D

Unfortunately, the poison fang, big ears, and bearyena claw line did die out after a while. So, I'm just left with black fur and melanism.

Such a shame! No more edgelords!

I'm sure there are more attractive lines, though!

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I had a rabbil line. All my nichelings had white fur, black eyes, big ears, lean body, runnerslegs, normal hindlegs, short snout and fishing tail. My tribe was usually very small and creatures had to inbreed much. It was common for me to only have a parent and a child and they would breed together. Somehow I got lucky with the genders and immunities. My tribe lived a long time and almost no one was sick.

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I made a file where the whole tribe had albinism, water body, swimming tail, claws, and cracker jaw.
All my other tribes before had been on land, so it was fun breeding them.
But then I quickly got bored because there's nothing that exciting in water environments compared to land.

I had a file where i was just searching for wings the whole time.
I stopped playing after i got my whole tribe with 2 wings and bird beak.

I find that I kind of get bored after I have already bred for the traits that I want.

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A bloodline... that wasn't related at all. 

Basically, you settle on an island, populate it and weave a story. Two wanderers have children on the other side which will be send to the ports. Or I send the two wanderers directly. 

Sometimes the families meet. Sometimes they don't. Here are two no-pawed wanderers found in the Oasis, Sunny and Meme. As luck would have it, they found a surrogate father in their last days.


Their son and another nicheling born to the main family with a wanderer. Might as well be twins. Only that the latter hit the genetic jackpot while the other bore the last derpsnout of his line. 



Sunny's granddaughter in her old age, wandering the shore. It bears the least risk of being eaten by a killer bearyena. This time I send the son of the main family with her, though. 

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Sorry I still haven’t been able to get pics yet—I will soon—but the “melon line” and “clam line” are both from my first tribe, the Breaking Dawn Tribe, which has sort of become more of a tribe for gene experimentation and developing my own nicheling varieties. I have cheated food with the console and intend to do it again if food supply gets a bit too low. 

The other lines from other tribes were not as strictly bred as my melon and clam lines. Some are not strict at all but the same genes keep popping up each generation without my help. And some are not as distinct. For example, my Pastelle, Shocker, Oreo, and Ladybug lines are all in the same tribe, and of the three the Ladybug Line is by far the most distinct. The other lines often mix but the Ladybugs consistently look the same. It’s kind of driving me nuts. When the first Ladybug was born, I was like, cute! Your name is Ladybug. Ladybug has some kids. You are named Ladybug II. You are Miraculuous Ladybug. You are Ladybird. And you....Ladybug the Third...okay I’m kind of getting tired of all the Ladybugs..

My Larkspur Clan is interesting and even though I didn’t interfere at all they are the prettiest things ever :0 Some of my favorites aesthetically. 


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Ok here goes 😛

The Clam Bloodline


The founders and main contributors to the Clam Line:

Clam, original platypus nicheling and foundation female


Clam II and Snow. Practically Identical daughter and Grandson of Clam. Snow was one of the main studs for my line :)


The Melon Line. The red and white pregnant one, Seed, is the main heiress of the Melon line. 


The founder. I intentionally bred in short snout because my entire tribe was cracker jaw and derp snout...now do you blame me???


Melon's daughter who carried on the main line.


watermelon's daughter who carried on the line to the new island. 


Strawberry's last minute sickly son, born soon before her death


Sickly son of Cantaloupe, and twin brother to the orange and grey female in the group shot. 


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A couple ladybugs :) (look at all my birbs!) from my Farsea Feathers Tribe (tribe name inspired by Seri's videos)


oof - Ladybug is having a rough day :,( 114855256_Screenshot(829).thumb.png.443a79267641fd2e45cd1a72b029a7f2.png1024353276_Screenshot(828).thumb.png.3bd0b41d091e2162de687f7ed827c87b.png

Petei is the only ladybug on this island in the archipelago--I'm going to help him find a mate soon.1407091014_Screenshot(827).thumb.png.347f835641929827543c99d657f8f224.png

Some of my Larkspur Warriors! Aren't they pretty? The pretty color combos make up for the cracker jaws imo. (the gray and tan mask combo is really popular in my tribe for some reason...probably from the healthy incest) The mother in the nest is the original Larkspur. She isn't the founder, but one of the founders' children and first official clan leader. Her child grew up to be Larkstar, the next in line.




Twins! Firepaw and Icepaw!


the result of forgetting to put normal eyesight into the starters' mutation menus -- oops! She still happens to be one of my faves! ❤️❤️ 


Here's Dapper - I tend to name derp-snouts with C pattern 'eyebrows' "Dapper" since they all look narcissistic and think they are simply the best!


One of the reasons that this tribe is so similar in looks is that there is VERY little wanderer blood in these guys. In the very beginning, I was worried about the starters' kids not being able to find mates, but then I realized that two siblings had opposing immunity genes! And then, INCEST FEST!!!! With all healthy children! And everyone looked the same. The only other main wanderer to contribute to the line was Dapper, because he was mostly healthy. And just look at him! Who wouldn't want him as part of their breeding program! So all of my current tan/pink/white colored nichelings are likely related to him. 

I found another derpy scorpion female, who has had two recessive scorpion kids so far. And I have a few bearyena hybrids too, who i will breed back to bearyenas or to each other to unlock genes. I won't use their 3/4 bearyena kids for breeding though.

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