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Everything posted by Micha

  1. Yes this is something we'll definitely have to look at. The logic should not be related to the speed of your computer.
  2. If we add this, each and every sumo drone would need a mirror to deflect them, which could be annoying. But it could be a cool weapon for some enemies on a planet.
  3. A possible solution could be different materials for the basic blocks that also change the friction of these parts. Instead of adding a new seperate part. So you could have parts to glide along walls and others that will stick immediately.
  4. More weapons are always a good idea. Do you have any examples or concepts how the big weapon could work?
  5. The reversed buffer gate (delay) will come with the next update
  6. We will fix the naming The colors are a good idea, but not easily added as it's a pretty generic system we use with all drone parts.
  7. Yes makes total sense. Especially when the parts are already decoupled. I'll work on the factory part and decoupler this week and see if we can change this.
  8. Yeah thats the main problem. As soon as one drone uses heaters to set fire to the opponent, all drones would need coolers to defend themselves. We have drone vs. drone combat arenas planned. I think we can experiment with allowing heaters then. But sumo should be without offensive parts.
  9. We'll make a list soon. The team is not in the office until wednesday
  10. We had multiple cores with multiple abilities in an earlier version. One ability was self repair, another one slowmotion for a few seconds. But they were a bit too overpowered. Maybe different cores could be a reward for completing the sumo tournament, or for defeating a boss enemy. But I'm not sure about this yet.
  11. Explain a bit more what your idea on Filters is Filters can mean alot of things.
  12. Ok strange, normally it should start in your desktop resolution. But great the workaround fixes it
  13. Parts that modify air resistance or friction would also be cool.
  14. Unrelated to the TnT, but having an option that the decoupler explodes after the work is done, sounds nice.
  15. Pistons is something I want to add too
  16. Looks like somethings wrong here. We support all kinds of aspect ratios from 4:3 up to 21:9. Please make sure the display resolution in the game options is set exactly to your desktop resolution and apply it again. Cheers, Micha
  17. Unfortunately the progress is already reset in this file I'll investigate what happened and find a fix for it.
  18. It seems like something (maybe another program or steam) is blocking the loading of the game. The savefile is a zipfile we extract in a folder when you load it. It would also be good to have a look at your savefile, can you also upload it here? It's in AppData\LocalLow\Nimbatus\Nimbatus\Saves with the *.nSave ending.
  19. Can you please post your logfile? Maybe we can see the error there. It's here: C:\Users\username\AppData\LocalLow\Nimbatus\Nimbatus\output_log.txt
  20. Oh no! this should not happen. What computer are you playing with? Windows, Mac or Linux? And with what system language? We had a bug where saves could not be created when having windows in baltic languages.
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