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Everything posted by bostonlobstah

  1. BIG OOF! that is CHILD ABUSE! Do you have other vacations though?
  2. Well she was a derp snout with recessive cracker jaw. I wouldn’t imagine you putting it in the mutation menu yourself.
  3. Did you use the mutation menu at all? :0
  4. Akina is “spring flower” and sounds kinda like my name
  5. Here's a winged version now I love her even more uwu owo :3 I like the name Kohana. Or other japanese names like Akemi
  6. I made this thing, an idea for a fursona I guess (well I have a lot of fursonas but this would be the main one) I tried a different style with the paws, and I'm pretty satisfied with how this came out Any good name ideas? I'm thinking something sweet and gentle... o w o
  7. Okay I rummaged through my old art drawer because I did mostly traditional back then and here’s some stuff— (sorry a lot of it's sideways, I will edit this later) Really old warrior cats OC art! I still use these characters to this day Hot trash! :0 More warriors OCs.This honestly wasn’t too bad, it’s just an old style (sometimes the proportions were weird though). My first ever nichelings. I made this when I first got the game! It’s pretty much my current style I think And here’s some niche stuff from recently Here’s a princess. A redemption remake of some hot trash that I can’t find at the moment but I’ll show you later. Still not perfect but so much better. Yes, it’s taped to the wall.
  8. Amazing art and improvement everyone! Okay now I have to show you some of my cringey art and some of my more recent stuff ArE yOu SuRe YoU wAnT tO sEe It??
  9. She watches the waves. Watches them as they lap against the sandy shore. Beneath them, Magnolia knows, lies someone important to her. Someone with soft pink paws, who would stare up at her with soft dark eyes that pierced the soul. He's gone now, Magnolia knows. Her baby is gone. So what can she do? Magic, she thinks. I have magic. I can't bring him back, but I have magic. She draws up all her inner strength and a pink mist spills from her heart. It rests above the ocean, as though waiting for her next command. She hears a voice ringing in her ears. Find him, it says. Find him. You can find him. His body, at least. That's all I can bring back. She lifts her wing and drops it swiftly and abruptly, sending the pink mist to sink to the bottom of the ocean. Then, slowly, she raises her wing up again, and the entire ocean rises with it. Soon a dense cloud of water floats above the dry sand. Magnolia runs, hoping to find what is left of her son. She sees his limp body a distance away, and in an instant she's leaning over it, weeping. "Velveteen, oh Vel..." The voice comes again. Come on, mother, it says. Don't you wish you could have saved me? Is this all you can do for me, cry? "I wish I could do more, Velvet...I'm only so powerful..." Listen... Velvet croons. I can give you more, if you promise to avenge me. "I can't, I can't. You were taken by the sea. I can't destroy the sea." Listen to me! Velvet hisses. The pink cloud of water darkens and rumbles above Magnolia's head and begins to drizzle black rain. Do you want to lose another one you love? Magnolia sighs. She would do anything to keep what she still had. "I want it," she mutters. "I do." The Voice cackles as the mist, now a deep ink-black, rushes back into Magnolia's heart. Without its magic, the water begins to fall back to earth. Magnolia screams as she is thrown against the sand by the seemingly endless torrent crashing down upon her. "Velvet! Velvet! Save me!" She cries out, choking on water in desperation. No, mother, The Voice whispered. Save yourself. It echoed, over and over, through Magnolia's head as she struggled in the deep water, then slowly calmed until she was still, just floating, in the middle of the ocean. ---------------------------------------------------------- Magnolia is part of The Voice's group. She could easily form her own army, but she is afraid of separating from The Voice, her only remaining connection to her son. (please take my dark prose with a grain of salt, I PM'ed broken about the backstory to make sure it's okay)
  10. bostonlobstah


    Let me explain studios is fun. I’m a bit bored now so I’d like to talk but I think I’ll draw in a minute.
  11. I play roblox sometimes but I have the default look basically ,XD
  12. I'll tell you what made my day. It was the last day of torture today!
  13. Here's the pink tribe in its current state! (the save is called 'snowy snow days' though) Pregnant and sickly Queen Anaana on her last day, King Taprito, and their children. Even though she's sick, her family has still gathered around her Royal Stump. I'll update with new baby pics if it's cute This couple had a son with pink horns and pattern color. They just blend together, so cute! These two sisters both became mates to this handsome pink wanderer. (The long lost grandson of the other pink wanderer female?) Here's a red Apple kid Swimming tail passed on though, which I'm mad about This is lowkey the cutest family to ever exist???? The parents have forgettable random names but the kids are named Prince Milkshake, Princess Cocoa, and Princess Strawberry. The amount of PINK and DIGGING TRUCK is too good for this world They will be having more children fo' sho' This turned into a 'mini cookie tree tribe.' They are all omegas who spend their days cracking nuts under the tree. Despite not having spots, the gray lady Lyrica is matriarch of the mini tribe and a leader in her own way. The three consecutive cookie bois are all unrelated. That's Chip (his twin Flake is the pale crackerjaw behind him), Cookie, and the wanderer Chocolate Waffles (aka Cookie Imposter), who showed up a young wanderer on the day of Cookie's birth, and is now Lyrica's mate. In the bottom you can see our Edgy Boi, that white heatbody is his wife and his 2 kids are Chocolate Dip (basically a chocolate clone) and that purrsnot beside Flake who I forgot her name.... The brown dude in the water was also a wanderer. He's Lyrica's father and mate of the former cookie tree matriarch. Fighting off Ramfoxes! (Queen Anaana and King Taprito pitched in to kill the ramfoxes after this pic was taken. They also defeated a balance bear) Also we found this cheese at one point. She has the same body type and paws as Ralanael, my goddess of infertility and mushrooms. She also has those cute spots as well She's the mother of Cookie. Sorry for the ramble. Can't you tell I love this tribe to death?
  14. So I took a 4-day personality course for the end of the year as an elective (which is what prompted me to make this topic) Today me and my fellow fours had to draw a poster representing our type, including a motto and a mascot. As an artist I took a lot of creative liberty with this...we have a lot of mascots including a sad dog and a depressed caticorn. I feel like the entire poster captures the essence of Fours (and of me specifically), especially my caticorn. I drew most of the art except for the dog :,)
  15. I must have missed it. So cute, thank you!
  16. Have you drawn Magnolia before? If not I’d love it if you could!
  17. I showed pictures of my pink tribe... and made an enneagram thread... and showed a picture of my phone case... So for me it was pretty peaceful
  18. YES YES YES IT'S BEAUTIFUL Thanks so much!!
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