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Everything posted by Micha

  1. Weird šŸ¤” But great that you could workaround using the settings file.
  2. InterestingšŸ¤” I'll have a look!
  3. You have to ask @ArnoJ what the white things are, I guess waypoints. Edge detection for sure, maybe we let the altimeter or directional sensor align themselves to the middle of the track. We have not started yet with this. It was just a first test of the spline tool to make tracks and to see how narrow or wide they have to be
  4. The thing I tried is to modify the mass of all parts in a post process step to make parts at the root of the hierarchy heavier than the ones at the end. This shifted the center of mass towards the drone core and completely removed the wobblyness. A sideeffect was that each drone felt very similar when flying it and the building got boring fast as you could almost not fail anymore. Also I needed to adjust the thrusters dynamically because of the mass change. I also tried adding struts at one point. But then I just started to connect each part to all the others for extra stability and this resulted in an unmanageable mess. Also the performance got worse because of all the additional joints. If we go this route it needs some limitation Having a stable core skeleton is something I have to try sometime.
  5. I like the idea to apply some conditions to the output events of sensors. But I'm not sure about the math blocks. Part of the fun also comes from being limited and have to find a creative way to work around the limitations. (At least for me)
  6. We could set the default filter option to Open, so you don't see already done tasks unless you change it. Edit: Ok seems I cannot change the default filter option. But you can change it here:
  7. Thanks alot for the very detailed feedback! I'll need some time to analyze all of it. I agree that weapon upgrades and different other parts are not very well balanced yet. We will focus on a group of parts on each future update For the next update we will focus on thrusters and airresistance and make them better because it's needed for a fun racing mode. I think we will tackle the weapons and upgrade balancing in the update where we add drone vs. drone combat. Smaller changes like increasing the dmg of TnT a bit or balance a few existing upgrades is something we can do relatively quick in smaller patches between the big updates.
  8. There is a demo from 2016 on IndieDB that works for Mac, windows and linux (https://www.indiedb.com/games/nimbatus/downloads) But we also plan to release a bunch of even older windows demos (one with infinite landscape and even one where the game was 3D) for the full release of Nimbatus.
  9. Bossfights that have their own massive dungeon and use some clever mechanics is definitely on our todo list As you have researched corretly I did some internal experiments years ago where I had a boss that adapts his tactics to your drone For example if you always attack with rockets the boss will develop shields to protect himself the next time you see him. Or if you have a fast drone that always evades his attack, he will come up with a strategy to slow you down. The idea behind this was to generate an interesting boss that adapts to your playstyle over time.
  10. Dear crew, Here is a short overview on what we are working on and what new features and improvements you can expect in the future: Next Update: New Campaign Mode For the next update we are splitting the game into three different modes: Campaign, Sandbox and Competitive Mode. The campaign mode will feature a whole new set of rules and an improved progression system. We are experimenting with part unlocking, deployment costs and travel events for the campaign. However in the sandbox mode you will still be able to build huge drones with all parts unlocked from the start. This is a big update which requires time to develop. As soon as we have something to test, we will open up a preview branch so you can help us find bugs and give us early feedback before the update goes live. Planned Features and Improvements There are some features we already promised during our Kickstarter campaign and things we'd like to improve. Those will be added at some point during the Early Access: Ice planets Drone vs. drone combat arena Terrain rovers (wheels, ...) More environmental events & weather Bossfights More Settings for the sandbox mode Localization Suggest and vote for new features In addition to the features we have already planned, we give our best to listen to your feedback and include suggested features or improvements in every update! Here is how you can participate: Visit our Forum and go through all the drone part and feature suggestions to upvote the ones that you want to see in the game! Post your own suggestions and ideas, so other players can upvote them We look through all suggestions and decide which ones we are going to add for each update. The upvotes help us to see which suggestions are popular. The current plan is to fully release Nimbatus on Steam in Spring 2020. We are happy to have you on board and we are excited to keep improving Nimbatus together with you! Cheers, Stray Fawn Studio
  11. Hmm not good! Did the game crash before you lost your save? Or did your pc shut down while the game was running? To modify the resources you can edit the savefile. Just open the Slot1.nSave with WinRar or 7Zip, then edit the Resources.xml and update the zip.
  12. The half-circle shield looks nice
  13. Reinstall can only solve problems when the game was downloaded incompletely or if some files are corrupted. Settings and savefiles are stored at AppData/LocalLow/Nimbatus and should not be touched by steam. (Except for cloud saves)
  14. Mhh even stranger that it works on other parts, it uses the same logic. Does it work if you make a new drone with just a buffer gate? It should not be a problem of where you got the steam key. If the game is installed it should behave the same as everybode elses.
  15. I also read almost everything that gets suggested But the upvotes help to see which suggestions are popular.
  16. Yep it's fixed by adding a small cooldown on the self regeneration after taking damage. I rather leave the timing as it is, so you can build huge tnt chains. If they explode in the same frame it's just a huge lag spike. I'll upload a silent hotfix today so you can blow up stuff.
  17. Thanks for the video. I'll try to reproduce it by using the OS settings.
  18. Micha

    Snake egg bugg

    We will address those problems in the next update. Sometimes it fails to spawn something because it does not find a suitable place, but the mission is not updated afterwards. The mission goals should be dynamically updated to require to destroy 9 eggs if only 9 eggs are available.
  19. Hmm it should work with decimals. Are you using . or , as seperator?
  20. If it works with 3 then I assume its a timing problem. A TnT block has a small delay before it explodes if it gets triggered by another explosion. I did this to allow large chain explosions without them exploding all at the same time. Combined with the fact that all parts repair themselves by a small amount over time might give the part a few milliseconds time to regenerate before the second blast. Its ether this or something else is broken. Are both TnT on the same button or does only 1 explode and then trigger the other explosion?
  21. We don't plan features that far ahead. Its more of an agile and iterative developement process. I can only tell you which features we have already promised to implement during early access and what the next update will contain. Some of the mentioned things like the build UI, sensor improvements or performance will be improved continiously during the early access and might not be bundled into one single update. We give our best to listen to your suggestions and feedback and develop the game together with you. Each update will contain improvements and suggestions from our players We will discuss it with the team and make a post soon which will include a bit more information.
  22. Wireless is preferrable if you dont want to automate your drone, but want manually decoupable and flyable mini drones. It just works without the need of a transmitter part. But I see the point. It was not really an active decision by us. It was just how the game evolved. Logic came first and decouplers where added later. ( First they shared energy and fuel too) I'm not sure which solution is the best honestly
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