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Everything posted by Jojo

  1. Niche on the switch sounds cool. I'll probably get a switch for the new pokémon so having a few other games to play on it would be great
  2. I see no difference in these two. Because this will is just as unreliable as if.
  3. Love big body and big ears. Also claw and stinky tail. Preferably all of them together. Oh and sabre fangs and mask pattern. Least favourite: to much yellow fur, cracker jaw, webbed paw because it is blooddy useless.
  4. I am very much like that. 'to cynical to believe people will change anything but starry eyed enough to imagine all the great possibilites' yup. Pretty much sums it up. (Though I like to imagine all the bad possibilities just as much ^^)
  5. Makes me wonder what I'll be like in a few years... though currently I can't imagine being less introverted as something fun ^^
  6. Oh yeah, that is super annoying. Makes the creation so much more complicated
  7. Do you feel like an introvert? I mean I don't really care who is in our club. Extroverts wouldn't want to be here because there'd be nothing for them to do. So depends what you feel like ^^
  8. Then I have an actualy mental issue too. Because I struggle with that as well (it is better when I have a person with me that doesn't want to talk to somebody. Then I can handle it for them which somehow makes my own awkwardness better/ go away. Go figure )
  9. True lol XD everybody would leave then or more likely we'd be a club where no one ever meets up or only very occasionally
  10. Come into my club I am 11% extraverted
  11. *laughs in proud introvert* also it is creepy how accurate most of this is (apart from one thing where it said we are good at math. I suck at math). Also apparently only 3% of the world population are logicians
  12. Welcome. I hope you have fun here
  13. I am introverted which converts your points to: I don't get lonely. I love my alone time. Don't get me started talking about stuff I like. I won't shut up, small talk though uhhhh the wall is nice. When someone talks to us, we get awkward. That is still pretty accurate. Especially when it is a complete stranger I am always like 'why do you want to talk to me? I don't look like I want to talk to people do I?' Only for friends: Either: Oh great we have just met up let's do something. Later: Oh my god I had enough human interaction for the next 5 days. I never really want to socialize. Maybe with friends or family but that happens on its own
  14. Welcome to the forums. I hope you have fun here
  15. Okay so this is for when you are creating your starters and you have a rough idea of what you want them to look like but you don't care much about their recessive genes or want their recessive genes to be randomized but not their dominant genes. So when you choose a gene let's say the Nicheling is supposed to have big body you can right click on it and have the option to lock it in, which will make it dominant and the recessive gene (if you leave it open) will be randomized from all the genes that are less dominant than the gene you choose. This does not change the gene domincance. Big body will still be less dominant than medium body, this simply makes sure that the other gene randomized will always be a gene that is less dominant like toxic body. I think this would be useful for blind gene challenges and make the customization a lot easier. At least for me.
  16. That is so cool!
  17. Jojo


    Welcome back
  18. I tend to have a few nervous tics. Like shaking/ bouncing my foot or leg all the time when I am in class at uni (usually when I am bored). Or when I am really nervous I brush my nose with my finger, lightly, as if it was a little itchy. I do that a lot (I don't notice but my mom once told me)
  19. Oh my god I needed this 6 months ago!!! (for my own book based on my oc clans). Here we go for another rewrite keels over in horror Great idea btw
  20. Yeah, I wasn't sure of how extreme I wanted to go with you ^^
  21. Since you asked so nicely ^^
  22. I hope you have fun. I have never been to a summer camp and feel like I have really missed out on something
  23. I have the same issue. I am pretty good at drawing almost any mammal. Primarily canines, felines and horses. But I can't for the life of me draw humans. Though I am looking to improve that in the future because I really want to be able to draw humans.
  24. Also welcome to the forums
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