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Everything posted by bostonlobstah

  1. Sorry I haven’t been very fast with these. Been very lazy lately. But I should be able to work on art trades within the next day or so
  2. Also you forgot Balance Bears! I like Balance Bears.
  3. YES This is BeAuTiFuL so inspiring *sniff* thank you!!! Now I need to start working on my side of the bargain oooof
  4. Haha I missed seeing it live but I did watch it I have a creature named anaanaana banaanaana or smth lol
  5. I voted for Peacock Tail but I adore Stinky and Fin tails just as much!
  6. 102! (this honestly might be a bit out of balance. Maybe it should be something else, like do you prefer ___ or ___?)
  7. I love how you can successfully play in 0.1.5 ! Also happy slightly early valentine's day ❤️
  8. it flew into your ear!? How does that happen!!
  9. Once my sister found a bee and it wasn’t flying and she held it and freaked out my mom because my dad is allergic and she doesn’t know if we are. The bee was probably a dying drone but whatever. I have only been stung once, very recently. I was leaning on a fence looking at our friends neighbors horses. There was a Yellowjacket nest in one of the holes in the fence. Then a random sharp sting went through my hand and then my finger got all red and puffy but luckily I was okay and had no allergic reaction
  10. Vida is a cute name ❤️ Do you know about backyardchickens.com?? It’s one of my favorite forums (this one too of course ). Lots of great info on chicken keeping.
  11. Eeee thanks! I’ve been a bit busy lately (and also a bit lazy) so I’ll try to work on everyone’s art soon it may end up being on paper since I don’t have access to the computer sometimes
  12. Possibly. I always forget to name my saves so this one is just "New Game." So are literally all my other saves so of course that makes it SSOOOO much easier to find the save I'm looking for x.x Thanks I think I will scrounge through my trash can some more to see...I must have accidentally deleted the save when I was putting the slots back in...or maybe it happened when I deleted it from the 0.1.5 menu because it was incompatible...however I still don't understand why my tribe at around 350 days would be in the place of the same tribe at 400. Weird. I did have an issue before with multiple saves in one 'slot.' I wonder if that has to do with it. I know it happened with Slot4, when I would download a new Slot4 and it would be called ' Slot4 (1).nichesave ' . I had tons of these with different numbers, sometimes in the same slot folder. And when I played one, a new save was made as well, just called regular old ' Slot4.nichesave.' It got really confusing. Once I was playing my Immortal Bostonlobstah save and there was an older (as in DAYS) version on 'top' of the newer version. Once I deleted the older one, another one appeared below it, I deleted it again and it was fine. I think from now on I will be sure to name all my saves. It's easy for me to forget though, and I never know what will become of the tribe!
  13. So I have been doing all sorts of stuff, moving saves around. I go in to play my snow tribe and it loads up the same save, but at an earlier time!! I swear my tribe was there before, this is all I did below: - Had all the saves in there. Snow save noted and accounted for. Copied all saves and moved into backup folders. - Switched to older version. Deleted the 3 saves in slots (including snow tribe), but they supposedly had a backup. Played in 0.1.5 for a bit. - Changed back to 1.1.4. Put old deleted saves back into the slots. - Try to play Slot 1 and get my tribe from the past instead of now?? (not older version, to clarify. Just my tribe at an earlier stage) - Go back out. Retry putting slot back in from backup. Still doesn't work. - Got back out. Deleted the 0.1.5 save from the slots because it was still in there as the last one - Rummages in trash for a possible deleted save, and finds about 10 past files called 'Slot1.nichesave.' What should I do?? Rummage in the trash and try out each save until I find the right one? Or did I just lose my tribe??
  14. sounds to me like 'neet-zeh' I noticed in Jessi and Seri's really old video's they say "Nish" and "Nitch" respectively haha
  15. Ahhh yes. Thank you, Kingdom of Ossen! Our babies will sleep well tonight! I will send a dodomingo your way now, if only we can catch the pesky things without causing a ruckus! - Gratefully, Bostonlobstah
  16. I went to my steam library, and the oldest version available is 0.1.5 ...how can I get to like, a REALLY old version?
  17. One more question: Does the console exist in old versions? Can I use it? Is it just as buggy or more buggy?
  18. So I have been watching some of the old (like, way old) videos of Jessimew's (back when she talked really fast X,D) and I was inspired to possibly in the future, go back in time and play an old version of Niche like some of you have been doing. The old version seems like a totally different game to me and I'm excited to try out the old mechanisms and experience the old graphics since I'm a pretty new player to Niche. So, which version would you recommend me play? Is there a version that is old enough to have some of the old mechanisms (such as taking food every action instead of every day, and the old graphics of course) but new enough to have some more features/genes (such as family tree and water genes)?
  19. Ohh I have someone who could join Juniper. I will post a pic later
  20. Skinny Slate and Ironstone would like to join! I have to find their pics
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