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Everything posted by Lilytuft

  1. It's easy to understand that adding a single gene takes way less effort than adding a whole gene slot with all it's genes. Next time there's a community voting, I'll need to think of something that will get even more attention... At least we get the gene unlock notifications back! We just had a huge update, and now I'm all hyped for this one! Also... @Philo, check your post count...
  2. A weird purple peacock tail male
  3. Maybe every time you try to do something, the change of success gets bigger?
  4. Only the savannah trees give shade, i think.
  5. I can't explain well, because of Finnish pronouncing, but I'll try... Nikhe? Nizhe? Nicha? Ugh, I give up...
  6. Blind eyes: -storytelling -challenges -blind albino nichelings are the coolest Low fertility: -limiting tribesize -challenges
  7. But the current one works better with multiple generations and different mates and different mates from different generations
  8. You need multiple breeding pairs or you'll end up with sicness
  9. I had an all yellow island, an all female island, cookie/banana yoghurt island and the decedants of Cremesi island. Archipelago, whale island and snow mountain islands are my favourite
  10. This way it would work even better. The current one works well, but it has room for improvement.
  11. I love this idea! The snout is so cute. Maybe ants don't spawn on easy or cold islands? They're nice, but I don't want my whole gameplay to be controlled by them
  12. Nice idea. Beige-blue antenna don't look good, but with brown eyes it would. Actually, brown eyes could be a nice gene for once! And imagine an albino creature with red antenna (and red antenna stripes!) Ooh the possibilities!
  13. If they release the news on the 20th day this month I'll be so happy, but it's propably not gonna happen that soon... Guess who's birthday is 20.7.
  14. None of my friends have Steam and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be interested in this any ways. Maybe I could host a contest on DA to see if anyone wants a free Niche?
  15. All current animals in Niche are combinations of two different specieses
  16. Rip long nose. You're useless now...
  17. The white one. It just reminds me of some sort of a crystal. The albino and melanism ones are cool too
  18. Ooooh! Beautiful wings! 🦋
  19. There's already a cheat system, tough it's buggy. Just press F1. Before using the cheat system, I'd suggest copy-pasting all your savefiles into a safe location
  20. I asked my sister and she said no. But maybe the ice would still crack a bit and turn weaker? The nicheling would be fast enough to avoid the fall. The nicheling would fall. It would kinda be slowing down, because it would have reached the spot where it's "supposed" to be. You can if the ice can support your nicheling's weight. The nest is made out of grass so it's pretty light. Babies wouldn't weight that much, I'll edit the main post explaining it a little better. Depends on the weight. I'd imagine that a ramfox can walk on ice, but a bearyena or a balance bear would fall through.
  21. I know very well that I'm supposed to post each idea separately, but these two ideas are strongly linked to each other and lemmuings wouldn't work without ice. The ice idea is from my sister Stagmole. Ice: Ice only appears in mountain biomes. There are four weakness levels of ice. Normal ice doesn't have any cracks on it. Weak ice has one crack on it. Weaker ice has two or three cracks on it. The weakest ice is covered on cracks. If temperature is below 0, sea water freezes. At -1 it will be weak, but if temperature goes below that, it turns into normal ice. Some random spots have ice of different weakness levels. You can nest on ice. At the edges of the island (where you can't even swim) the ice will be weakest. If temperature gets above -1, ice will melt. Weight: Weight would be a new attribute. Different ice levels can carry nichelings of different weights. Here are genes that effect weight: Big body: +2 weight Lean body: -1 weight Armored body: +1 weight Bearyena claw: +1 weight Mammut foot: +2 weight Bearyena hindlegs: +1 weight Creature's weight also depends on their age. One gem nichelings are weightless and two gem nichelings have -3 weight. Here is a list of max weights an ice tile can carry: Normal ice: 4 Weak ice: 3 Weaker ice: 1 Weakest ice: none (any nicheling will fall through even with -1 weight) Interactions: Creatures can walk on ice if it carries their weight. Nichelings will always slide one tile further than were you moved them. If the ice can't carry them, they fall through it. You need to move a nicheling to the tile next to them and pull them up. You need at least two strength to pull a nicheling out of the hole. Pulling a spiky bodied animal will hurt the helping nicheling. If the fallen nicheling spends a night in the hole, it gets the frozen status effect. They will of course also drown. Creatures with hammer tail can break the ice (for fishing purposes or to save a nicheling who's trapped under ice). Lemmuing is a combination of a lemming and a penguing. They spawn on ice and they live in big packs like arctic ramfoxes. Movement: Lemmguins move during day. They try to stay with their pack. On ice they slide on their bellies like penguins. Sometimes they dive in ice holes. When ice starts to melt, they travel to the opposite side of the island on land. Habitat: Lemmguins live in snowy mountain biomes. Hunthing: When attacked, the whole lemmuing pack will escape in different directions. If they're on ice, they will head towards ice holes. One lemmguin drops 5 food. Lifespan: A lemmguin lives for 10 days. Apetite: On ice they eat fish and on land they eat clover. Abilities: 1 speed (on land) 3 sliding (on ice) 2 swimming 2 fishing 2 eyesight 3 hearing 2 smelling 3 cold resistance 1 heat radiation 1 scentless 0 weight Spore pictures provided to you by @orinz
  22. I was my biggest tribe. Usually I try to stay below 30. Sometimes it gets over 40 and that's when the trouble begins...
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