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  1. Today
  2. I hope your hand gets better soon, I get how painful it can be Really cool sketches though, I've always really loved your artstyle!!!!
  3. It's 3AM and I'm not even supposed to be drawing because my hand pain has gotten worse, but instead of sleeping I'm trying to figure out how I want to stylize this guy (because a particular LynxGriffin comic broke me. it's been 3 days and I can't think about anything else. which is saying a lot considering how much irl stuff is going on right now)
  4. Yesterday
  5. Finale and poison have swapped placements so finale is 5th place now and poison is 6th
  6. GuYs i just finished the best book ever Six of crows I love Kaz I love Inej I love all of them if you read it tell me what do you think of it
  7. Last week
  8. three year schmee (the hfjone grind never stops 🔥🔥)
  9. me casually scrolling through every single page here just to see drawings and memes : 😁
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