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Everything posted by Goggles-kun

  1. The real reason why this suggestion exists:
  2. 1. Yes 2. four of the volumes are available on Amazon in English. The fifth one is going to be released December 11th...? Quick side note too: the art style changes in the second one onwards?
  3. Ah, a time when Niche had weird wooden cat things
  4. No or I spam Yakko I am dying to do my journal hasnejfnasmndwkwk
  5. I love you you don’t give two hecks that all your creatures are crippled and have spit snout
  6. Willkommen in den Foren! es tut mir leid, wenn dies in gebrochenem deutsch ist, habe ich Google translate verwendet
  7. I would love to make illegal journals if I wasn’t in Reno
  8. Crimsonfur because she’s the prettiest in your tribe tbh
  9. I know Dragontear is winning, but I don’t know who Dragontear is and I’m sad now 😞
  10. I found this in a sketchbook so that’s cool
  11. Just a heads up: I might not be able to start this until maybe Tuesday. As I’m typing this, I’m in the car to Reno to visit my cousins, and we might not be home until Monday. And, the computer room is a mess because we just cleaned the carpets. I assure you, though, I will start the challenge!
  12. Ooh, something kinda like spore? I like spore. Upvote.
  13. Adam’s omen: the anime also I like how you kinda give your creatures a backstory but kinda don’t it hooks me
  14. Prove them wrong by doing the simple solution: show them that they do. I somehow got a horny male with stinky tail once
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