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Everything posted by Goggles-kun

  1. “Snow Lemon” DoN’t EaT tHe YeLlOw SnOw!
  2. What I mean is, you can’t do things like: “Oh, I was using this normal tool, and now I wanna use the brush tool >:D”
  3. Mine’s more extreme: Ah, s***! It’s another f***ing bearyena and I lost poison fangs a long time ago!
  4. GIVE ME THAT EVE OF YOURS SHE’S PERFECT hhhhHHHHHHH I’ll also be starting my journal... tomorrow?
  5. Open up your art program, and draw something! But here’s the catch: you’re only allowed to use one brush. (Or whatever some people call it nowadays.) The eraser tool doesn’t count, nor does the type of brush you use if you want to sign it. I tried it myself, and this was the result: I only used the brush “Turpentine”. Your turn!
  6. This, obviously. Wait... are you not allowed to use the console? Damn.
  7. What happens if you invited him to your tribe while he was up there? 🤔
  8. Goggles-kun

    Dev Emojis

    This is all Arno’s emoji reminds me of: ”IT’S NOT A PHASE, MOM!!!”
  9. I don’t think a set date is necessary either, but maybe next week. We just cleaned the floors and I’m not allowed in the computer room for the next few days
  10. IS THAT WHAT I THINK IT IS?? CUSTOMIZABLE CREATURE AGES? HHHHHHHHHHHHHH On an unrelated side note: I’ve been oddly obsessed with Super Smash Brothers lately
  11. Same goes for how wanderers don’t get eaten by meat-eating plants, but as far as I’m aware bearyenas and apes attack them.
  12. Guy: literally almost gets murdered ”alright, students. let’s resume class” tbh this teacher is too overpowered for this world— keep up the nice stories!
  13. So am I! I can’t even write one anymore because I hated outlines so much.
  14. Why aren’t you writing novels
  15. Normal creatures: “Aryans” Oddlings: Jews we knew this from day one
  16. I have one cute bean I found in my album. Her name is Raanais and she was leader of my tribe for a short while. I don't have a screenshot of her picture in the Family Tree, so here's some more screenshots I found with her in it:
  17. You’re actually right omfg
  18. First of all, use the console and give all your creatures the prettiest genes, even if it doesn’t match the environment. Then, migrate to the next island, realize first snow doesn’t match with burning savanna, and die of heatstroke. You successfully finished Niche.
  19. What happens if a boy creature is elected "Miss Niche" 🤔
  20. I'm not gonna take it seriously this time If I feel like it I'll make a separate post with an actual story. Me: Such a wonderful day to eat breakfast. *dog aggressively busts through door* Dog: FBI OPEN UP NOW GIVE ME YOUR FOOD
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